Created with his own hands from crafts cut down a tree are highly decorative. All kinds of natural wood decor fill the interior space of the house with warmth and comfort. To make your own hands can be the product of any complexity. This can be a beautiful frame for a bed in the garden, on the shelf souvenir, figurines for suburban area in the form of a mill, a decorative bridge track. Enough to have a detailed drawing and step through all of the instructions.
- material Features
- How to properly prepare the material
Step-manufacturing workshops crafts
- Birds and animals
- Useful for kitchen crafts
- Feeders for birds
- Beautiful pots of thick saw cut for flower beds
- Crafts for the New Year
- Panels made of Spili
- watch case
- Making mirrors and photo frames
- Making tracks on a country site
- Create a piece of furniture
- conclusion
material Features
The unique structure of the wood to give the individual slice any product. Natural material for creative work - is trimmed in face surface tree trunk compartment. These can be whole stumps, threads or layers of varying thickness. The main feature of the natural material to work - on a section of the presence of the unique pattern, which is formed by the annual rings. You can use the green woods or expose the elements of high-temperature drying. Then they formed characteristic crack.
For manufacturing various products from spilite requires separate type timber. Selection of species - a very important point. Garden decor is best made from solid wood, such as oak, birch, beech. The high degree of density and a small porosity ensures a long product service. Pine, fir, larch get excellent panels, trims for windows, for a child's toy, a composition for a kindergarten or school.

How to properly prepare the material
Any work for manufacturing articles made from spilite begins with workpiece material. The technology is very simple, but requires certain skills to work with the tool and accuracy. To separate the wood elements can be used an electric circular saw, hand hacksaw. Chainsaws better not to use, because they can not provide a clean cut. Preparations of sawn timber takes place in several stages:
- Selection of wood. Depending on the type and breed selected crafts formed thickness. Use logs with regrown branches, twigs. This is not a marriage, and makes the picture unique.
- Preparation of the material. Logs debarked and polished, mounted on a support rail or fixed in a comfortable position.
- Cut. Cutting takes place in the transverse direction. For a dense and wide wood use a circular saw. Small threads separated into rings with a hacksaw.
- Grinding. Crosscut opens all the pores of the wood, making it vulnerable to the ring. To extend the life, impregnated with special solutions, polished.
- The manifestation of the texture. Use impregnation, penetrating deep into the material. The compositions may be transparent, which change color, underlining drawing tinting.
- Varnishing. To avoid rot preform was treated with protective means which form an additional layer on the saw cut surface.

Step-manufacturing workshops crafts
Beautiful natural artifacts can be made from logs, the array, the branches of any thickness. Of correctly processed Spila breeds can produce beautiful decor for the street or room, where each element is unique. There are many simple workshops, which can handle even a child. For the manufacture of sophisticated decor of cut wood elements need glue, jigsaw, additional material for finishing and decorating.
See also:The decor of shells - 10 decorating ideas with their own hands

Birds and animals
Crafts for the garden and the house in the form of birds and animals to do is very simple, and they will look original. For the manufacture of an owl with owlet it takes just a few wooden rings of different diameters, a hacksaw and beads to the eye. Spila can be glued or nailing each other nails. Such decorations rather street, so the birds will fix the place ordinary piece of wood.
Take two saw cut, with a diameter of 20 and 14 cm, fix to the base vertically. Prepare 4 circles of smaller diameter for the eyes and nailed at the top of the great circles. 2 is sawn in half and the rings do wings. for a family of manufacturing community surface sovyat better not to be sanded. With natural bark artifact looks original.
thin saw cut boughs and brevnyshek suitable for miniature handicrafts. To manufacture a pair of light spots required 4 identical ringlet, 2 more identical, but slightly smaller, and the pair of skew for each spilite for eyelets and lugs. Between two big elements of the circle and put a fix - it will be a headache. Add the ears, legs and bunnies are ready.

Useful for kitchen crafts
Pledge of individual style of home - kitchen utensils made of wood, hand made. In addition to decorative purposes decorate the table or counter top, they can carry out direct functions of cutlery, as a stand for hot.
For the manufacture of kitchen boards require a wide cross-section of a tree. It is sufficient to polish and can be used for other purposes. Apply Protective mixture varnish, tinted not advisable in this case. Stands for hot, you can do the same.
To produce a plate of fruit and desserts will be a little more difficult. You need to pick up a wide circle of wood, make a well and well sanded all the rough edges.

If the production of stands, podtarelnikov take softwood, that when heated it will release the essential oils that awaken the appetite, filling the room with a stunning aroma.
Feeders for birds
Especially beautiful is obtained trough prefabricated Spila birch. Craft for winter house birds can also be stumps of softwood, large rectangular spilite and dense crust. The latter option is the most simple and less labor-intensive. It is necessary for the scheme to create all the constituent elements and to connect in a certain sequence, attached to the base.
Of different heights twigs and longitudinal sections will turn a beautiful and strong autumn trough. It is necessary to prepare a base and nail thereto by enclosing the edge of upright blanks of different size, simulating fence. The roof can be made of round polished elements, birch bark, pine branches.

Beautiful pots of thick saw cut for flower beds
Excellent idea of ​​manufacturing the original beds from the saw cut will land successfully elevate, make it fabulous and interesting. This hack will be original look anywhere in the garden or yard. Tsvetnik natural material does not require additional decor.
For future capacity necessary to choose a healthy part of the tree, not rotting, with no signs of insect infestation, or pests ruin the flower bed, and in the future of the plant. Oak logs should be avoided, since it will be difficult to cut a recess in the home.
See also:How to make a house out of cardboard for a child
Determine the size of the pot easily. It is necessary to step back from the stump of 5 cm and draw a straight line along the circumference. You can begin to breaching the recess. You can do this in several ways:
- Drill in the middle of the stump a few holes to fill and nitrate. A few weeks later formed the recess. Its size should be sufficient for planting flowers.
- Cut Chainsaw. Make propyl circumferential perimeter. Loose pieces are removed with a chisel.
- Build a fire on the surface of the bar and wait until the middle will not burn out. During operation, it is necessary to make sure that the fire distributed evenly.
- Make several deep hole perimeter with a drill and to clear the core hoe or chisel.

Crafts for the New Year
Christmas toys of SPIL small branches will be original decoration holiday. The easiest way - cut billet rings without removing the crust, and decorate any color sections. can also be applied beautiful patterns vyzhigatelnym device.
If necessary form spilite possible to correct and to bring up to the required silhouette. Of the few pieces you can make fun toys, snowmen, flowers, animals. Any tree ornaments can complement the decorative material, various labels.
For the manufacture of sections of the tree for the New Year you need to prepare a triangular shape. Now you have to stick around the perimeter of the wooden slats for fixing the circular elements and create a smooth contour. Put the nice round billets of various sizes, taking care not to leave voids. The collected tree fill an epoxy resin and leave to dry. After drying and detachable shape retaining slats polish.

Panels made of Spili
The original decoration on the wall can be made from a certain type of wood or combine several at once. There is no certain strict framework, which must be followed when creating the panel. In the preparation, you can use any ideas based on personal preferences.
Get a specific pattern on the wall of SPIL does not work, but it is possible to give a clear round elements form a square, circle, abstract shapes. Start manufacturing crafts necessary to the frame. It is better to use natural materials, or imitating. SPIL may simply be glued to the wall if they are few and small weight, or fasten with screws to the frame rails or on an ad hoc basis.
Once all the items are laid out and fixed, the panel must be processed linseed oil and varnish. Gaps between spilite poured transparent laminating solution or paint over.

To hide the holes left after the screws, it is necessary to drive them in the wooden wedges. Balance cut and sanded flush. The resulting spot will resemble the cut place bitch.
watch case
For the manufacture of genuine and useful crafts require a minimum of materials. Sam clockwork, neat cut down the tree of any shape, drill, machine for burning, paint and brush. The work is as follows:
- Carefully handle the cut using a grinding machine.
- We drill a hole in the center, suitable for mounting in diameter clockwork.
- Stained section of a light paint, leaving one edge in a natural color.
- Burns or plastic figures.
- With Vyzhigatel make an arbitrary pattern.
- We set the clock mechanism.
See also:Decorating furniture with their hands + 40 photo ideas

Making mirrors and photo frames
To create a frame with his hands kindly cut a lot of small wooden blocks. We put mirror on plywood and draw out a pencil along the contour. The resulting circumference are increasing by 9 cm and a mark line. Cut the base of a jigsaw and sanded the edges. On the reverse side circumference puts plywood mounting rail for further mirror to a wall.
Now we can move on to decorating. Coloring marked part of the edge of a circle in a suitable color to the interior saw cut and pasted. Framing will look spectacular, if combined different-sized items. When the composition dries, the internal field smear liquid nails and glue the mirror.

Making tracks on a country site
Track of Spili in the country will become a true design wonder. It looks nice and original, characterized by durability and practicality, in spite of the porosity of the natural material. With good protection and proper care will last a long time.
Work on the production of the tracks begin with the preparation of the wood elements. Preference is better to give a hardwood such as oak, beech, ash. Sawn logs into pieces 10-15 cm thick, strictly uniform thickness. Then impregnate their protective structure. This may be the bluestone, linseed oil and other resources.
Now we go to the layout of the route. We are trying to drive the pegs and stretch the rope between them. Digging a shallow trench and its lining film top layer of rubble fall asleep. All tamped and leveled in the level. If desired, can be made curbstones of beams, sheet metal, brick.
Fall asleep prepared trench with sand and fill with water for better shrinkage. Wooden saw cut stacked in any form. The main thing is that they are as close to each other. Emptiness can be filled with sand or soil and plant the green grass.

Create a piece of furniture
Beautiful furniture for garden houses or baths can be made of longitudinal and transverse spilite large and small sizes. The easiest way to make a table of such a material. First we need to prepare a detailed drawing, and select a suitable template for countertop. Simply use a solid piece, and then make him a suitable form of furniture.
Starts with preparation of the material - remove bark eliminate irregularities and purify metal brush sander slice. This stage has a direct impact on the quality of future products. With the help of furniture screws create a carrier part and fastening all components glue. If there are holes or chipped, they must fill in the epoxy resin and remove. Then, at the edges of the surface set bumpers, fill it with resin and allowed to dry. Several days later, we remove unnecessary details and grind the surface of a table of the saw cut.

Eco style is gaining popularity. Most of the owners of country houses are trying to refine your site and use the most natural decor. Cut a tree - an excellent material for the implementation of unique and original ideas. Creating articles made from environmentally friendly product does not require large material investments. Simple compositions without the application of an electric tool able to create even a child.