Toys surround the child from the first days of his life. Their parents constantly buy, give relatives. As they get older baby rattles and rubber rings are replaced into cubes and pyramids, dolls and cars displace the soft model. Gift Collection is constantly growing, and if time does not organize a toy storage system, they have to collect all the corners of the house or apartment.
There are many ways to correct the location of the children's things. You can use the drawers, shelves, shelves, boxes, baskets. It is important to teach the child to order from an early age. This will not only save his mother from a headache, but also help to instill in children the qualities of precision, accuracy, attentiveness, orderliness. After all, every parent wants to raise a tidy and clean person.
The basic rules and tips storage organization
- Sort toys by type of activity
- Marking storage locations
Original and unusual ideas store toys
- Roomy racks with open shelves
- Bright and stylish basket
- wall pockets
- Bags-KUSINER for toys
- A variety of boxes
- Armchairs, ottomans and benches with cache
How to make your own storage space
- Boxes for toys made of wood
- Master class on sewing fabric baskets
- Boxes made of cardboard
- Sew pockets of old clothes
- Shelves of plastic buckets
- Suspended storage
- Terms of storage of soft plush toys
- conclusion
The basic rules and tips storage organization
Restore order in the baby's room is easy. The main thing is to do it regularly. The first thing to take into account the age of the son or daughter:
- Up to 2 years. Young children toys gives mom. They are usually a bit, enough to accommodate one box.
- From 2 to 5 years. During this period, collection of toys becomes very large, one duct can not do. It should take care of shelves, cabinets and drawers.
- From 5 to 10 years. Accumulated a lot of things, increases their diversity to their arrangement require sorting. However, as the child grows the interest in the games he has gradually lost.

When organizing the storage system must comply with the rules:
- For each toy a certain place must be given. It is by example teach your child to put things where you want.
- The most favorite models, which often plays a baby, should be placed at eye level.
- Broken items that can not be repaired, it is best not to store, they are usually discarded.
- Rattles, rubber rings and other items which the child has grown, you can give a friend, leave for the younger generations, removing them out of sight.
- Storage space is typically selected close to the play area.
- items must be placed so that they can be seen, the baby should get your favorite model without problems.
- As the development of the child, when he learns to read, boxes and containers can sign, stick labels on them.
- When the collection becomes very large and diverse, all products must be sorted out. it is recommended to pick up small boxes and containers for small items.
Particular attention should be paid to security. All shelves, hanging shelves, cabinets should be well secured. Furniture should be selected with no sharp corners, for painting only use harmless paint health, maintain cleanliness.

Sort toys by type of activity
Run systematization variety of ways. The easiest - to reduce the number of items. The disadvantage of this approach - when the child thinks of some models, it will have to look among the cleaned items. More rational approach - sorting all items by categories, the correct location of the shelves, shelves and drawers. you can sort the items as follows:
- We collect all the toys in one place.
- Broken items that can not be repaired, throw away.
- Splitting and decompose things categorized into:
- small;
- puzzles;
- street (buckets, blades, molds, balls);
- playsets (Lego, designers, blocks);
- models for games (board, card);
- soft ware;
- Large size.
- Placement on the shelves, drawers:
- The most favorite and popular, with which the child can play independently, possess at eye level, so that it can easily reach them.
- Small puzzles, designers, clay, for the game to which the child needs help, spread across the containers, small drawers, remove the taller, so he could not reach them.
- We allocate a separate place for the street, soft, large items.
- Developing sets worth keeping in sight.

Marking storage locations
Regardless of the method of storage, whether cabinets, shelves, walls, shelves or boxes, we can separately consider the marking system. For very young children, who can not read, suitable color scheme. The child will be easier to remember the place where it should lie this or that subject. For example, for the soft toys, you can use the blue container, cube - red.
See also:Design a child's room 100 photos of the interior
For labeling can also be used a variety of labels, labels with images of flowers, favorite characters from cartoons and other themed pictures. This greatly simplifies the process of accustoming the child to order, and cleaning will turn into an exciting experience. Memorizing certain pattern, baby effortlessly be able to find the necessary thing for the game.

Older children who have learned to read and write, you can offer your own sign shelves and drawers, paint under the stencil letters, decorate them to do applique.
Original and unusual ideas store toys
Organize a toy storage system can be a variety of ways. For these purposes is isolated in a separate corner of the nursery, using the wall, the space below or above the bed. If you correctly place the existing things, even in a small room will have enough free space. For clarity, let us consider a few original ideas of the location of different objects for games.

Roomy racks with open shelves
The rack can be an excellent alternative to store toys. It occupies little space, while preserving space. Place it can be along a wall or in a corner. Its main advantage - the presence of open shelves, which provides quick access on these things. For the children's need to choose a model with rounded corners, and when a particular emphasis on reliability of fastening.
If the toy a little, then each of them can be placed on a separate shelf. Large amount of better placed in boxes, baskets, containers, fill them shelves. In the central part, located at eye level, it is recommended to put the most favorite products, top - rarely used, as well as structures consisting of small elements. A separate place can be identified for favorite books.

Very interesting to look options racks, designed in the form of a small house. Any father can make their own design with their own hands. She is like any girl who will be able to place their dolls on the shelves. For boys it is also nice. Imagine that each individual section - a garage, they are happy after the game will return their cars into place.
Bright and stylish basket
Beautiful baskets, in which toddlers will pack their toys can be purchased at the online store, make your own. For the organization of storage will require a few baskets. It is desirable that they were of different sizes and colors. This will help sort toys into categories accustom children to order. They will be much easier to navigate through your collection, they will be able to quickly find the desired item.
All baskets differ in material and manufacturing method. There are fabric, wicker, plastic options. When choosing the last of these species, special attention should be paid to the quality of plastic. It should not smell. If he has a smell, it means that in its production were used harmful plasticizers from such product is better to refuse.

Baskets can be placed in different places. Tissue models can be hung on the wall, placed on the floor, allocating a separate corner for them. Wicker and plastic options are best put on the shelf, to place on the cabinet, hide under the bed. Needlewoman able to save on the purchase of finished products, make stylish and original design with their own hands, to make an interesting decor.
wall pockets
Pockets are made of different materials. To work, you can use polyethylene, cardboard, plastic, but the most common fabric options. There are many different types of organizers, which differ in shape, color, decoration. While the child is small, not learned to walk, the product can be hung on the wall of the crib, put it rattles, diapers, wipes.
The main advantage of wall holders is that they can easily sew your own. Use them not only for storage, but also as an independent toys, educational aids, for example, sewn on canvas pockets with letters of the alphabet or numbers. The main drawback of the design - it is impossible to place bulky toys.

Bags-KUSINER for toys
Bright bags may be of any shape and size. They are easy to store toys small and medium size. Due to dense walls and a special frame simply add and extract. When folded, the bag-KUSINER not take up much space.
Bag - the safest option for storing small things. It is made from natural tissue, without use of harmful dyes. Models may be open or cover Velcro. The adaptation is almost impossible to spoil. Filled with soft toys bag can be used as a comfortable chair. Easy to clean and wash.
See also:50 ideas to design a game room

A variety of boxes
The child will always be involved in the process of cleaning of toys, if properly lure. Any toddler necessarily interested in colorful storage boxes. They can be made of different materials and have intricate shape.
If you choose to be understood that the child is not interested in a complex form and extra decorations. The simpler device for toys, the better. Child psychologists recommend keeping items for games in sight and reach of children. For storage suitable plastic transparent containers, mesh boxes. When buying or self-made boxes for toys must take into account the following factors:
- Shape. The familiar version - cubic, cylindrical decision. May be completed with legs or castors;
- The size. Dimensions of the box should be selected by taking into account the age of the child with physical development and growth;
- Color. Fit bright, but not annoying colors, such as green, orange, blue, pink. It is better not to paint toy boxes in red, black, gray;
- The presence of decoration. The sides and the lid can be decorated with funny pictures, embroidery. It can be cartoon characters, cars, Transformers, animals.

Armchairs, ottomans and benches with cache
Multifunction items for storage can be used for its intended purpose and as a hiding place for toys. opening system can be any. We ottomans and benches removed the top cover, the lower part of the chair is often equipped with a drawer and casters.
There are many models with different design. Upholstered furniture for children with a place to store small things can be made of wood or cardboard. The second option is designed for lightweight, so you can use it to a certain age.
Closed storage have significant advantages over other options. Multifunction benches and chairs can replace monotonous chairs, lying compactly. With their help, you can successfully offload space.

How to make your own storage space
It is important to teach a child to order from an early age. The baby quickly learned and understood the necessity of cleaning, it is necessary to apply a creative approach. In the form of a game should be of interest to the child and bring gently to the independent folding toys. There are many workshops that help to create with their own hands the original storage location from simple materials.

Boxes for toys made of wood
The box is made of plywood or particle board - most durable and safe design for storing toys. The model can be absolutely anyone. For kids doing bench with a hiding place, a chest of drawers with sliding compartments. Each of the options can be made from both the new materials and collapsible parts of old furniture. The work is as follows:
- Create a box drawing based on size, weight, type of support, other important factors;
- Cooking materials (plywood, sticks for legs, screws, hinges for the lid, adhesive for cutting tools);
- Scrollsaw sizes respectively bottom, side walls, a cover;
- PARTS glue and screws;
- We clean sandpaper sharp corners, paint or papered colored paper;
- If necessary, further decorate (add wheels interesting roof, etc.). Box for toys can give a kind house, cars.

Master class on sewing fabric baskets
In a small infant is not always a place for a massive box. Also it can look bad on the background of the overall design of the room. In this case, the order will be more convenient to use textile basket. This is a great option for storing soft, not toys which crease. Such a pouch can be placed under the table, hide the lower bed compartment or hung on the wall hook. To a child it was easy to put and take favorite toys, bag fitted with rings.
The main advantage of the textile bag - mobility. It can be freely transfer not only within the house or apartment, but also transport to the country, to take on a picnic or a walk. Sew easy baskets need to 1 meter thick material, lace for drawstrings. Cut the length of the required value, folded in half and sew the two sides. the remaining side for forming place of the lace edge. We stretch the rope and make knots at the ends, so that it does not slipped inside the sudden opening of the pouch.

Boxes made of cardboard
For the manufacture of the box for toys, you can use any improvised material. A great option - cardboard. Pliable paper in the hands of creative parents turn into an interesting box for toys. In the process of creating a vault must necessarily take the child involved. You can entrust him with the responsibility of choosing the color, let promazyvat adhesive edge or cut small parts design. With this approach, it is much faster to learn to use a new thing, and to maintain order in the room. Phased manufacture is as follows:
- Choosing an appropriate shipping carton and cut the upper moving sheets;
- On the sides for ease of movement makes a hole;
- Papered box with colored paper;
- Cuts through the space for pens, decorate as desired.
See also:Design a child's room for a girl - 30 photo Interior design ideas

Sew pockets of old clothes
Children often forget about the once favorite toys with new hobbies. In a room full of dolls, cars, designers may not be in that play. Help your child to organize their leisure time can be interesting pockets. They are easy to sew from old clothes.
Children's organizer will not only sort trifle highlight useful books and educational materials, but also to successfully optimize space. Textile wall pockets perfectly complement any interior. There are lots of ideas for making a useful accessory for the nursery. Next workshop with tips to help organize interesting storage system of old jeans or shirts. The work is as follows:
- Cut a suitable piece of shirt or pants for the base. This can be rest, crosslinked sleeve;
- Fold the material and bellows are sewn on the sides and in the center;
- Cut off from the pockets of the original garment and sewn in a random order;
- In the upper part of the arms of the handle make any manner and hang on a wall or chair.

Shelves of plastic buckets
Of common household buckets can make an original multi-tiered rack. Design features of the base material can use it not only in the home. These shelves can be installed on the porch, in the garage, garden, playground.
Rack of plastic buckets can be given any shape. It is important to make sure that the construction will always remain stable, while the upper tiers were securely fastened. Make the original store with their hands at the following plan:
- Choosing a plastic bucket. They may be the same or different colors and sizes;
- Just below the rim performed multiple holes hot nail;
- Putting buckets special holder or wire.

Suspended storage
Beautiful and unusual look in the nursery hanging baskets. They can be made of textile, plastic, metal mesh, and other safe materials. The main advantage of such a storage system - the possibility of its placement in the places that are inaccessible to other structures. They can be hung on a wall or attached to the ceiling. The latter option is quite difficult to implement in a nursery or a studio apartment, you need to use the hammer.
First we need to choose the appropriate containers. It is better if they are clear or mesh for good browsing content. Select the location in the play area and make a mark on the ceiling. At this point the need to drill a hole and install a spacer hook. He will be responsible for the reliability of the fastening of the assembly. Now we set the lift mechanism, anchoring one or more baskets.

Terms of storage of soft plush toys
The need for proper storage of soft toys becomes apparent when their number reaches impressive volumes. Children often become attached to teddy things, leading to hoarding and constant confusion. Competently organize storage can help the following tips:
- For large toys can install a separate rack, close-fitting to the wall, equipped with a special place in the dressing room.
- Textile dolls and little animals should be placed in high narrow shape of the basket. With such devices performed the sorting items. Commonly used are at easy reach, and the rest removed to the upper tiers;
- Plastic, wooden chests with toys can be used as a stool or pedestal if you put beside the bed;
- Soft trinkets can be collected in a hammock attached to the corner of the room;
- Toys with ribbons, ropes, suction cups for mounting on hooks should be stored in a suspended state, it is possible to hang on the door;
- Things that the child is not interested, it is best to pack in a sealed plastic bag and removed from the room.

To establish proper storage of toys in the nursery, in the first place to get rid of old and broken things. There are many designs for neat storage. Either option must be effective, useful and safe that a child without assistance reached for anywhere drawer or shelf.