Installing the hood - a necessary measure, especially for kitchens in multifamily buildings with poorly functioning natural ventilation. Proper air cleaning device should be the same width or slightly intrude plate by its edges. The height of the location and type of mounting depends on the type of cooking surface, functions, modes and power devices eliminate odors.
- Functions extractors in the kitchen
- Operation modes hood
- What power must be hood
Types of hoods and installation of equipment
- False
- recessed
- wall
- inclined
- corner
- Insular
- the electrical connection rules
Installation of the ventilation duct
- duct size
- Fixing the corrugations to the hood and ventilation
- Fixing to the wall of the duct
- How and where to display the duct
- conclusion
Functions extractors in the kitchen
The main task of extracts - Air purification of malodor harmful soot particles, smoke. Forced ventilation in the room will provide clean and fresh air, to prevent the development of many respiratory diseases, the spread of allergens. Work basic functions is simple and straightforward. But today's models can be equipped with additional useful features. To make the management of an extract as pleasant as possible, the following design used by manufacturers:
- Sensors, digital display;
- Ability to control remote distance;
- Automatic, arbitrary timers;
- Sensors that react to external changes (steam, humidity, temperature, movement of objects, etc.).

Operation modes hood
Exhaust equipment can operate in two modes. This is a common air outlet and recirculation. Some modern models are equipped with two functions, successive operation mode switching.
Air discharged from the kitchen through the ventilation system oxygen saturated vapors, soot particles. It also eliminates the fat combustion products, odor. Powerful drawing engine draws the contaminated air in a timely manner, preventing sedimentation fat and soot on the inner surface of the device.
filtration and recirculation mode allows involve harmful impurities together with air, cleaned and returned into the room. Such a purification method usually used in rooms without natural ventilation, without the possibility of connecting to the vent, if a very weak traction. The equipment does the job thanks to a carbon filter.

What power must be hood
The main indicators in the selection hood - the volume of purified air, technical data. Indicated in the documents of the power producer indicates the amount of intake cubic meters of air per hour. During this period, the oxygen in the kitchen is updated, processed 15 - 20 times. It depends on the intensity of the vapors.
Power exhaust device depends on the fan performance. Optimal performance of the equipment is calculated using a special formula taking into account the kitchen area, ceiling height, number of family members, such as cooking surface. On the performance feature affects installation. Sharp bends of the duct, with corrugated walls pipe added noise and reduce efficiency by 5 - 10%.
If the owners of an apartment or house to smoke in the kitchen, it is best to choose an extract increased power. But it is necessary to take into account that such a model can not work silently. Optimal - a power control device. Also reduce the discomfort will help the periodic filter cleaning.

Types of hoods and installation of equipment
Upgraded hoods differ in many respects. When choosing a device, you must consider not only the appearance and capacity of the equipment, but also a way to mount over the stove, set of useful features, and other factors. Before buying this product, make sure that takes into account all the necessary requirements: performance, practicality, decorative features, the type of installation.

Feature suspended models - work without removal of the principle of air recirculation. Flat hoods absorb steam and smells and purified by means of filters. Play a major role grease scheme. Models of the low price category fitted with acrylic filter, and more expensive - aluminum.
See also:How to choose the kitchen: tips from professionals
It received its name from the hood of the installation process. In order to save space it is fixed between the wall and the ceiling kitchen cabinet parallel to the board surface. The equipment is fixed with screws, make a decorative box or in furniture slot for corrugated pipe. One side of the hose supplied to the device, and the other to the vent. Suspended hoods have many advantages:
- Easy installation;
- Saving energy during operation;
- The minimum noise;
- Reusable filter system;
- A nice, compact design.

Model successfully hidden in a variety of kitchen furniture and do not infringe the interior style. Power such extracts will be sufficient for typical Khrushchev. Due to the peculiarities of installation, they take up little space, the frame and the air duct placed in a special cabinet.
To begin the installation with air pollution control equipment necessary furniture. If the enclosure is the correct size, it should be easy to make the necessary holes. If the hood is more than prepared compartment, cabinet or dismantle use a special box for mounting. Atop mounted facade structure. The advantages of embedded extracts can include the following features:
- Device does not stand out in general the interior;
- High power at small sizes;
- Large range of sizes, additional functions and other parameters;
- Easy to install, both in air and circulation models.
When installing kitchen hoods embedded observe the recommended distance from the device to the burners. Gas cooker - 80 cm, for electrical - 65 cm. Too low position jeopardizes the safety of the equipment, and the high - will not be effective.

A popular modern version in the form of pipes different manner of fastening. Wall mounted extractor hood above the cooking surface and the box and the filters are mounted directly to the wall. Such models can operate in either of two modes: cleaning a filter in ventilation air outlet. The unit is completely visible. Therefore, when choosing the equipment necessary to consider its compliance with the overall kitchen design style. Extractor hood may be flat as a picture or a bulky domes.
In the first phase of installation is necessary to make marks on the wall and mark the place location of the device, where it will hang. Then it is necessary to determine the version of the duct placement. Work is simplified if the ventilation window is located above the slab. At the far location need to use corrugated hose. Unsightly elements can be hidden in a box of drywall.

These models are an interesting design, compactness. Sloping hood positioned at a certain angle to the horizontal. They are characterized by high productivity. Air-purifying equipment can be mounted with their hands in the middle of hanging lockers. There is a great opportunity to choose from a large range hood of any stylistic direction.
Inclined extraction units often work in air masses output mode through a ventilation shaft. Even with the smallest size, they do an excellent job with this task.
Fitting specificity determines the device model, the type of the slab surface. The use of heat-resistant materials in the manufacture of the hood body allows you to hang it much closer to the cooking surface. The optimal distance from the burners appliance - 35 cm from the gas - 55 cm.

angle type air cleaners are suspended. Manufacturers produce a T-shaped pattern or a dome shape. It is also possible to meet the inclined plane of the device. But their installation will require additional training of angular walls. This arrangement allows harmoniously hide duct disguise communication. It will be attached to the walls or the edges of the hanging cabinets.
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Corner hoods can not be called cheap. When choosing a special attention should be paid to the material. They can be made of steel, aluminum, ceramic, glass coating. Also, there are many models that are suitable only to a certain angle. Exceptions are domed, round design.
Choosing a technique for already equipped kitchen, you need to verify its dimensions with a stove. It should also be designed for corner location. Such a combination adds the interior of some flavor. If in terms of installation of retractable design, it should provide unhindered use.

The range of such models is minimal. Increasingly insular designs make on an individual project, taking into account the smallest features of the cooking surface and the room in general. The designer needs only to a particular kitchen, located in the middle of the room with one wall borders or without borders at all. Differ only in the way the device island location - hanging from the ceiling.
The shape of the island hoods distinguish three types. Flat panel looks weightless, is standard and folding. It can be incorporated both in the vicinity of the working surface and the ceiling. Domed hood look great in the spacious kitchen. Curved flat panel - the combined product.
Installation duct and installation of communication takes place on the ceiling. Subsequently hoses and wires hide behind a false ceiling covering. Attached drawing by means of such wires or pins with collets.

the electrical connection rules
After drawing the right choice is made, it is necessary to think about the safety of its connection to the mains. All devices operate from 220 V, which allows power from a simple wall outlet. Save warranty possible if connect the appliance to an earthed socket with a high degree of protection. Socket for air pollution control equipment shall comply with the following rules:
- The presence marking IP62 ensures safe operation when wet (suitable for kitchens, bathrooms);
- The minimum distance from the tables and shelves - 20 cm;
- Indentation away from the hood body is not less than 30 cm;
- If the total output of household appliances in the kitchen more than 4 kW, it is necessary to conduct a separate line for drawing;
- Submit outlet better higher up off the floor and the gas source, at the level of 1.5-2 meters.
The power of the majority of extracts does not exceed the average rate of 500 watts. Therefore, in the absence of near outlet device can be powered train. Stroebe wall is not necessary, you can use the exposed wiring, placing the cable in the plastic box.

Installation of the ventilation duct
drawing work is carried out by connecting to the ventilation channel. All contamination of food output in mine house and thrown into the street. As air may be used or corrugated plastic pipe. The latter method is not popular because the issues when working a lot of noise.
The ducts are round and rectangular. For each use their own type of fastening, shaped adapter, hidden method in a wall. When mounting should take into account all the requirements indicated in the passport equipment. To use the vent ducts of the same diameter, and twists constriction must be minimized.

duct size
Efficient operation of extraction depends on the duct size. When buying a product is necessary to calculate its diameter. The tube of any material should exactly adjoin both the opening of the ventilation shaft and drawability. Incorrectly calculated value greatly reduce the effectiveness of the equipment will increase the load on the joints, increase noise.
See also:Fitted kitchen design Q4. m
Calculate the size of the pipe corrugations can correctly by measuring the diameter of the nozzle at the exhaust itself vent hole. If the duct is less, it is necessary to expand and provide a complete seal due to the addition of suitable diameter adapter.
According to the standard dimensional grid for round ducts, the market can find a product diameter of 8 - 30 cm. Square products for T-shaped, recessed hood must always be complemented adapters. Most running dimensions - 10 cm x 5, 8 x 15cm.
Before buying corrugated duct is necessary to clarify its length in the stretched state. The ideal size with a margin - 3 meters. From the surplus can always get rid of.

Fixing the corrugations to the hood and ventilation
Before you begin, you need to clean the house or apartment ventilation. Then you should check the integrity of the duct. Plastic tubes are inspected for chips, various defects. The corrugations should be stretched full length, to examine the constituent elements. Then, the sealant should be processed neck stretching and impose on it a pipe. Attach it can be a special collar or regular wire.
While the design dries, you can start preparing the vent. Special grating with the projection fasten the screws to a wall or don corrugated plastic pipe to seal and fix the clamp. During assembly reserve grating hole open to natural air circulation. Check the exhaust efficiency can be, bringing a piece of paper to the surface of the device is switched on at full capacity. Hold the sheet - a sign of quality installation and proper absorption.

Fixing to the wall of the duct
Light, short tubes made of plastic can simply be glued to the wall, the wooden surface of the furniture ordinary silicone. This method of fixing is not suitable for the walls, lined with tiles or pasted over with wallpaper. Also difficulty will arise with a long duct, more than 100 cm. In this case, to use fastening clamps Pulling with dowels.
Metal pipes for drawing secured to the wall with brackets, hinges. The solution uniquely for all sizes, and does not depend on the distance of the place of installation. Due to this fastening method can reduce hum and vibration. The use of an arm-loops can further compress the joints of some sections.

How and where to display the duct
If during assembly drawing any problem, bump into the channel of natural circulation is impossible, then the only option left output duct outside the room through a wall. Such a decision would also be best for a private home. If possible, the hood must be placed on the opposite side of the window.
To output pipe street paving required minimum channel length. It is better to use circular cross section corrugations to do just one turn. Exclude flow channel freezing possible if to install a check valve. Also it is necessary to warm moisture-proof insulator. On the tube on the outside wall mounted protective umbrella, which does not allow wetting.
Duct before sending it to the wall must be placed in a special box. It should be durable plastic, plaster structure capable of sustaining its own weight and the weight of the exhaust pipe. All of the boxes tightly adjacent to each other. Before the final mask airway, it should be checked for leaks.

Installation of the hood can be carried out independently with a minimum set of tools. When carrying out electrical work should not forget about security. Strict adherence to the installation instructions will avoid many problems in the operation. It is necessary not less often than once every six months, change filters and carry out major cleaning hood. If this is not done, the equipment will cease to perform its functions.