Rococo - style in art and architecture, which dates back to the beginning of the XVIII century. It distinguishes for a special grace, ease, and is the ideological basis of beauty, unfading youth, gallant elegance. This is most clearly manifested in the Rococo style interior. Characteristic features of the "trim" style - an attraction to all kinds of "women's things" (ornaments, figurines, luxurious fabrics, soft lines, muted tones), attention to the selection of the smallest details, as well as striving to ensure that every detail has been brought to perfection.
Rococo - the closest relative of the Italian Baroque pomp, who also worships luxury and willingly puts it on display. But there are significant differences Rococo. His aesthetics requires a demonstration of wealth and mitigate any manifestations of expressiveness. Wealth - by painting in soft pastel colors, expressiveness - a tribute to the elegance, lightness, playfulness. In addition, the Rococo - a rejection of the grandeur of monumental solemnity, dark baroque colors in favor of lightness, sensuality, unsaturated bright colors. Therefore Rococo adopted simultaneously count and the logical conclusion of heavy baroque style, and its artistic antipode.
- History of style
- For any premises fit the style
- The color scheme of interiors and designs
- wall design
- ceiling design
- floor clearance
- Features selection of textiles
- Lighting
- the era of Louis XV furniture
- The use of decoration items
History of style
The style originated in the French kingdom at a time when the regent for minor King Louis XV was Philippe d'Orleans. Reflecting on the French of that period, A. FROM. Pushkin noted their "free frivolity", "madness", the desire for luxury, with which nothing could compare. It is not surprising that during this period there is a playful, elegant for the pompous Baroque - Rococo style, which is used primarily in the arrangement of the mansions of the French nobility (living rooms, boudoirs, bedrooms). The emergence of new trends, of course, influenced by changes in the philosophical views. But the main impetus for its development was not the philosophy, lifestyle, tastes, habits of representatives of aristocratic families.

Born in France, Rococo quickly gaining popularity in other countries. This contributed to the French artists who worked abroad. Helped spread the style and French architects to publish their projects outside their home country. Zenith rococo, has incorporated elements of Baroque, reached in Austria and Germany. England, too, has not escaped the impact of the fashionable style, manifested above all in the applied arts, such as inlaid furniture, production of silver. It is worth noting that the development of the Rococo style was reflected in many areas of artistic goods production. Special attitude has developed in porcelain manufacturers.

Rococo did not hand over their positions, while remaining at the peak of popularity, right up to the end of the XVIII century. Gallant style, perfectly combined with the ease of manners and timeless festive mood that prevailed during the reign of Louis XV, dominated by long, but left an imprint on the art of decoration interior.

For any premises fit the style
rococo fans there today. As a rule, it is prone to daydreaming delicate nature who prefer to gentility and sophistication throughout. Of course, not many of them can fully embody a truly royal splendor of the art direction. More chances to succeed are sophisticated person owning spacious country houses. However, even those lucky stylists restrain, urging not to get involved too, not to seek registration of all buildings in the style of bygone times. Firstly, the result of hard, easy job can become something more like a historical museum, not a cozy dream home. Second, the arrangement of the premises in a spirit of gallant century will require a rather impressive financial investments. Finishing materials, exclusive furniture, fixtures, and other elements of decor - all this is not cheap.
See also:Art Nouveau interior: style and characteristic examples

But success is not difficult, if you apply the concept of the Rococo in several areas - living room, nursery, bedroom, bathroom, or include some elements of style to any room. Experts recommend to exclude from the list of transforms rooms office. There should prevail creative, cheerful attitude, not relaxed sensual atmosphere, evokes pleasant thoughts about the rest, bliss, bliss.
There is an opinion that the territory domination Rococo - country houses and limited scope apartment practically do not allow to accommodate everything that needs stylistic direction. But is it? Practice shows that the aristocratic, incredibly effective and, at the same time (if to be smart) enough budget rococo available to residents of the ordinary urban apartments. After all, a modern interpretation of this style is somewhat simplified, but in the event of difficulties, you can always count on the help of professionals.

The color scheme of interiors and designs
The color palette dominated by the muted, pastel range: shades of pearl, beige, pink, light green, pistachio, lilac, sky blue colors combined with gold and base color - white. Watercolor, blurred colors fill the room calm, turning to the world of feelings, fantasy, fine, subtle shades of mood.
It is interesting! The main element of the ornamental decoration of the rococo style reminiscent curl shell. It is called "rocaille". The French word rocaille means "rock." Initially, this term refers to the shells, fossils, rock fragments, and other details that mimic the natural elements that were used to decorate park pavilions, grottoes and fountain bowls. Over time, all the objects resembling a seashell, or a rough gem stone, because of the unusual, meandering, bizarre became known as rocaille. The very name of the Rococo style associated with these terms.

XVIII century, several updated principles of home decoration. Widely used the following patterns:
- garlands intertwined stems, leaves, emerging bands;
- whimsical ornaments with monkeys and children figurines;
- images of mythological characters - nymphs, fauns.

wall design
Rococo interiors at all times easily impressed, beauty, exquisite luxury. The impression was created using the carved panels, fabric wallpaper, voluminous draperies, tapestries of white, pale pink, blue shades. Typically, the walls were no straight lines used stucco art pattern - scattered with a slight negligence floral arrangements, ornate curls, weaves, fancy vignettes, seashells. Decorative compositions occupy all the walls, including the plane of the U-shaped door and window openings.
Modern design is impossible without the use of wallpaper - silk, heavy glossy, and without decoration woven inserts, Venetian plaster. Sometimes the walls are separated by a horizontal line into two parts. Often applied finishes such variant, when the top part adhesive qualities cloth and the bottom - okleivayut quality wallpaper.
See also:White bedroom design in classic style

Be sure to use the frescoes, intricately framed pictures and mirrors. Mirrors are usually placed one against the other or in the spaces between the windows that visually expands the space. But this one is not limited to the mirrors. Ghostly reflections particular poluskazochnuyu game creates an atmosphere where the illusory world is intertwined with reality.
Features wall design - rounded corners, as well as invisible seam line between the wall and the ceiling. A smooth transition from the wall to the ceiling decoration pattern provides auxiliary decoration, the so-called Padhuga. This kind of overlap between the wall and the ceiling, the main purpose of which - smoothing the corners. Usually Padhuga decorated with stucco, gilded. Sometimes a more strict atmosphere for delicate pattern on Padhuga applied silver paint.

ceiling design
Rococo interior style involves a one-color design or the ceiling decorated with bright murals. And is decorated with stucco decoration in the tone, often with gilding. The composition of the living room or the dining room, which is the maximum emphasis on the ceiling, must complete a grand chandelier - elegant, crystal, with sparkling pendants or imitation candles cascade. Ceilings and children's bedrooms is appropriate to a small number of moldings, and also not too flashy chandelier.

floor clearance
The floor of the interior rococo necessarily expensive and flashy. An ideal embodiment of flooring is reliable and durable art parquet. Grace pictures of this coating gives a feeling of comfort, prosperity, refined gentility. Rococo interiors are not less harmonious look, if the floor is made of marble or covered with ceramic tiles to recreate a marble pattern. It is important that the surface reflects the elegant furnishings and exquisite decor. Effect of luxury and comfort in one package is achieved with a small painted carpet. This piece of furniture is appropriate everywhere, but the children's room and bedroom - the most suitable place for him.

Features selection of textiles
The abundance of woven products - one of the features of the interior of this stylistic direction. Therefore, in the design of windows welcome the intricate design of several layers of fabric. The key to success - the curtains of silk, free drop to the floor. The effect of palatial luxury help achieve styling waves fabric flowing folds, decoration bows, fringe, ruffles, ribbons, embroidery, applique. To Rococo fit furniture covers and tablecloths with elaborate, complex finish.

Luxury crystal chandelier exclusive design - living real highlight of the interior. rococo aesthetics requires that the lighting unit, in addition to the basic function, demonstrated elitism home, the degree of respectability, excellent taste of its owners. As for the bedrooms, there is quite appropriate will be a small lamp with a lace shade or interestingly shaped ceiling.

Attention! Rococo interior requires the play of light and shadow, mysterious shadows, much needed to create a sensual and intimate environment. Therefore, in the room it has to find a place for sconces, floor lamps, antique chandeliers.
Strengthen the lighting of the room, without losing the flavor of the gallant century, it is possible by means of simple acceptance. Enough to place lamps close to the mirror or in front of them. Do you want to plunge into the fascinating era of beautiful feelings? Light a candle in gilt candlestick or porcelain. Let the mirror in dazzling oval frame reflect her wavering flame.

the era of Louis XV furniture
All the furniture products of the XVIII century a sleek shapes and flowing lines. For their manufacture used expensive wood: maple, rosewood, mahogany, walnut, lemon. Upholstered furniture upholstered with silk, brocade, velvet. However, the master cares not only about the quality of the furniture. Items for relaxation, pampering, pleasure, they turned into original works of art, which sought to acquire every good citizen. In an age of rococo were considered fashionable low chairs, deep sofas and chairs that are a common feature - curved legs and back, decorated with carved openwork pattern. The padding of these products adorned with intricate images of the vine, flower garlands, diamond-shaped grid, romantic scene.
See also:Baroque style in the interior design examples 45 photos

Curly legs, decorated with inlays, intricate carvings, bronze plates and gold, supported by an elegant couch, lacquer chests, benches, desks. Boudoir secular fashionistas take pride of place previously unknown lockers for securities - kartonerki. Again become relevant small tables with round top, which served as the basis for the black figures of slaves-Moors. In an age of rococo these products became known as pedestal table. The so-called Provencal ballads glorifying courage of slaves.

Mandatory elements in the design of the premises were the closets and dressers. In the era of Louis XV, these products have lost the standard rectangular shape. From now on, they clearly demonstrated the highest level of skill of their creators. Cabinets rococo different lacquer surfaces, wavy lines, thin lace patterns of rounded edges and trim handles, inlaid with ivory and semi-precious stones.
Bedroom in rococo style is inconceivable without a large bed with a huge, elaborately decorated headboard. In the XVIII century it was supplemented by the splendor of a canopy and carved columns. If desired, such an interior is not difficult to recreate in our time. For total immersion into the world of palatial luxury needs one more refined and incredibly feminine piece of furniture in the Rococo style. We are talking about a mobile screen with rich paintings.

The use of decoration items
The basic element from which to start registration of the living room fireplace is low. From the design of this luxury object it depends largely on what will look like the decoration of the room. The most commonly used rococo fireplaces made of beige or white marble. The nobility of appearance of a product can be enhanced by placing on the mantelpiece candelabras with candles, vases, figurines, clocks. Above the fireplace is recommended to hang a large mirror framed in a spectacular, and next to put a miniature table and chairs.

We should not forget about the aquarium. It was the era of the Rococo turned transparent container for fish in the element of the decor. Remember and about the cute trinkets: boxes, porcelain figurines, figurines made of ivory. They enliven the interior, symbolizing prosperity and carefree, but these categories are welcome rococo style. For upholstered furniture, there are also decorations - small pillows, various wraps, rolls.

One of the stylistic requirements - the mandatory presence in the room of antiques and objects in the style of the past century. For example, the living room can be decorated with bronze clocks, art panels, crystal vases, porcelain sets. All of this enriches the interior and creates an atmosphere of aristocratic antiquity.