Storage space and appliances are usually organized in the living room and bedroom. For these purposes, use shelves, cabinets, shelves, chests of drawers, but more practical furniture, cabinets than are not yet invented. They are roomy and allow you to keep both things, and books, appliances, household stuff. All cabinets are conventionally divided into two categories:
- coupe;
- Swing.
Second gradually hand over positions and are used in the interiors, simulating the situation of a certain epoch. But the closets have become a real discovery: a practical and convenient. Let's talk more about the merits of their designs, the variety of shapes and colors.
- Benefits
- species
- facades options
- dimensions
- Filling
- We determine the color
- Location in the bedroom
- Dressing inside the cabinet
- Wardrobe bed
- Several recommendations for choice
- conclusion
Wardrobe is not just a modern, popular furniture. It has a number of advantages, which help significantly ahead of outdated models in the race versatility and practicality.

Consider a number of advantages that make indispensable wardrobe interior object in the design of bedrooms:
- Design features doors. In conventional cabinets are open "over", and require a separate area for "safety." Accordingly, the area of ββmore does not use that often gets in the space in small rooms. Doors opening to the compartment type smooth ride on miniature wheels in special grooves in most furniture.
- Capacity. Despite the apparent small size model, can fit inside a whole bunch of things. product range offers a variety of division into sections, so choose the option for themselves no difficulty.
- Long service life. The doors do not become loose and you do not have to change or lubricate the hinges. All that is required, so it periodically check the smoothness of "progress" in the grooves of the wheels.
- Modern materials and design. The range of products is rich and allows you to choose a model for any design style. Durable materials will not only enhance the service life of the product, but also to have a pleasing aesthetic appearance.

Some built-in models originally zoned space. One of the doors of the cabinet false and fulfill the role of a full partition between the bedroom and living room.
When choosing pay attention to the quality of the running wheels. The cheaper models are made of plastic. This material does not last for long. Prefer steel or plastic of the same, but with a Teflon coating, which adds strength parts.

Closets are classified by two characteristics: the design and shape. According to the first criterion only two varieties:
- Hull. They are normal cupboard with a standard set of necessary surfaces: the pallet and the top cover wall. This model mobile, it freely rearrange to another place, or carry with you when you move.
- Embedded. A more recent model. In fact, it is a panel of travel around the door, the sides of which are mounted in the wall. Convenient embodiment in the presence of niches in bedrooms complex and irregular shapes. Built-in wardrobes are made, as a rule, to order and customized for each specific wall. In some cases, in their present design the floor or wall, if that customer requires. Unfortunately, such a model is set "tightly". Apartment owners can not move it or take away the interchange in other accommodation.

Varieties of shapes mass. They allow you to literally squeeze into the scanty wardrobe space, without breaking the design space. According to the coupe form is divided into:
- Straight. The standard model of rectangular or square shape.
- Radius. The novelty of the past. Their front wall with doors may be convex, concave or undulating like a smooth repeating the circular line. Such models look impressive and extraordinary. There are also perfectly round options that are only suitable for a central location in the room. A kind of skeleton in the middle of a stylish interior composition - a very bold design decision. Corner. Ideal for small rooms as significantly save space without sacrificing spaciousness. Such cabinets may be triangular (diagonal), T-shape, a trapezoidal shape. Also, there are five walls construction. They are a combination of the L-shaped model with a triangular or trapezoidal.
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The range of designs allows to choose a unique option that is right for your room, whether it is a spacious room or a tiny but cozy spalenki.
It's important to know. Built-in models can not be attached to plasterboard walls. They simply will not withstand the severity of the design.
facades options
Standard blank walls are made of particle board, which consists of wood waste (swarf) and binders. The first component is completely safe for humans. Toxicity is adhesive. The better and more environmentally friendly, this non-mineral glue, the more expensive the chipboard plate and, consequently, of its furniture manufactured. In the more expensive models use solid wood, high strength differs.

Door fronts made of various materials which are to a greater extent act as a decorative component than the functional unit. Among the popular choices distinguished:
- Mirrors. The most demanded type of surface. It looks elegant and stylish, and with proper lighting reflects light and visually enhances the space. Mirrored surfaces are versatile and suited to any style of decoration.
- Lakobel. Durable glass, the surface of which is applied to the ink composition. The doors are obtained opaque. Rich range of shades that allows you to choose the tone for the overall decor of the room.
- Plastic. Relatively inexpensive option with rich colors, but fragile and sensitive to mechanical stress.

- Decorative acrylic. The original material, which only comes into fashion. Between two thinnest plates arranged acrylic various natural elements, often stems, leaves, grass or twigs.
- Photocopying. Applied to paper, which is adhered to the reverse side of the glass surface.
- Leather (natural and artificial). Suitable for stylish and luxurious interiors. The skin is glued to a wooden base. Often combined with mirrored surfaces.
- Lakomat. Glass, which is on the inner side treated with an acid. The chemical reaction is obtained matte surface effect.

- Bamboo. Easy and beautiful material of natural origin. "Wood" (actually this pulp stem grass growing) of the center stem darker shades than the outer layer.
- Rattan. Tropical vine, which allows you to create a unique woven pattern.
- Other types of "usual" of wood: oak, cherry, maple or pine. It looks rather dull and trivial, unless their surfaces are decorated with carvings.

Quite often there are options wardrobes with combined door fronts. According to design variants they are classified into the following types:
Classical | DSP combined with mirrors. The most common and easiest option. |
Sector | The complex composition in which the surface is divided into cells and zones of different sizes of composite materials. |
Geometric | A simple kind of sector. The surface is divided into several rectangles, made of different materials. |
Diagonal | As the name implies the facade is decorated with metal profiles, which are arranged at right angles. |
undulating | Analog previous type only used instead of flowing angles of curvature. |

There are other complex compositions, which combine elements of the above type. These facades are usually made out to order on an individual project designer.
Glass or mirrored surface is also documented in various patterns. Sandblasting typewriters coloring formulation is applied to the surface or inside etched matte images.

Single standard size wardrobes simply does not exist. The reason for this universality of the design and the variety of its forms. Before visiting the store or to the Customer conduct measurements. Required height, width and length. For embedded designs in millimeter accuracy can already be a disaster. Also consider the placement of sockets, switches, openings of windows and doors. As for depth, it usually does not exceed 0.5 to 0.6 m. However, if the built-in model opens the door to the dressing room, its dimensions are dependent on the capabilities of the premises and wishes of the owners. As for the internal filling, then there are a number of rules to break that simply dangerous for the design and the user:
- flange width should not exceed 1 m. Otherwise they bend or completely broken down in half. Depending on what severity you there will keep their width can be further reduced.
- Drawer width should not exceed 0.5 m. The standard plywood from which the pallets are carried out is also not withstand the load. As a compromise, it is replaced by a solid chipboard or MDF.
- Maximum permissible width of the rod for hangers is 1m. Even if it is made of metal, large load in the form of bulky outerwear can let not violate its integrity, but to bend.
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These general rules are applicable to all types of cabinets not only coupe.
If you have chosen a design on the legs, which are becoming increasingly rare and considered obsolete, be sure to include them in the overall height.
Properly designed filling cabinet - the key to its increased roominess. After all, not only furniture interior object, but also a functional unit which solves the problem of storage, appliances, books and other business details. You can buy a ready-made model in specialty stores or get ideas for organizing the internal space of the cabinet compartment of his imagination, and order implementation of the project. Among filling elements emit:
- Rod for hangers.
- Drawers.
- Open shelves.
- Special grid for storing shoes.

Combinations of mass location. Before purchasing a specific model, think about what you have more than: footwear, things on hangers or small things that are easy to hide in drawers and shelves. Depending on the selected content of the wardrobe, where advantage is given to a particular item of space organization.
We determine the color
cabinet compartment design of the bedroom provides not only a choice of shapes and designs, but also the color scheme. The interior of it plays a major role. Some people prefer to choose the monochrome model calm shades (cream, coffee, gray, peach). They soothe and provide additional comfort in the bedroom, but slightly depersonalize it. But for experiments with a palette consider four basic thesis shades combination:
- Contrasting combination. Based on a choice of two colors, located on opposite sides of the color spectrum. Not suitable for small bedrooms because they can eat up space.
- Monochrome combination. It involves the use of one color and two colors: light and dark.
- Accented combination. Based on the use of the monochrome version, and a fourth color that contrasts to the main.
- The combination on the basis of analogy. It featured three colors: the main and two more who are close to him in the spectrum, but are not shades. Thus wardrobe is made either warm or cold scheme.

If interior composition so permits, the facades may be decorated with pictures, ornaments or panoramic images (Mural). Naturally they should organically fit into the design and comply with the principle of unity of style.
Location in the bedroom
Wardrobe in the bedroom, which mimics the surrounding wall, it is not the most noticeable object interior. Built-in design at all "merge" with registration. The most common variant of installation of the cabinet - the side of the bed, because it is - a suspended center of the room. Door fronts decorate mirror surfaces that can make this part of the interior is not too noticeable, but comfortable. Also popular variant of the cabinet placing the wall opposite the bed. Typically, their width is selected approximately equal to create a sense of symmetry and bleedout one from another piece of furniture. Furthermore, this embodiment visually lengthen bedroom.
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When placing the cabinet, consider the following nuances:
- Distance from doorways and windows must be at least 20-30 cm.
- In panel cabinets minimum allowable gap between the upper cover and the ceiling - 15 cm.
- Install cabinets away from the battery. Wood can crack from dryness and pokorezhitsya.
- Consider the location of switches and sockets, they have to stay in range.
All these simple tips will help to determine the arrangement of furniture and create not only comfort, but also the convenience of interior decoration.

Dressing inside the cabinet
Built-in wardrobe in itself is a mini wardrobe. Option is suitable for those who have always dreamed of a separate room for the things, but the possibility to allocate for this idea full room and did not appear. Essentially facade closet is a partition which is zoned bedroom on two different areas. The depth of this model may be to 0.5-0.6 m, which corresponds to the standard size. In some cases, it artificially increase to the cabinet, could go a whole, and even to carry out fitting. For this purpose, suitable angular and trapezoidal structures that hide behind the doors more space than it might seem at first glance. Cases are built of course more expensive than to buy a ready-made product, but for a thorough repair, which discourage the desire to rearrange the furniture in the coming years, the perfect option. Dressing in this model will look organic and non-trivial, and bedrooms dream hostess in once, true.

Wardrobe bed
Wardrobe bed versatile option for small bedrooms, where each square. m in the account. Models are equipped with a lifting mechanism (usually spring-type), to which is attached a bed. Zadekorirovat its bottom, and a raised position is a bezel. During recess, which hides the bed often hidden wall with narrow shelves. The assembled some models combine a wardrobe and a sofa, where you can lie down in the afternoon. The design can be:
- Classical. Simple version where the cabinet itself is not, but there is only his beautiful imitation.
- Complex. One part of the cabinet is transformed into an elegant bed and the second (straight, L-shaped) performs the basic function of storing things.
Unfortunately, this furniture is not classified as cheap, so even the most unpretentious models will cost a pretty penny. But in a small bedroom, where you want to fit all, and nowhere to go, can not do without such a decision.

Several recommendations for choice
When choosing wardrobe, decide with its main characteristics:
- design;
- shape;
- manufacturing material;
- And the presence of color images, patterns;
- According to the chosen style of the bedroom.

Do not settle for suspiciously profitable at the price offered. Typically, for such savings tucked unscrupulous manufacturers that implements low-quality goods.
Pay special attention to the location and size of the cabinet. The tiny bedrooms preference is given to bright shades of the facades, which are combined with glass and mirrors. Here in the course are angular and trapezoidal model. In large rooms, you can select options for fine radial form and not to limit itself in choosing the size of the enclosure.

Wardrobe will be a wonderful complement bedroom interior composition. It is usually used by a minimum of furniture, but each element is chosen with great care. The overall composition should be adjusted to a quiet mood and promote sound sleep.
Universal cabinets can be inconspicuous backdrop for a luxurious bed or vice versa, accent the room. Fortunately, modern design solutions and their diversity allows you to select a unique model it for your bedroom.