The best remedies for black spots

Hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands leads to the formation of a large amount of cutaneous fat, which clogs the pores. Under the influence of external particles of pollution and dust, the products of vital activity darken, resulting in the formation of black dots. Before dealing with them, it is necessary to find out the cause of the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, because if not to eliminate the provoking factor, even the most better tools from the black points of will partially or only temporarily solve the problem. To date, there are not a few drugs to deal with a defect, but not all of them are equally effective. The list has really effective tools to help get rid of the problem.


Scrub Propeller

Scrub Propeller is an effective tool that helps to deeply clean pores from sebum and external contaminants. In addition, the product effectively removes dead skin cells from the skin, making the skin clean and allowing it to breathe in full measure. The main active substance of scrub-gel is lactulose, which is known for its immunomodulating local action. The skin care product has fine, soft particles that do not damage the young epithelium, so the product is ideal for daily use. For a very sensitive and prone to irritating skin reactions, the Propeller will not work.


Bela clay

Bela clay is the number one tool in the fight against black dots. It has excellent bactericidal and cleansing properties. In addition, the clay perfectly whitens, removes inflammation and eliminates dead epidermis. Regular use of masks based on clay will help not only eliminate excess sebum, but also will improve the overall condition of the skin. However, you should not abuse the drug. In a week, only two-fold application of clay masks is allowed. For sensitive skin type, clay may not be suitable, as it can cause irritation.


Soap Soap

The tar soap is known for its powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It penetrates deeply into the sebaceous ducts, removing from them the products of vital activity of the sebaceous glands. The product perfectly prevents the appearance of black dots and comedones due to its cleansing and bactericidal action. With tar soap, you can just wash yourself and use it in various masks and applications. Dermatologists do not recommend abusing the use of this product, as it includes very aggressive ingredients that can dry out the dermis and cause severe irritation.



Zinerite is considered to be one of the most effective medicines that is designed specifically for problematic skin. Solve such skin defects as black dots and rashes helps its main therapeutic component erythromycin. This substance is the strongest antibiotic, which prevents inflammation on the skin. In addition to it, there are other active substances in Zinerite that effectively cleanse the skin. The course of taking the drug allows you to overcome the problem in most cases, but after it is canceled there are no guarantees that the problem will not return again.



PILATEN BLACK MASK has proved to be a great tool for combating rashes in the form of inflammation and black spots among customers. It effectively cleans the epidermis, eliminating dead cells, excess sebum, as well as particles of contaminants trapped in the skin. Regular use of the mask helps the skin integuments to literally change. The skin tone becomes more even, and the dermis looks healthier and well-groomed. It is enough to use once or twice a mask a week, in order to shortly note the amazing results of its therapeutic effect on the epidermis.


Clean &Clear Gel Mask 2 in 1 from the black points

Clean &Clear "2-in-1 Gel Mask from Black Points" is recognized among consumers as one of the most effective means to combat skin problems. The gel allows not only to eliminate excess sebum, but also helps to normalize the glands producing it. In this case, the pores become less noticeable and narrowed, which in turn prevents them from getting into them polluting particles from outside. A few weeks after the start of the use of the mask gel, you can see good results: the black points disappear, and the rash of the inflammatory character becomes much less.



Metrogil is a topical antibiotic that is used in the treatment of acne, as well as for dealing with black dots. The drug suppresses the activity of staphylococci, which multiply against the background of excess fat and lead to inflammation. Metrogil disinfects and effectively cleanses the skin, preventing the appearance of black dots.



Oxygen is a special medication designed primarily to combat acne, and then to eliminate problems that cause acne. It acts as a powerful antiseptic, which effectively extracts from the sebaceous glands ducts oxidation products formed during the accumulation of sebum, the activity of bacteria and oxygen. Already after a week of regular intake the product helps to effectively clean the dermis, giving it a healthy, attractive appearance. Treatment with Oxygen is long enough and should be at least two months.



Skinoren is far from cheap but very effective drugs that is intended for people suffering from excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, which lead not only to the appearance of annoying black dots, but also to numerous acne eruptions. The active components of the agent primarily have an antiseptic effect. They penetrate deep into the pores and remove contaminants from them. The medicine suppresses the active activity of bacteria and eliminates inflammation in the skin. The first positive results of using Skinoren can be noticed after a two-week intake of daily use.



Differin is an antibacterial drug whose use is advisable for the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands against which black spots, including acne, arise. Differin suppresses not only the pathogenic activity of staphylococci, but also contributes to the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. The drug is excellent not only for combination and oily skin, but can also be used in patients with dry and sensitive type of dermis. The average duration of treatment with medication is usually 2-3 months.