The need for renovation of the kitchen is able to plunge into a state of stress even the most resistant to the vicissitudes of life landlord. First, the event requires a significant investment. The second point - decide to radically change the look of the kitchen facilities is psychologically difficult when you know about the huge amount spent on this power, colossal labor. Kitchen renovation entails the correct address many issues regarding the proper placement of water supply systems, home appliances, furniture. This is also the best decoration of the room, where it is not the last role played by the choice of the right wallpaper is not only beautiful, but matching the texture, the color scheme.
Types, their advantages and disadvantages
- Fleece
- vinyl
- acrylic
- bamboo
- cork
- Glass fiber
- Combination with other materials
How to choose the color
- White
- Beige
- Brown
- Yellow
- The black
- Gray
- Green
Under the style of interior design
- modern
- Provence
- High tech
- Scandinavian
- Wallpapers for the kitchen-living room
- Wallpapers for a small kitchen
Types, their advantages and disadvantages
Kitchen airspace permanently oversaturated with moisture. Wallpapers are not resistant to wet atmosphere for the design of the walls are not suitable. The structure must be absorbing food odors, enabling hygienic care, practical. The surfaces of the work area wallpaper is not recommended, since the increased load in the form of water droplets, fat better cope ceramic tiles, plastic panels.

The main component of the structure of non-woven wallpaper are fibers made from cellulose, their share is about 70%. Nonwoven perfectly glued, the process of applying the discomfort does not deliver. Paintings perfectly cover the walls, do not give shrinkage. Allow to disguise minor irregularities, cracking walls. Non-woven wallpaper perfectly suited for use in a kitchen environment due to:
- High degree of stability to moisture;
- Ease of cleaning;
- Long service life.

Vinyl is preferable to use fans laconic monochromatic pattern wallpaper in the kitchen interior. The cloth can not be exposed to direct sunlight, pretty tight. The walls, pasted vinyl wallpaper, quietly tolerate multiple cleaning with a damp cloth, household chemicals, mechanical action. Some species are specially designed for pasting cuisine - rolls soaked bactericidal, fungicidal compositions under them do not form mold stains that serves an added bonus.
Kitchen decorated with wallpaper with a smooth non-convex pattern. The elements volumetric textures stuffed dust particles. Clean the room becomes more complicated, three-dimensional wallpaper serve in harsh kitchen conditions much less.

web structure is composed of two layers. The bottom layer consists of dense paper grades. The top - a thin acrylic film. Coating breathing without delay under a moisture. Important environmental materials used - does not contain highly toxic compounds benzoate, causing irreparable damage to the internal organs of human. A disadvantage performs low resistance to mechanical abrasion caused by drawing too gentle. They can be cleaned with a slightly damp cloth without household chemicals.

The species, which appeared in the domestic market relatively recently, who had the fancy to the consumer because of its naturalness - bamboo wallpaper. Besides the fashionable appearance among other bamboo wallpaper Features:
- Long service life without burning, abrasion of the decorative layer;
- Good tolerance to extreme temperature conditions;
- The ability to apply not only for pasting the walls, but the ceiling;
- Naturalness, harmlessness of raw materials used;
- Easy to clean.
The main disadvantage of these wallpapers is considered to be high cost. This point is offset by a long service life - about ten years, a significant time period is more than pays for the money spent.

Manufactured by applying the crumbs of cork bark on the base adhesive. In the next step the web unevenness removed low abrasive sanding machines, a layer of protective varnish. The result is the smooth glossy surface. Some models are processed with the help of wax polishes instead of the lacquer coating, the texture of wallpaper is very original. The advantages of such a great variety of wallpaper:
- Easy to apply, concealing irregularities of the walls;
- Resistant to fading;
- By itself, the cork - a bactericidal material, fungi, mold on it do not grow;
- Dust on cork wallpaper does not settle, they are easy to wash;
- Excellent job of soundproofing, insulation facilities;
- Very durable, capable over the years to maintain the original appearance;
- It fits perfectly into any interior;
- Completely environmentally friendly.
See also:Methods of decorative painting of walls
The high price of wallpaper makes us think before purchasing the feasibility of significant expenditure. Despite the resistance to fading cork surface is quite fragile and easily peeled off from the wall under excessive mechanical action.

Glass fiber
Some of the strongest representatives of the wallpaper market. Made with fiberglass. Excellent job masking minor flaws walls without alignment. Prevent the formation of moisture and resistant to mechanical stress. Suited to fans from time to time to refresh the kitchen situation - to endure multiple repainting.

Combination with other materials
All we used to see in the interior of the kitchen with the traditional combination of wallpaper tile. But the room for maneuver is always there, except the ceramic tiles to the successful combination of textured plaster, concrete, decorative brick, natural wood paneling, painted surfaces, intricate mosaic compositions of inclusions traffic jams. Wide selection of decorative materials allows to come up with a variety of interesting combinations, subject to the rules:
- Zoning principle must prevail - inclusions chaotic spots look ridiculous;
- Balance - large drawings are complemented by small, pastel colors enlivened with bright colors;
- Gloss surfaces must be the same, it is impossible to combine the glossy tiles with matt paper;
- The materials used in the design shall belong to the same price segment;
- Deposition of different layers of decorative coatings should be of uniform thickness, it avoids the curvature at the joints.

How to choose the color
The choice of the dominant in the kitchen room wallpaper colors depends on the geographical location of the apartments, the compass fronted kitchen window:
The windows facing the north side of deficient lighting | South side - constant sun in the window |
Pastel, warm shades: celestial, white, gold, light green, yellow, ivory | Cold colors: silver, grass green, deep blue, turquoise |

The white walls are a classic example of minimalist design wallpaper kitchen white colors optically facilitates space gives it freshness. Rooms with insufficient degree of illumination become a lighter appearance, close facilities begin to seem more spacious. Avoid boredom of white wall design makes use of the accent coating: no wallpaper glued solid and plain cloth, complemented with bright stripes, decorative elements, photo wallpapers.

Nyudovye shades can range from almost white to dark beige, these wallpapers are very easy to fit into any style situation. Beige color of the wallpaper is a basic, suitable for interior design of various destinations. Natural tones are neutral in nature, does not hurt the eyes, they have the ability to increase vitality, improve overall health. Beige color in the interior of the kitchen does not tire, practical white. Light tone beige require accentuation, wallpaper darker cope with the problem on their own decor, especially coated with an interesting pattern.

Background color of chocolate, coffee - the whole gamut of browns, creating a special feeling of warm comfort in the kitchen, soften the general atmosphere, have a soothing property. Comfortable to the human sense of self: promote relaxation and help to avoid stress. Being in a room with brown walls - the perfect way to relax after the busy day. Brown scale is versatile in its effects - dark colors are relaxing and help the mind to rest; light - add a sense of ease, ready to spread its wings, to be free.

The most common color of kitchen wallpaper - yellow. Tones up, improves communication skills, able to affect the digestion, increases appetite. It is thanks to their "liveliness" in the bedrooms, common rooms such a happy color is almost never used. At least for the kitchen space design option is best, there is a danger of molestation, many people from the yellow wallpaper tired quickly. Use the color must be properly combining with other, more calm colors, choosing the color with the utmost caution. Recommend yellow style cuisine can be people, confident, cheerful, sociable. Wall design in yellow suits small-sized kitchens, shaded rooms.
See also:Glass blocks in the interior of the apartment

The black
The black color can not be called the basic color palette design - very few people like the wall-like vault. Included black wallpaper in the kitchen space in a minimalist style, Art Deco, Scandinavian rather diluted in order to:
- Emphasize primary colors, to balance the total coloristic;
- Give expensive chrome, glossy surfaces;
- Black is able to optically zoom out items one black wall of a small kitchen makes it visually more spacious;
- Moderate use of deep black gives the interior a certain amount of glamor makes the room elegant.

Shortcomings in black are also present: the excess can press, oppress, badly affect the state of the human psyche. Improperly used black heavier surrounding objects. The main thing that should make you think - a greater degree of soiled, the dust on the black wallpaper is much more noticeable than on a white background.

Perfectly suited as a component of high-tech style. Diversifies the main range in the kitchen diluting more intense colors: the pink kitchen is better to dilute the gray-pink wallpaper. In principle, it combined with almost all colors. Gray wallpaper can be used alone in a well-lit room, giving the interior a low-key way, aristocratic style.

Shades of green scales existed for thousands of rich emerald green to light green pastel. If dark colors are more appropriate to the interior office, library, the kitchen bright gamma adds freshness, lightness, the atmosphere never ending summer. Combine green decorative materials with contrasting furnishings: orange, muted gray, beige, stylish black. Greens favorably shades aprons made of ceramic tile, refreshing interior adds a special harmony of the kitchen interior.

Under the style of interior design
Kitchen corresponding Nouveau has a varied appearance: bright island, reserved spaces pastel. Furniture is laconic completed forms with discreet facades, is striking - a wavy, circular, triangular, up to irregular shapes. The abundance of small decorative items, chairs irregular pictures on the walls, unusual decoration - a variety of techniques inherent in modernity requires a logical connective. Play an integral role in modernity is the wallpaper.

Good option pocherknut interesting furniture, original accessories - black and white walls with prints in a cage, striped. They should be placed only on one of the walls, the whole kitchen in a zebra will tire, push, look vulgar.

Fans more moderate clearance like Nouveau will fall plain wall covering. plain wallpaper selection one rule - if the furniture is light, bright colors glued wallpaper. Bright furniture itself defines the interior style, the walls are made in bright colors.

The overall style of the modern style did not violate the wallpaper imitating other finishing materials: decorative brick, wood paneling, masonry. This option is appropriate in the work area around the dining table. The kitchen is finished with imitation of natural materials in appearance, closer to the loft, it looks more expensive.

Do not overdo with the wallpaper of one structure, color. Dilute dark colors lighter. Too gloomy tone narrow surroundings.

The most frequently encountered one is Nouveau sticking one wall photo wallpapers. You must take into account the fact of constant obsolescence of topical subjects in the photo, so the image will have to be replaced. Keep Mural could perekleit without changing the rest of the decorative wall covering.
See also:Bas-relief images in the interior of the apartment

The cozy atmosphere of the French provincial style involves the walls of mild, light colors. Most often, drawing wallpaper - concise, delicate flowers, narrow stripes, unobtrusive cell.
No solid geometry, huge lozenges in the wall.

Suitable decoration of the walls with a rural landscape, the image of French coffee. Some provincial add drawings of small houses, livestock, various items of rural life.
Tone should be low-key, close to natural colors: beige, peach, sand shades, pale green, milk. Style Provence benefit from artificially aged, slightly cracked walls. Imitation barn boards would be appropriate in the dining room, work area.

High tech
Flashy colors wallpaper: orange, red, coral, electrician emphasize the high-tech interior. Any bright color solutions require strict rationing. Only one glued Accent wall, the other three must be low-key, restrained tones counterbalance the overall atmosphere. The small kitchen is better to issue without a bright color spots, reception does not work, the presence of contrasting walls reduces the cramped room even more. Small-sized kitchen is right for a single color design in light colors. Large bright room may include razbavochnye paintings in dark colors, a choice of plain wallpaper deep dark Colors in the domestic market is large, the same Elysium offers several collections perfectly suitable for high-tech style.

The furniture in the interior of high-tech should be selected in contrast to the color of the walls.

The atmosphere of the Nordic countries is easy to fit in the kitchen interior: furniture strict laconic forms, the lack of tulle on the windows, the corresponding light wallpaper, maybe white tones. The canvas walls without any figures only emphasize the furniture, decor items. Scandinavian style is emphasized decorating walls liquid wallpaper.

The opposite technique - dilution snow white space bright accent color with a noticeable, memorable, large pattern. This trick will help to avoid sadness, not cosiness interior adds cheerfulness.

Wallpapers for the kitchen-living room
Combining in one room studio two functional areas: cooking, guest reception area requires a harmonious combination of different prints, colors. The transition between areas should be smooth, without causing a feeling of disharmony. Experts of the field of interior design are advised to use a combination of washable wallpaper to the working area with elegant, expensive price segment in the receiving room. A small studio in need of light walls. Mod studio executed sticking photo wallpapers living room, combined with a decoration of the kitchen walls.

Wallpapers for a small kitchen
Making private home kitchens virtually unlimited footage represents a huge scope for the designer. Large space, high ceilings allow you to apply any stylistic devices to play a variety of shapes, colors. Small kitchens footage impose a number of limitations to the design of the walls:
- The surfaces of the walls are made out light wallpaper: peach, pale blue, pastel light green. Dilute colors are vibrant elements wallpaper companion;
- Presence razbavochnyh paintings should not be intrusive, cut eye. It will be enough to insert one or two strips;
- Avoid large patterns, wide vertical stripes. Area under such optically clearance decreases;
- Combinations of different colors is better to choose the color palette in an adjacent sector, leave bright accents for the interior.

A universal solution that helps extend, to facilitate the limited space - a white coating with a textured pattern. Smooth white wallpaper in a small kitchen may seem tedious, it is better to dilute. As discussed above can save the situation pasting of one of the walls black.
At first glance it may seem - it is beautiful, unbanal kitchen wallpaper paste over an impossible task. This is not so little effort, showing attention to detail, you can create in your kitchen design individual, stylish format.