In the solemn day of the wedding ceremony, everything must be perfect - and honeymooners outfits and decorating cars, and space for painting, and a restaurant. Now the decoration of the wedding hall can be entrusted to the designer or the whole creative agency, and it is possible to perform all their own. Looking through wedding albums or friends studying photos on the Internet, you can find millions of creative ideas decoration celebration. differences word Decoration immediately need to realize. Decor - Whole-designed wedding, where in the same style decorated room, and cars, and even invitations. The usual decoration of the hall - on the eve of inflated balls and shiny garlandLeft over from New Year celebrations. The following is a number of tips that will be needed, and the bride and decorator to design a wedding celebration.
- Mistakes to Avoid
- How to start design of the room
- Tips on decoration of the wedding hall
The main ideas and styles of celebration
- Wedding at sea motifs
- Wedding in Russian style
- A wedding in the style of the Venetian carnival
- America Chicago-style 20's
- The style of the Middle Ages
- Mediterranean style
- Wedding in a certain color
What and how to decorate the hall
- balls
- textiles
- fresh flowers
- festoon
- Making letters
- Arch
Decoration of wedding table
- the bride and groom table
- Guest tables and chairs
- Decorating buffet
- Wedding photo zone
Decorate your own hands
- Decor glasses
- Decor bottles
- Fairy lights
- conclusion
Mistakes to Avoid
Recently, the wedding photo report very little individuality in the design of the room. Normally, all share the same design stamps, bearing an erroneous decor from one wedding to another. Here are some mistakes that should be avoided for the correct execution of the wedding:
- Do not try to decorate it, so that the beautiful itself. For example, in the restaurant is very beautiful, carefully selected to the overall style of the interior furnishings. Rather than show visitors the beauty of the chair back, the bride is trying hard to pull a chair white cover, be sure to stick to the bow. Or another situation - a wedding in nature, in the picturesque and beautiful place. Like, what do you need - the bright colors of nature, natural beauty. But decorator insisting on hundreds of helium golden balls and huge vases of flowers, since I am sure that such a wedding stamps would be appropriate everywhere. In fact, the task of the wedding decor - highlight the beauty of the place where the celebration will take place and, if necessary, to give it a festive atmosphere.
- Inconsistency celebrations interior style of the room where the wedding will take place. Agree, it is very difficult to write a wedding in a nautical style restaurant with a classic look pompous. Marine motifs will look at least strange among the heavy chandeliers, gilded, elegant furniture. The same goes for color. For example, the bride sees her wedding in scarlet colors, and chose the cafe with an interior in blue. That is, would either have to close the color in the interior of white cloth, and on top to decorate or to try to combine these shades. Therefore it is necessary to choose the restaurant or under the style of her wedding, or vice versa. If in no other institution that is free in the celebrations for the appointed date, it is best to choose a different decor, rather than trying to reconcile the irreconcilable.
- Unreasonable combination of several styles in the design. For example, the bride chose a basis classics picked up matching outfits, a restaurant and even a musical orchestra. And then he added, soft toys tables are duplicated on the invitation and created a separate photo zone with plush animals. Such a move, from her point of view is justified - it is a soft toy - the first gift her boyfriend after they met. In fact, a mixture of the two styles in the design is striking and spoils the overall impression.
- Following with the decoration of only one color. You can often hear: "My friend wedding fuchsia, I urgently need the dress of this color!". In pursuit of stylish décor, the bride along with the designer go crazy in the literal sense of the word, and try to fit the main color of the wedding at all. At the same time, they ignore the basic shades of color and want to do all the same. Even using a combination of contrasting colors, it is not necessary to squeeze them in all possible details of the celebration, only one or two of bright strokes.
Thus, the decor of the wedding hall - a combination of celebration style concept with the individual characteristics of the newlyweds.

How to start design of the room
Once finally determined the place of the ceremony, you can begin planning the decor elements. The first thing we should start - subject choice for the decor and the main wedding color. If the whole wedding is dedicated to a particular topic, it is natural decoration of the hall is appropriate. In other cases, you can choose the style and color such that will match the place of celebration.

After selecting the theme is determined by the specific areas that will be decorated for the celebration. Most often, this places the audience:
- tables, on which you can install a vase or a basket of flowers;
- glasses decoration;
- decoration restaurant space;
- small accessories that give the impression of a wedding (invitations, cards for guests, napkin rings, etc.).
Acquisition of decor for a wedding can cost more than a banquet order. However, most of the design elements can be made with their own hands, looking at several thematic videos online. Bride with bridesmaids can make glasses for young, exquisite napkin rings and small boxes with gifts for the guests.

Tips on decoration of the wedding hall
In order to design the wedding hall in the style of celebration, before starting work better to make a list of things. An important idea, and suddenly came to mind the idea you need to immediately write down in a notebook, because at the last moment they have forgotten property. The list should consist of several sections:
- what it is planned to do on your own, with a list of what still needs to purchase;
- a list of what will be ordered;
- important phone numbers and addresses, for example, a florist shop or tissues;
- ideas, over which still need to think about.
Try to think through each separate ceremonial hall area, and do not attempt to create just the whole concept.

The main ideas and styles of celebration
Every bride dreams of the perfect wedding, which will emphasize its individuality and at the same time, for one night will take guests into a fairy tale. Some newlyweds prefer to issue marriage based on their hobbies or lifestyle, while others are looking for ideas in fashion magazines or photo sessions on the Internet. There are several styles of win-win for the design, which are suitable for virtually any wedding:
- a celebration of maritime motives;
- wedding in the Russian style;
- ceremony in the style of the Venetian carnival;
- wedding with the slogan "America in the style of Chicago 20-ies";
- the style of the Middle Ages;
- wedding in Mediterranean style.
See also:Chandeliers in the interior 75 photo example
These styles do not require selection of the specific audience and do not contain complex elements of the decor, which will have to look at all online stores. Below each style of discussed in more detail, with specific tips that will be needed in practice.

Wedding at sea motifs
It is this version of the celebration fit for the young, whose budget is still limited. There is an opportunity to spend a minimum of decoration and holiday outfits and young. Typically, such a ceremony is held in the summer, when the air temperature allows for painting, and a banquet on the street. Preferably the presence of the sea, near, or at least a river. For weddings in marine style fit a few places:
- A boat or a yacht. If you can not order a vessel to a banquet, it can only be used for painting or photo shoot.
- The restaurant is located on the seafront with panoramic windows or directed towards the reservoir.
- sea shore, where it will be carried out and exit the ceremony and reception to guests.

If you can not find a special place for a maritime-style wedding can be properly decorate a regular restaurant. Some people prefer to hold the ceremony in the winter season, when the couple how to transfer guests celebrations in a warm country.
For the design of the hall used any attributes nautical theme. The main of them - the anchor, shells, starfish, coral, twine. wedding colors - white, all shades of blue, emerald green, pastel shades. Originally looks in the decoration of the hall to use the strips. Using the design of textiles, preference is given to a light translucent fabric. Placing flowers in the room, they are supplemented by branches of coral, seashells, sea horses silhouettes.

wedding theme does not involve an abundance of attributes. Nautical style - ease in all, looking at the design of the guests must feel the breath of the ocean breeze and almost hear the cries of seagulls. Thinking a wedding, you should try to complement each piece of furniture maritime attribute, but does not create a haven of Poseidon.

Wedding in Russian style
If you want to move away from the West imposed on the wedding celebration of the traditions, you can turn to the traditions of his people. Wedding in the Russian style - the observance of traditions and rituals that begin cheerful bride price and end povyazyvaniya mother-in headscarves wife. In general, this event is a lot of fun, surprise guests ethnicity holiday decoration and fun contests.

The decor is pottery, which is painted by Khokhlov, a lot of seasonal fruits and vegetables, which are characteristic for a specific region. When used in the design of fabrics, should give preference to natural fabrics - cotton, sackcloth. It is appropriate to use different colored ribbons, colorful beads. In this case, the beads can be made from berries - sea buckthorn, viburnum, or blueberry. Bouquets are made from wild flowers, which can be supplemented by bundles of straw, spruce branches.

wedding attributes can be very diverse - samovars, wooden spoons, boots, in general, all that will be able to find a bride for a celebration. Organizing a wedding in the Russian style, it is necessary to choose an appropriate restaurant. Extremely inappropriate will look away, dressed, antique, in the grandiose hall doroguschego space in the center.

A wedding in the style of the Venetian carnival
Carnival of Venice - a place of luxury, wealth and dizzying dance. The main attribute of the carnival - a mask that hides the true faces of the dancers. Therefore, the main feature of a wedding in Venetian style is the use of masks as the newlyweds and their guests. The whole room should be abundantly decorated with candles, glitter, garland, feathers and masks. The main color of the wedding - gold. It can set off the crimson hue, saturation, blue or warm yellow. Using textiles, should give preference to the majestic velvet, smooth satin or luxurious silk. From the point of view of flower arranging, for Venetian wedding characterized by the use of red roses, gerberas gentle or compositions of exotic colors. Bouquets can be decorated with gold sequins, beads, feathers.

For the ceremony, this style is necessary to find a restaurant with a magnificent hall in which there are an abundance of elements coated with gold sequins. If the opportunity to book a place there, you can work hard and decorate an ordinary room. To do this, the design uses a lot of fabric, which is intricately pinned up.

America Chicago-style 20's
Style of "America - Chicago 20's" can be seen in the film "The Great Gatsby." It is for this motion picture, you can create your own wedding. In order to adhere to this scenario, it is necessary to pay special attention to young outfits and guests, selection of transport. With regards to the registration of the grand hall, there is no special requirements. However, it should be understood that the Chicago 20-ies of our knowledge on the old black and white movies, so it is best avoided in the design of bright colors. In addition, do not use a lot of balls, which are obviously not typical for that era.

Choosing bouquets of flowers have to stay at the quiet Calle, delicate white roses, or choose the original exotic buds.

The style of the Middle Ages
Despite the fact that medieval times were not too rosy, the organization of celebrations in knightly style, using the best moments of that era. This is a great natural beauty of the bride, exquisite costumes, an abundance of natural materials in the design.

For the organization of weddings in medieval style, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements:
- Appropriate venue. Ideal - a restaurant built on the lock type or country stone house. If you close these places are not, you can find a restaurant, whose interior is filled with wood and stone. It is also possible to perform the ceremony outdoors, putting the tent.
- Take care of the transport. Cars would be inappropriate for such a ceremony, will have to fork out for a carriage or wagon drawn by horses.
- Organize clothes for guests. You can ask family members to find their own clothes themselves, the relevant period. To do this, you need to send out invitations to the notification, at least two months before the date of the celebration. You can also put on the entrance to the restaurant hangers with women's fur cape and accessories, and a man's hat, and plastic swords. Every guest at the entrance to the restaurant, can choose a liked vestments.
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Rather banal electric lightening, it is better to use candles. They can be placed into glasses, or buy original candlesticks made antique. As a flower design better use of wild flowers, which you can add a few red roses. Utensils can be replaced by a wooden board or clay bowls that will highlight the style of the time.

Mediterranean style
Wedding in the Mediterranean style - weaving together a plurality of directions. Here you can meet and style attributes of the sea, and a calm classical and partial elements of the wedding, boho. Main characteristics - naturalness, and naturalness in all. For a wedding in the Mediterranean style are not typical pretentious pomposity, strict adherence to a specific topic. All you need to do - find a nice cozy place for the ceremony, and decorate it with a slightly soft cloth blue curves emphasize textile white tulle, decorate banquet tables several white buds. For a wedding is not characterized by a strict dress code, but we can recommend guests to refrain from elaborate evening dresses and suits.

Wedding in a certain color
Wedding in a certain color may be performed in any style described above. At the same time, in every detail there is only one color or shades. Guests are invited to come in costumes of the selected color or use accessories proper shade. Making room, you can use the game of color and its shades. For example, the major attributes of the feast clothed in the most vivid colors, for example, a wedding arch, the tablecloth on the table, the elements of the bride's bouquet. All other elements are used in a less intense scale.

What and how to decorate the hall
Wedding hall - the heart of the ceremony. It is here that guests congratulated the young, give them a farewell speech and was escorted to a happy family life. In the dining room, the husband and wife dance their first dance, showing the world its sincere feelings. Decoration of the hall - a crucial moment, to which must be approached seriously enough. For decoration of the hall is used:
- air or helium balloons;
- textile;
- flower;
- fairy lights;
- gypsum letters.
In accordance with the wedding theme, you can select one or more materials for decoration.

Balloons are familiar to all from childhood. It is a constant attribute of any holiday, so why not use it in decorating the wedding hall. For decoration you can use regular balls or shapes. It can be silhouettes swans and rings newlyweds, the bride and groom figures. Often balls just run to the ceiling, quite original look helium products, which are attached to the tape at the table of the bride and groom. Another idea - putting ordinary balloons into the net, which is attached to the ceiling. With the advent of romantic moments, such as during the first dance young, untied net and balls beautifully down for a couple, and then remain on the floor.

By the order of the balls produced figures such as flowers, animals, or people silhouettes. Also from the balls can make a wedding arch, which is complemented by flowers and ribbons. Such arch may be near the entrance to the restaurant, denoted photo zone or placed the young.

The use of tissue in the decoration of the hall, makes it possible to make the wedding a specific color. The different types of textiles can be used depending on the wedding theme, including:
- tulle;
- organza;
- silk;
- velvet;
- natural fabrics.

The fabric used to decorate wedding arches, chairs. Also with the help of textile pieces can decorate the ceiling. To do this, one leaf is attached to the edge of the center of the ceiling, and the other to one of the walls of the room. All other sections of tissue are also located from the center to the edges of the room. Using this method, you can create a feeling of lightness and romance of the event. Cut-off blade can be used to design tables.

Very original look, if the table is covered by a cloth of bright color, and the top layer is laid translucent tulle.

With the help of tissue sections can be visually zoned ceremonial hall. For example, create a zone with tables, a separate area for dancing and entertainment, as well as the place where you can take a picture.

fresh flowers
Fresh flowers - the constant attribute of the wedding. Bride include them in your bouquet, and the guests can not imagine how it is possible to come to a celebration without a bouquet. Fresh flowers can be used in the decoration of the hall, to create a special atmosphere of celebration. The particular species of plant selected according to the preferences of the bride, and based on the total celebration subjects. Colors used in the design of tables and the young, and guests are woven into the wedding arch or placed in pots along the perimeter of the room. It is possible to use one type or a mixed composition of plants of wild exotic and buds.

To decorate the hall can be used and electrical garlands, and flowers made of paper or figures. Electric garlands can be hung from the ceiling or hidden under the tablecloth. In the dim light illuminated the tablecloth will create a special romantic atmosphere. Flower garlands and paper you can do yourself improvised. These products are used for decoration or wedding arch photo zone.

Making letters
Plaster letters sold in the pure white color, but on request they can be painted in any color, including one that is selected as the main wedding color. Paint the letters can be independently, having bought acrylic paint. You can use characters that symbolize the initials of the names of the bride and groom, or buy ready-made words or whole sentences. For example, each table can arrange the letters that make up the word "wedding Anya and Pasha" or the phrase "Happiness young." Also, you can put only one letter of the phrases, and then announce the collection of the full proposal.

Wedding arch is used for the on-site painting or set in the background Young at the time of the solemn feast. Arch decorated with balloons, live flowers, cloth, paper figures.
See also:The decor of the foam interior

arch decoration is fully consistent with the chosen theme of celebration.
For example, if the organization in a maritime style wedding arch can be decorated with shells and coral and pearl beads. During the seasonal wedding theme can add to the decor arch real fruit or vegetables, as well as any other elements of decor.

Decoration of wedding table
Wedding banquet - the longest stage of the celebration. It is on the tables drawn more attention to the guests, so they must also complement the overall style of holiday.

the bride and groom table
This is the main table for the holiday. Usually young table stands out even visually, as is in the center of the room. To emphasize the singularity of the place, it is customary to decorate more than others. For example, the table top is covered with a colored cloth, which is decorated with cloth, paper pieces or electric lights. On top of the tablecloth placed large flower arrangements. Usually put on the table young paired bottle of champagneAnd decorated glasses for the newlyweds. The table can also be decorated with candles, statues or plaster letters.

Guest tables and chairs
Guest tables are decorated in the same style as the place for the young, but a little more modest. In addition, the tables are placed guest cards to all the relatives and friends to easily find their place at the festival. Depending on the celebration theme differently documented and guest cards. For example, a wedding medieval style such cards can be performed on the aged paper, which is hidden in a bag.

The chairs in the restaurant can be hidden in the white covers, if their appearance is quite depressing. In all other cases, the decorator task - to enhance the beauty of the furniture. To do this, you can tie some ribbons or beads. It would be appropriate to place on the back of a small bouquet of wildflowers, if it matches the style of the event.

Decorating buffet
Buffet table drawn up by the same principles as that of an ordinary banquet table. The only difference - all attributes should be smaller, in order not to clutter up the table. So, instead of a large flower arrangement, it is better to put a small bowl with a bunch of the original layout. Meals are served as a buffet table should correspond to the topics of celebration. For example, if the organization in the Russian style of holiday, on the buffet table, you can put the samovar and bagels, pancakes, which offer a variety of toppings.

Wedding photo zone
For carrying pictures you can set the paper or tissue web which is decorated with a common stylist. Originally looks on the canvas if the names of the bride and groom and the date of their marriage. On the ground, you can install large flowerpots with flowers or make a stylistic composition.

Decorate your own hands
If the wedding budget is limited, and the ideas of decorating the hall for a celebration very much, some of the attributes you can do with your hands. Firstly, such elements will be no worse than the store. Secondly, you can make it attributes such that it perfectly matched the theme of the ceremony.

Decor glasses
The wedding will take three pairs of glasses - to paint, for the young and for the witnesses. To decorate require a very small set of accessories:
- degreaser;
- glue gun;
- beads and rhinestones;
- figures from polymeric clay;
- tape paetki and other elements.
Before starting work, the surface of glasses is cleaned, it is removed from fat traces and stains. Beads, figurines attached with glue gun. How to decorate - a flight of fancy, you can lay out the stones in a certain sequence, or to make their deposit.

Decor bottles
At the celebration we decided to order a few specially designed bottles - decorated in the style of the bride and groom, alcohol, to be crucified on the first and fifth wedding anniversary. In bridal salons, such bottles are quite expensive, so you can make them their own hands. When choosing materials for decorating, you need to stick to the main theme of the celebration and colors. There are several design options:
ribboned | To do this, use the glue gun and satin ribbons of several colors. The work begins with the bottle neck. To this end, the tape is applied at an angle so that one edge overlaps the other, by one centimeter. The edges of the tape are glued. So, step by step all you need to paste over the neck. At the point where the bottle is no longer to be mowed, tape is applied evenly. In the course of the works, the color of the tape needs to be changed, simulating suits the bride and groom. Irregularities work can be hidden with the help of colorful decorative elements. |
decoration velvet | Before starting the work necessary to make the pattern of the future cover. After appropriate measurements and bottles prorisovyvaniya future elements pattern is transferred to the velvet. As a result, you should get a cover that can be easily put on the bottle. In the future, velvet can be decorated with beads, ribbons and sequins. |
acrylics | So, you can do drawings of swans, create silhouettes of groom and bride. |
At work, you can combine several techniques wedding decoration of bottles, but it is desirable that they were combined with glasses and a common holiday theme.

Fairy lights
Garlands are the perfect decoration for the wedding photo zone or may be used for the decoration of the wedding hall. Paper garlands can create your own, which uses a multi-colored paper, glue, thread, scissors. Before you begin, you need to choose the colors that will be performed garland. Further, from the cardboard you need to cut the workpiece, which will serve as a basis for cut paper pieces. Then, using the basis of cut blanks made of paper. If multiple elements are manufactured paper colors, it is desirable to immediately decompose them into several frames, to avoid confusion. Figures can be made three-dimensional by gluing several parts together or leave single.

wedding decoration - a complex process. It is necessary to take into account the wishes of the bride and groom, their individual style, a place of celebration and the time of year when the wedding will take place. However, if you ask for and well to consider all the details, you can create a truly original decoration of the hall.