If the house or apartment area allows you to build a separate children's room, many seek to fulfill it with maximum comfort and comfort for their children. So you can be taught to discipline their child, to increase his comfort and pleasure. Time does not stand still, the child grows up, as a result - I have a room decoration. Especially interesting is the design of a child's room for a girl, undergoing numerous changes, depending on the age of the child.
The greatest emphasis on creating a plan should be on its harmony. This rate directly affects the comfort of the room for the baby. It is recommended to divide the room into several zones for recreation, games, work (lessons after school, reading books, hobbies). For the purpose of the zoning of the room furniture can be used (eg, cases) or a special partition. If a small room is small, you can use visual effects to its zoning by using different colors or coloring installation of furniture in the appropriate order. Finishing must necessarily include the nature of the girl, her activity, favorite activities. Very young children only suitable easy to clean material.
- Tips that will help to take into account the wishes of the young princesses
- room design baby 2-3 years
- design room princess 5-7 years
- room design baby 8-9 years
- Room baby aged 10-12 years
- Children and adolescents (13-15 years)
- Space disposal when creating a nursery
- The basic rules of design and conclusions
Tips that will help to take into account the wishes of the young princesses
On the Internet you can find lots of photos of different designs infant girls.

Before you choose a favorite option and proceed to registration, should learn about some of the recommendations:
- There is a stereotype: for girls room should always be framed in pink. On it should be forgotten. The child may like completely different shades or colors. You can give preference to light yellow, sky blue, lilac, milky. They will look very attractive.
- Allow the child to make independent decisions in the placement of furniture. The interior is created under the girl's preferences. Let your child chooses the place of the bed arrangement, part of the room to play and work.
- The interior should be touching, graceful, appropriately a completely different mentality of girls compared to boys. They will appreciate beautiful compositions including flowers, hearts, bows, stars, and other decorative elements.
- Much attention should be paid to lighting. The optimum arrangement is one of child room with multiple windows. If the window is small, should take care of good artificial light.

room design baby 2-3 years
Most parents are willing to baby before birth. Such facilities often have a unique design. Up to 3 years old toddlers learn about the world most actively, for them everything seems new, it attracts the attention of every detail.

Parents should take into account many factors and nuances in creating a cozy corner of his daughter:
- All the things a girl should be easily accessible.
- In the furniture should be no sharp corners, it must be safe for the baby.
- Do not choose flashy colors and their shades.
- All the materials used for decoration, should be clean and natural, are not able to harm the health of the child.
- Delete the stairs, and other dangerous elements.

You can use the characters from the picture favorite cartoon girl their posters decorate the walls.
design room princess 5-7 years
Girls at this age are still a big fidget, who want to know more information about the world around us, to try everything on their own experience. They still need a lot of toys.
See also:room design for a teenager - boy (35 photos)

Various pets, dolls are now demanding new accessories, such as transport, suites and so on. For storage of toys, which now will not be enough room on the shelves or in plastic boxes, will have to buy racks or a separate cabinet. Children at this age are already preparing for the school, it means a whole bunch of different things: books, stationery, various materials for handicrafts.

Design a child's room for a girl that age should facilitate the request to explore the world, to show love to be creative, to learn anything new. Some of the elements present in the room design for babies under 3 years old should be left. For example, it is not necessary to get rid of hearts, ribbons, other decorative elements. For color choices is better to choose purple, sand, they pale pink shade. It is necessary to revive a boring interior of the few bright elements, the main thing - do not overdo it.

room design baby 8-9 years
This age is the same with teaching in the primary grades. Much of the design room, decorated for girls aged 5-7 years, can be left unchanged. If there was no place to settle down to work on homework a young schoolgirl, it must be done as quickly as possible.

At this age, children write their parents for various sports clubs, such as swimming. Athletic kid interior can be arranged in the water-nautical style. Greater role in the design of the room will play a wallpaper. Most of the time, but sleep, baby will spend for lessons in his room, the color scheme of the utmost importance.

Blue color calms violent temper, has a beneficial effect on the girl's ability to create, for example, drawing. If it was decided to use the theme of the sea, you can add an aquarium with fish or bottom makeshift pond, will be able to emphasize the style.

Simplicity and convenience - the necessary design elements nursery. Child needs space and a flight of fancy. Excessive number of accessories, original things limit the imagination baby.

Room baby aged 10-12 years
This age is marked for girls by several events in her life: she finished elementary grades in school, celebrated its first anniversary, has become a little different to perceive the world. Now Barbie is receiving less attention, most girls begin to attract adults to their habits and manners of behavior. It seeks to adopt them.

The child must develop creatively at that age. The room need to highlight the area of creativity. The girl will need hours established in her mind.

Toys will be less, for them there is a place in a separate cabinet. Now, in the interior of a child's room for a girl needs to fit into a computer desk with a PC. To replace the small and cozy beds need to buy a more spacious sofa or bed in a classic style. It will serve as a girl when reaching adolescence to her.
Furniture should possess such qualities as practicality, roominess and versatility. We can not forget about the visual appeal of furniture. such elements can be used for decoration of the room:
- Collages, made with his own hands;
- Various posters with the characters of your favorite cartoons and movies girls;
- The picture painted by the smallest of the artist;
- Pillows with bright décor.
See also:Children's room 10 sq. m: examples of modern design

Much attention in the design should take into account the nature of the child:
An intellectual | For those who love to read, to explore the world while reading literature. Baby will like it very set in her apartment wide seat with a beautiful lamp. |
Little Princess | For a glamorous lady. They will appreciate the vintage furniture legs, a set of bright colors, various patterns and other elements. |
activist | For restless and athletic daughter. There is no place for a touching, sweet things. Almost all the elements should be reminded of the sport. |

Children and adolescents (13-15 years)
This age period is the most difficult. Now the girls are very demanding and capricious, when creating the design of children's parents will have to take into account all the wishes of his child. A teenage girl will actively participate in the discussion of the interior of its chorus, its opinion will have to be considered. Previously used glamorous pink color is no longer suitable for the room design.

The teenager would prefer fashionable 2017 and 2018 coral, beige, mint or just red. Similar color schemes you can emphasize the zoning premises. The first zone to be convenient to place a table with a laptop needed for homework, art objects, and a chair. The second zone is to be provided for recreation and leisure activities. Girls like to invite me to visit friends, share with them the secrets of playing. Area provide a place for the reception of guests.

For the limited size of premises advisable to use a sofa bed instead of a bed, chairs replace the small armchairs, pears or use flat pillows. Among the mandatory design elements for children's teenage girls are the following:
- Bookcases or shelves for CDs;
- Dressing table;
- Cabinet for wardrobe girls with good capacity.

After a time, you can bring a novelty for the children of the interior, thanks to the modular furniture. The effect is achieved by exchanging it.

Girls at this age tend to be the true hosts of its space. At the door to their room should set the lock. So the child begins to perceive himself more mature, meaningful, to develop their personality.

You can not ignore the individual qualities of a teenager, his enthusiasm and temperament in the design of children's design. Girl with a calm character appreciate discreet interior, where there is a small closet for your favorite books, a table for classes in needlework. Baby, interested in everything new will be delighted with the room with wallpaper 3d, ceiling, made in several stages (eg - false ceiling), a variety of fashionable accessories. The room with the collected bright colors, different prints and draping, attract the attention of ladies.

Space disposal when creating a nursery
In a large flat area to issue a child is easy. With the right approach and it will be possible to implement in a small apartment. If the room is not allocated large dimensions, it is necessary to approach the design of a child's room for a baby efficiently. Preference should be given a spacious oversized furniture. Space should be divided so that was a place for games and recreation.

Proper selection of furniture and other items will increase the size of the room visually. Very effective method - setting-compartment cabinet, one door which is a huge mirror. If the area of child - from 20 to 30 square meters, enough space to be allotted to each area of sufficient space. in style and colors used in the zone is determined by the age of the girl. The bed can be supplied to the corner to isolate a screen, receiving a sleeping area. In general, the design of children's room depends on the preferences of parents and the kid. The main thing - to get the optimum level of lighting.
See also:We make design a child's room for a girl 10-12 years

The basic rules of design and conclusions
For interior design children's room for a girl, you can choose any of the numerous styles and colors. Choice depends on the tastes of the parents and the child's preferences. The most important characteristics are its comfort, harmony, security. For this purpose it is necessary to select only high-quality finishing materials, safe and reliable furniture. Then the space will be equipped as comfortable as possible and to cause only positive impressions and emotions in Chad.

Get acquainted with the main rules that are useful in creating a child's room:
- Lighting - a key element of the nursery. During the day, it may be sufficient due to several large windows overlooking the sunlight. At night, artificial lighting required quality. For each room zone is recommended to install a separate lamp.
- Room for girls is almost a full house, there should be all you need. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the zoning premises - split conditional, furniture or partitions the space. It is necessary to provide at least 3 main space, the first of which is designed to work, the second - a zone of sleep, and the third - for leisure and games. If the girl is already using makeup, you will need a dressing table. Teenage girls require a wardrobe in the room.
- Bed, installed in the nursery should be convenient and comfortable. Children's bones grow and develop very quickly, it is recommended to use an orthopedic mattress for a bed.
- Baby girls should not overflow with different techniques. A good alternative to serve properly furnished play area.
- When choosing furniture pay attention to the roomy compact models. Some pieces of furniture are multifunctional. Sofa or bed can have a niche for storing various items. To take care of the health of the child, get quality furniture that does not contain hazardous elements, sharp edges, rough surfaces. Materials for their production - only environmentally friendly and safe.
- Delete the floor carpet of the children's room design, it accumulates a lot of dust.
- When planning facilities should be guided by the tastes and preferences of the baby, because it is she has to live in this room. For a comfortable stay in the nursery, it is required to emphasize the individuality of the interior of Chad. A very important detail is the decor. The walls can be pasted special wallpaper with various decorative elements: stars, hearts, bows. Many of them are able to glow in the dark. It looks spectacular and the interest of the child.
- It should rely on their own and the children's imagination to create the style of decoration nursery. If the decorative elements were created together or only very baby, she can feel important, because it has made its own contribution in the design of the room.
- The room is often recommended to ventilate need a humidifier. Parents must often wet cleaning. Accumulated dust is harmful to health baby.

Having your own space emphasizes the individuality of the baby. Parents should learn to respect this: in front of the room to knock on the door. She will feel the mistress of its territory, will maintain cleanliness and order.