Kitchen - is a universal place in the apartment, where not only cook and eat, but organize gatherings with friends, going to family, to over Long tea to play bingo, make lessons with younger on the job of cooking borsch, to work at a laptop or prepare to set off to no one prevented. Therefore, a sound approach to the arrangement of large or small kitchen space is very important.
- Functionality partitions
types of partitions
- Shelves
- sliding partitions
- decorative partitions
- Barstand as a partition
- imitation wall
- Aquarium and plants
The style and material of partitions
- gypsum plasterboard
- natural wood
- Glass
- Plastic
- Textile
- Metal
- Highlighting barriers
- How to make your own hands
- conclusion
Functionality partitions
Kitchen walls allow the most convenient space to organize a small sample of an apartment or a country house near the hangar, dividing them into convenient functional areas.
- The main task of the kitchen design with a partition - an efficient distribution space, taking into consideration all the rules of ergonomics, making the period of stay in the room more comfortable and convenient.
- The cleverly-planned space, every detail has a functional load. The partition between the kitchen and living room, a corridor also serves as cupboards, book shelves, racks. There additional lighting may be set.
- In addition to useful features, kitchen partition has yet to match the selected style, not discordant with the design concept of the room. Materials and colors are carefully chosen, the design should be appropriate, pleasing to the eye, to provide comfort.

Only an integrated approach to planning will ensure the efficiency and comfort of the kitchen facilities. partitions aesthetics lose its meaning if it is dysfunctional. Convenient, but falling outside the style of the canvas, would look out of place.

types of partitions
The most appropriate prerequisites design partitions between the rooms are:
- A small area of small apartments that does not involve a plurality of decorative elements, interior wealth, which uses only the most necessary pieces of furniture and decor.
- Reverse option - spacious cottages and country houses, apartments in several levels, where the partition helps to express the original taste, unconventional master a large space.
- There are apartments, where a huge living room is adjacent to the narrow and small kitchen. In this case, replacement of the partition wall in the interests of many households living in other rooms 4-5.

To find the right type of partition between the kitchen and living room, dining room should take into account the dimensions of the room, proceed from the overall design concept, the preferences of all residents. All designs can be divided into two types: fixed and mobile. The latter can be folded, removed, set aside.

Unlike shelving solid partitions that such a wall is purely symbolic. He does not hide what is happening behind it, allowing both areas well ventilated. Since the shelves do not look through cumbersome, they make the interior more airy and spacious.

Rack looks harmoniously in any style, from classical to contemporary. You can store books and souvenirs, a variety of decorative trinkets, vessels with spices. The main drawback of the design is the inability to isolate odors and noise, adding additional space, which will have to clean up dust.

sliding partitions
This type is more suitable for larger spaces. The spacious kitchen is possible to build a structure of varieties: folding partition or a sliding door. If necessary, it open and make one large room. When cooking, the partition is closed, what saves other rooms from the penetration of food odor.
The positive features include: ease of construction, the ability to divide the room into two independent, high the choice of materials for manufacturing, closed most of the noise and odors do not fall on the adjacent territory.

As for the drawbacks: the moving parts of the system quickly wear out, they are easily damaged, for families with young children this variant is convenient and not safe enough, especially when there are large glassed areas.
See also:Kitchen design in brezhnevki: expanding space

decorative partitions
In the presence of imagination, creative imagination decorative partition becomes a true art object. Modern and functional design will require attention to detail.
The spacious rooms with many windows is appropriate either option. In small rooms, preference is given clear and mobile screens.

The choice of material for decorative partitions depends on the preferences of the owner, the functions which it is planned to load.
Outside the box to use as a separator trunks and branches of trees. A beautiful solution to the problem - the use of light screens. Their shutters are made of openwork wooden items, paper, silk and brocade. Apply beads, bamboo, glass, mirrors and even cut plastic pipe rings. Brutal stylish item for interior loft - the partition of the brickwork. It will set the mood throughout the interior.

Barstand as a partition
This option is ideal for small rooms where there is insufficient space to install a full dining set. The bar is connected to the wall, it continues to kitchen or becomes an independent element. It is convenient to eat, use the countertop surface as an extra work, but here in the broad places feasts hostess snacks.

Various models bar counters have several levels (conveniently in the presence of toddlers) supplemented cupboards and shelves equipped with bar and illumination. The reception is in harmony with the rest interior details or it becomes a bright accent.

imitation wall
Combining space has some drawbacks, which include the distribution of the whole apartment smells of french fries or fried fish, noise, working refrigerator or blender. Good hood partly solves the problem because she is noisy. For all the accuracy of a cook, stock cabinets and shelves in the hall found discarded spoons and toothpicks.

Qualitatively distinguish between the kitchen space will help the creation of falshsteny. Most often, in order to simplify the process, it is made of drywall, which allows for the available variety of forms, functions. Its easy to install and combine with other types of partitions. He escapes the noise from household appliances is relatively inexpensive. Of course, it requires additional decoration. When planning must take into account that both the main wall, and its imitation shaded some parts of the space, so the design is better to combine with other materials.

Aquarium and plants
Use ornamental plants or aquarium as a partition - the original idea. If you think about the shape, size of the aquarium, it does not take extra space. In addition, it can be placed under additional locker storage and movement of inhabitants to enjoy during leisure hours. Aquarium solves the problem of poor light. It does not create a barrier to the natural light, it is itself an additional source.
Aquarium - a rare design solution. The reason for this complicated installation process, in addition to the high price. The simplest option - an aquarium with a massive pedestal. Much more expensive than the product cost, built-in niche.

Impressive look built in "stenochku" dracaena, ficus. Low-growing plants are placed on pedestals. It looks good green septum, which grows from the long floor box. Zoning or hang-downing creepers fastened to the ceiling a special shelf where are arranged pots of Pyla, zebrinoy, aeschynanthus or pellioniey. Green wall becomes room vines. For their shoots build special wooden or wire support between the ceiling and the floor.

The style and material of partitions
Many seemingly insignificant trivia simplify or complicate the choice of the best solutions. First of all, analyze the kitchen size, its proportions and functional load, orientation to the cardinal. Heavy building materials tend not to be used if the design is slim and lightweight. It will not stand the weight of natural stone or ceramic tiles. To partition perfectly fit into the style of the room, the choice of material, color, decor fit carefully.
See also:How to make the design of the kitchen in classical style - 25 Interior options

Classic interior accompanied by bright colors and decorations in the form of stucco, moldings. For minimalism pick something simpler. In the kitchen-living room in the best traditions of the loft used plaster which decorate the brickwork. Modern high-tech underpin the use of glass and metal.

gypsum plasterboard
GCR easy to create solid walls, falshsten. This inexpensive material suitable for creating curved designs arches and ledges. Plasterboard niches and columns can easily fit into any style, combined with the wallpaper, paint, materials that mimic stone, brickwork. With this material with small investments room transformed unrecognizable.

Plasterboard inevitably obscure part of the space. It should also be remembered that he is afraid of moisture and is not strong enough, require additional cladding.

natural wood
Wood gives a warm, soothing, making the atmosphere of the home. It harmoniously in a classical setting, is not contrary to hi-tech. For fans of eco-style offers full play.
In addition to high environmental, wooden structures popular with designers because of good strength and durability. Their minus - a high degree of fire, they can not tolerate intensive moisturizing.

Partitions are made of wood or a solid lattice structure. Most often, the wooden frame do, and it is already filled with a variety of ways. Oak products, cherry, pear or black wood of high quality. At the last processing step of varnish, paint.
Popular materials such as boards, MDF, particle board or beam. Original articles derived from bamboo.

Glass partitions striking diversity. They are opaque, transparent, with designs painted on them by printing them decorate a variety of pictures. The glass will separate the room, while maintaining the level of illumination, visually increase the space. The spacious rooms of the Victorian style, art deco and Gothic stained glass harmonious.
With the material must be very careful, especially should think about its use in the design of the home, if the family has children. Preference is given to those brands that the destruction does not fly into small pieces. A significant drawback - in the partition wall of glass is not possible to lay communication. Hide there, for example, a riser, will not work.

Glass blocks are not as common, but the design of their application looks very stylish. Due to the refraction of light achieve the original effect, where the glass block looks like a work of art. Excellent appearance, heat and sound insulation, reliability - this is what distinguishes this material.
Glass blocks are looked chilly and hard, if not diluted with other materials, not played with skillful lighting. From owners require special care, will cost dearly.

PVC infrequently used as a continuous partition. In most cases, it becomes a frame or frame for structures of other materials. Plastic complement the design of racks, bar counters. It is durable, light, not afraid of water, sun, chemistry, popular in the interiors of high-tech fusion of minimalism. A large amount of plastic used in the creation of futuristic interiors. But this is not the best choice for your home.

For smaller spaces suitable fabric partitions. Their role can perform the usual curtains. The best choice would be light translucent fabrics in light colors. Silk and satin add luxury room, chic. Tulle, chiffon create airiness, space move apart. The most relevant partitions of textiles in the studio apartment, where the kitchen, dining room, living room do not have clear boundaries.
They can be made in a conventional curtains or consist of a plurality of yarns, tows. One of the most convenient options - curtains on rollers. In order to limit the working area and dining practical partition PVC tissue. It is resistant to absorb smell of cooking, easy to clean.
See also:Tiles for kitchen: 75 photo tile ideas for floor and apron

Metallic decor looks good in any room, the main thing to choose the metal processing method suitable for a certain stylistic currents.
Remarkably looks combination of metal and stained. Style high-tech support partition of steel. To use zoning embossed metal products. They are also useful for implantation into the interior of the fireplace, the other functional items. Forged partition will create a special mood to Provence without weighing room give access to the light. In addition, it can be a place to store a variety of souvenirs.

Highlighting barriers
Lighting helps to highlight the functional areas. Stronger highlighted workspace. Soft lighting plan in a recreation area. The very border between the kitchen and the adjacent room illuminated dot with which copes well with LED backlight. It must not be contrary to the design of the room, but to be its complement.
Opaque versions of partitions without further highlighting look massive. Beautiful decor and increase visual space niche provide illumination equipped in the partition. It can be placed in a box one point lamp and side mirrors to issue it. The room will illuminate shining light. Lighting elements directed upwards from the ceiling, so the divided space will appear higher.

How to make your own hands
Most of the decorative partitions from different materials with their own hands will not perform without having the appropriate skill, qualification tools.
The easiest way to design the walls - make it with their own hands Plasterboard. Details of this material excellent shape, making the product can not only be figured form. It will be located convenient niches, shelves, it itself becomes a bar. Make a partition can be charged experts, and establish yourself.

the following items will need to create a design:
- basic transverse profile;
- in the presence of the curly - Phillips;
- Metal scissors;
- building jigsaw or knife.
- Pre-determined location, hold the cross section contour of the room.
- According to the intended line sections are attached with screws. Before that drilled into the ceiling, wall and floor respective holes.
- For mounting frame is first mounted rack profiles.
- Greater rigidity achieved by the addition of the profile webs or plasterboard.
- Next, mount the drywall. Wherein:
- between the vertical elements of the carcass is kept a distance of 30-40 cm (fold sheet width of 120 cm);
- from the edge of the sheet to the point of attachment is required to comply with 1.5-2 cm;
- maintained between the screws 10-15 cm;
- desirable mountings black.
Sometimes drywall leave an opening for the installation of the door. To be safe, here are using a dual profile.

To avoid the noise of the kitchen facilities, recommended sound insulation. Sealing tape in the place of contact of the profile and bearing surfaces also protects the septum from possible cracks.
- Perimeter treated perforated area.
- Good design zashpaklevyvayut using reinforcing mesh. Suitable spider made of fiberglass.
- Apply finishing: plastering, painting in a favorite color, coating other finishing materials.
The process of erecting walls is not easy, so you should set goals for the solution of which is guaranteed to have the strength, skills.

The partition between the kitchen and adjoining bathroom - it's not just a way to zone the space, it is a part of the interior of the house. Pick it, considering not only personal preferences, but also the distinctive features of the room. For those who are inclined to frequently change the situation, we can recommend to use as partitions furniture. Every time placing it in a new way, they will receive an updated design. Fans will appreciate the possibility of non-standard options of glass blocks. Stylish and functional interior sliding partitions require.
Designers offer to use a variety of materials and combinations thereof, methods which are able to change the visual space. Taking advantage of their advice, arrange dream kitchen becomes a real business.