The modern kitchen has a dozen mandatory attributes. Premises can not do without additional lighting, hoods and baseboards for tops. Exceptions are made only in rare cases in connection with the styling antique or absence of a suitable option plinth. Protective strips are sold separately, but sometimes complete with countertops. In the second case, the buyer make it impossible to make the best decision. At the same time the size of products, material and manufacturing complexity affect a large gap in price. Decorative options are more likely to be uncomfortable, but the best performance are available with cavities and assembly models. First aid in the organization of space, the other - easy to install, since they consist of lower trims and decorative caps. The decorative function is in second place, immediately after protection.
- Functionality
- The shape and size
Material - advantages and disadvantages
- aluminum
- silicone
- Acrylic
- A natural stone
- natural wood
mounting options
- Using adhesive
- By means of screws
- Self-adhesive skirting boards
- Self-installation of the kitchen plinth
- How to replace the plinth
- conclusion
The joint working kitchen and wall areas usually hide strips, and place it is - not the most convenient for installation. The application baseboards for tops there are reasons of practical and aesthetic. Fat, water, garbage and food fragments will necessarily fall into the gap and eventually much spoil hygiene, will create a mess for the tables. Now the furniture baseboards used in almost all the kitchens, and the problem is partially solved. In addition, the strips help to hide defects of the walls and visually rounding irregularities. Protection benefits and material countertops. For example, the tree due to additional insulation and sealing lasts longer and does not swell from water. Skirting for joints provides additional options for cable routing. Thin attractive borders become the final element in the arrangement of space and design.

The shape and size
Popular options for the form:
- rounded frieze;
- triangular border;
- shaped relief;
- flat strip;
- rectangular strip.
Shape of the product for kitchen countertops are chosen depending on the size and characteristics of the gap between it and the apron, the rest - are guided by personal preferences. A variety of performance characteristic of plastic and wooden planks. Skirting can be pre-viewed in the interior, and then - to make a decision about buying. In the case of the other elements that would be difficult. With regard to size, the default settings are more than half of the models on the market. Often have to make a special order. The usual measure of height is in the range of 1-2 cm, but the standard model, there are also greater height - 10 cm. Sometimes there are reasons to install a larger version - depending on the features of the cooking surface. Standard baseboards length is in the range of 3-4 m. Rods are cut easily.

Material - advantages and disadvantages
Skirting boards made of:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
- aluminum;
- silicone;
- acrylic;
- Natural stone;
- Wood.
The choice of material does not differ a great variability, because the place of operation is subject to considerable traffic: there is always picks up moisture, and next to the oven and stove - remains high temperature. Plastic and metal, as the most versatile materials provide protection against external impact. Moreover, by choosing between first and second, can be sacrificed and the appearance for more reliability, that is, to stay on the metal, or - adopt a more "aesthetic" of the solution at a loss functional. Natural Acrylic Stone and - in a sense, coarse materials. They are not suitable for fine work, are less versatile and expensive. In return, this stone has a good external characteristics. Wood - a classic that should be used only if the performance of the furniture will not be affected. Silicone is added to the model of the other materials are rarely used alone.
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PVC skirting boards have a high elasticity: products tightly closed intervals with well thought-out curved shapes and prominent irregularities. Polyvinyl - resistant to moisture, corrosion, rot. Skirting boards made of plastic is easier to take the desired shape during production, so the sale of virtually no options without cable channels. The asset slats PVC "record" textured and color variety, while there are also products with imitation of metal, wood and stone. All of these advantages add affordable price: beautiful and high quality skirting boards are present in all price categories. Installation of plastic rods will not cause difficulties even in simple layman. At the same time PVC skirting boards are 3 fundamental flaws. The most embarrassing is the change in color as a result of exposure to cleaning agents. PVC is not very strong and moreover - not tolerate extreme temperatures.

Aluminum goods marked thermal stability, functionality, increased decorative, easy to care and comfort. They have high strength and resistance to deformation. In addition to the main advantages of buying metal baseboards has several alternatives. Acquire either alone molding or modification with colored tape. The finish coating can be replaced at any time. The surface itself is a simple, polished and embossed, which adds to the selection options for different interiors. Even if the baseboard is not supplied with the headset, it will still be an organic look. It is only necessary to choose the closest color. "Weak points" in the aluminum baseboards - at least. To those include high cost. In addition, the strap material is more suited for strong tops.
Aluminum products sometimes darken!

Solid option is rarely used. Silicone baseboard normally acts as a sealant. Silicon is present in the edge of wood products, metal and plastic. Manufacturers place it either on the edge or inside, next to the groove under the wire. Silicone tightly adjacent to the coating and protects joints against ingress of water and foreign objects. At the same time of the health options and make solid silicone plinths. Special material confer improved properties in terms of resistance to moisture and mold growth. He - high adhesion to commonly used materials such as wood, tile, glass, concrete. In this case, normal and modified silicone does not fit well with the granite and other stone types. The performance of the silicon layer in the baseboard sometimes fed. Sutures are small in general will look ugly.

Skirting boards made of this material will be useful where dirt accumulates and gather pests. Acrylic unpleasant prevents contamination and eliminates propagation of microorganisms, since it has no pore. Acrylic Stone invented a long time ago - 50 years ago, and the relatively small incidence is due to the popularity of other raw materials. The material is produced by treating acrylic resins, mixing them with mineral fillers and pigmented inclusions. The main component is usually a polymethylmethacrylate. Quality acrylic is directly dependent on the concentration of this component, the higher - the better. acrylic stone covering can be cleaned easily with one hand movement, so the baseboards of it are commonly used in restaurant kitchens, as well as in hospitals. Among the shortcomings - a modest selection of forms and high cost, which rises in direct relation to increasing concentrations of methyl methacrylate.

A natural stone
The most expensive of the most popular options. Stone plinths for countertops represent a small furniture friezes. Key benefits of natural stone already feeling when in contact with this material - it is resistant and able to withstand the mechanical stresses of a different nature: the impacts, the impact of sharp objects, pressing. Related to this is its durability which is expressed also in maintaining the appearance. Stone strips keep their color and texture, "not afraid" of moisture, chemicals and UV light. Skirting boards made of stone in the form of a flat panel, and, in spite of the attractive features in terms of design, some of the joints will not be able to hide the frieze. The wall should be as smooth, and it is - a major limitation. In the stone baseboards rarely make the channels under the wire due to the technological complexity of the process.
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natural wood
Wood devoid of most of the advantages of metal and PVC. At the same time, the products are more than 10 years in the case of compositions treatments against fungus, mold, insects, aggressive chemicals, ultraviolet light, moisture. At the same time not interfere with the protection from burning. Exterior features wood products are worth to spend time searching for well-processed version or hold a separate manipulation. Aesthetic qualities are ideal for expensive interior. For environmental and thermal conductivity of wood has received the mass distribution, and it's still two arguments for purchasing wooden plinth. A variety of textures, in turn, helps designers in the implementation of new ideas. In contrast, the entire cost of playing and the total mass of flaws. Wood rot, swollen by water, loses integrity at the ends.
Used wood species:
- oak;
- beech;
- ash;
- Pine.

mounting options
There are 2 options for glue or screws, but has recently become more than self-adhesive skirting models that are installed quickly. As for the adhesive, it is best to choose a liquid nails. The adhesive is applied to the bar, then carefully put on the joint and hold until the adhesive hardens completely. After that, make a sealant treatment and mounted on top of the cap. Installation on fasteners like screws takes more time. Need marking and drilling holes. The process does not differ from the method with an adhesive in terms of calculating the length and the number of connecting pieces and corner pieces. Self-adhesive skirting boards mounted on all types of joints, regardless of the form. Strips are installed directly from the roll, and sometimes use additional fasteners. The choice of materials - small.
Options for using the adhesive surfaces harder dismantled, though installation takes less time.

Using adhesive
The necessary tools and accessories:
- hacksaw;
- roulette;
- pencil;
- marker;
- adhesive itself.
Bumpers for countertops is usually secured to the glue, simple or silicone. Before mounting specify the dimensions of countertops and determine the exact number of parts and plugs. Then prepare interface: purified, degreased and then flattened. Bar dismantled in 2 parts: the base and the cover (cap). The right part of the lower strap, measure and cut. Its surface smeared with glue from the countertop and the wall. Bar put in place neat slow motion, and then terminates the time specified in the instructions to the glue. Then, set the inner corner and repeat the algorithm on all sites. Thereafter excised decorative latch suitable length. The plug is mounted in the end of 5 mm below the edge of the trough. Squeeze the top of the plinth until it clicks on the bottom. Jobs then moves to the other mounting location, if any.

By means of screws
For compact plastic skirting method is hardly used, although small fasteners should not spoil the plinth. The first step is finding the perfect bar to the size of the tabletop. In the course of the rail is first put to the joint and mark a point of attachment to the wall. At this point define the ideal amount of right, left, and central connecting fasteners. Then the base plinth is mounted on the gaps. Produce fixation screws - perfectly straight, without the slightest deviation. Then mount the trim, fasteners, end caps. junction with the surfaces of the sealant is further treated - to improve insulating properties. The upper decorative strip is removed at need, for example for removing screws. Thus, the base of the plinth will be mobile to the extent that is necessary.
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Self-adhesive skirting boards
They will benefit those who want to carry out repairs as quickly as possible. producing material performs soft aluminum or PVC, which allows to mount them on almost any surface. In this case, the plinth looks like a roll of tape. Compound strip surface provide with double-sided adhesive tape or adhesive tape mounting. In view of the complexity of the installation of separate pieces of material, self-adhesive products are increasingly used in large rooms: large kitchens of restaurants and hotels, and if we talk about outdoor option - the everywhere. The band not only is folded and fastened itself, but also joined by fasteners. Installation location should be accurately designated as the material has a significant disadvantage in the form of dismantling complexity. Adhesive plinth difficult to tear, without damaging it or coating on which it is mounted. At the same time strip amenable to wet cleaning.

Self-installation of the kitchen plinth
The process does not cause difficulties even for a beginner, but you may need the assistance of another person during the marking of fixing points. If the form is curved apron have to measure the length of individual lines. Skirting cut into conventional hacksaw, we clean and free edges of the roughness and raised elements. The gap between the wall and the worktop must pretreat sealant. Then attach the portion of the substrate, coupling and angular with additional elements for fastening screws, and using a conventional screwdriver. fixing step select within 35 cm. Since most modern skirting consists of a base and a decorative upper parts, they should be installed separately. Top cover gently bend plant in connecting elements are pressed and snaps.

How to replace the plinth
This will require the dismantling of the old product. In this regard, embodiments of self-adhesive strips and mounted on adhesive will be less convenient than the material for fastening hardware. Remove the old baseboards begin with the elimination of self-tapping screws. Their removal after twisting decorative plate or immediately, if the latter is not available design. Before installing a new frieze need to verify the completeness of the material and choose the fasteners. The second point is simple, as in the first case - need to calculate the direct and corner joints of the plinth. Upper limit checking for compliance-based, at the stage of purchase. Follow-repeated principle of a typical installation. First measured parameters countertop, then fragments of desired length is obtained and then start gradual installation. With drilling holes, if the hardware will be used.

Kitchen plinth for countertops combines a design component and a practical necessity. Defects and irregularities of the walls and the overall curvature of the spoil even the most attractive interior, and kitchen curbs perfectly solves the problem by acting as an additional element, and independent decor. Furniture will last a few years longer, if only to protect its plinth. Rods made of PVC, aluminum, silicone, acrylic and natural stone, wood, - with a triangular, rounded or shaped form. On sale is a normal and self-adhesive soft "version." Standard versions are mounted on the hardware or special glue. In the course of the work will need a minimum of tools and skills. Manufacturers make plinths with cable-TV and plugs, which became the most popular in our time.