Little restless required space for learning and creativity. To choose the right and comfortable table by the window - a task for parents with a variety of possible solutions, and they need to choose the right for your child. The models differ in shape, size and design.

Table by the window of the room - this is not a whim of the designers, and concern for the health of the child
Properly selected table by the window - a guarantee of quality lighting, which is very important for the preservation of vision. Well thought-out option to help relieve the load on the spine and keep the posture of the child.
Features table by the window for a child's room
- Features table by the window for a child's room
- types of structures
- Advanced sill
- Table built into the window sill
- Materials table manufacturing
- Wood
- Plastic
- Particleboard and MDF
- combination options with other furniture
- Table and cabinet at the window
- Table with shelves near the window
- table functionality for baby
- Desk
- Computer desk
- Video: Best table in front of the window in the nursery
- design children's pictures with a table by the window
Convenient and high-quality furniture will contribute to a good mood and mental development of the child, as well as - to stimulate his creativity and learning lessons.

Thinking through the design of the table by the window, must proceed from the size and shape of a child's room
Hints on the table:
- You must place the table so that the child is seen in front of the window - then the incident light will not create shadows that have a negative impact on vision. If the day of the window looks very bright sun, you should think about the blinds, which will save from the hot rays, protect eyesight and help you focus on employment.
- Particular attention should be paid to the height and width of the table. Improper construction can adversely affect the physical, mental and emotional development of the child.
- It is important to consider additional coverage and the availability of outlets in the work area - it will help avoid a huge number of wires and extension cords that affects the aesthetic appearance of the room, as well as life-threatening child.
- If the table is integrated into the furniture, you need to think through all the details and the details of the installation, because it will be very difficult to correct deficiencies.
- When the layout of the room children's room can accommodate table sideways to the window, it should be noted that the light should fall on the left.
- View the table in the first place should depend on the child's age and needs, it is important to the feeling of comfort and convenience.
- When choosing countertops should choose safe materials and coatings. The most common and cheapest material is chipboard. A more expensive option - natural wood, it will last a very long time.
- It should measure the growth of the child to find the right table for width and height, as well as to choose the right chair.
types of structures
Finished furniture may not be suitable in color, size, shape, or simply do not like the buyer, so lately a very popular production of furniture to order. In this case, the customer can not only satisfy all your fantasies, but also control the quality of materials and accessories. Furniture to order may differ bold or non-standard design decisions be performed in a convoluted shape, decorated with different design elements.

Desk, which will replace the countertop sill is practically impossible to buy in the store. Such constructions are made either on their own or to order on the individual sizes
Today's manufacturers offer a variety of interesting and convenient solutions registration desks. You can order a corner or straight version as well - an individual variant of the workplace on the basis of customer requirements and the overall interior room. Modern technologies allow to satisfy any whim of the customer. From the provided range, you can choose the desktop that fits the size, color, configuration, with a full set of drawers and shelves, the necessary storage space.

Everyone can decide what size table and what form will be most useful in a particular room
Advanced sill
You can not change the view from the window, but in a new way is possible to arrange the window itself and turn it into your favorite place in the apartment. To the window could you arrange for a start you need to install quality windows to prevent drafts.

Advanced windowsill allow to place on it all that is necessary for games or doing
It is important to consider the width of the countertop, or feet will rest on the battery. Of course, do not leave an old window sill, the best solution is to issue the countertop to match with the window frame.

On the other hand, do not make the countertop is too wide to be comfortable opening casements
If you want to improve sun exposure and visually enhances the window, can be at the ends of the window openings to fix the mirror - the result will exceed all expectations. This option will allow maximum use of natural light and save on furniture - enough to choose instead of the sill wide tabletop of quality material.

At the window is better to hang curtains short, for example, roll "day-night", by which is very convenient to adjust the degree of illumination workplace
It is important to consider the placement of outlets and protection from the sun blinds or roman shades. If the window does not open very attractive, it can be painted or stained glass paints to use stained glass film. Who produced the film with patterned, translucent stickers that may block the bottom of the window, and does not interfere with the passage of light. It solves the above problem and a small flower garden around the table, placed in special glass shelves, fixed along the window opening.
Table built into the window sill
In the nursery, you can simply put a table near the window, but it looks more stylish solution when the working surface is integrated with a window sill.

Built-in window sill table saves space and money
In the construction of such a structure should take into account that the standard work table height is 75-80 cm - it is considered to be the most convenient.
Such variants arrangement of a workplace should think through the window sill to the stage of installation. Such a table by the window - a stylish and user-friendly solution, especially for small apartments. Space-saving, well-lit work space and comfortable atmosphere - only a partial list of all its advantages.

Practical addition of the table will be the case for the original placement of books

Budget solution - a simple table in a minimalist style
Hang on a standard window curtain does not work, and it is not worth it - especially if the window offering stunning views of the city and the park. Hide from bright sunlight to help Roman blinds, shutters or blinds. They are very convenient because they do not clutter up the screen, and they can be quickly assembled, fully or partially closing the window if necessary. When assembled, they also look very stylish.

Curtains of dense opaque tissue allow to adjust the illumination of the working place
Materials table manufacturing
It is important that the material from which made the table, was not only beautiful, but also pleasant to the touch, because the child spends enough most of the time for lessons or games. Materials may vary in color, shape, density, texture and durability.

When choosing furniture for children's rooms should be preferred eco-friendly materials
Wood - the most popular, reliable, durable and environmentally friendly material, but the most expensive. The best breeds for their production are considered oak, beech and walnut. Wood will make the interior of the room warmth and comfort, besides it is very beautiful and has its own original drawing, it is nice to the touch.

The best material for countertops are solid wood
However, such models must be approached carefully. They are not resistant to water and temperature changes suddenly. When wet absorb moisture and expand, and the tree may crack from dryness at a temperature drops, the defects will be very visible.
It can be used for countertops plastic, matched in tone to the window frame - it's pretty original stylish solution. It is characterized by thermal stability and resistance to mechanical damage and abrasion. Protected from moisture and fading without fastidious cleaning, endure impact household chemicals.

Plastic worktop perfectly combined with white PVC frames
Plastic panels do not crumble or break. They are environmentally friendly, practical, will last up to 20 years and are characterized by reasonable prices and good quality.
Particleboard and MDF
The most common materials for manufacturing tables are particleboard and MDF. They are inferior in quality wood, made of wood chips and sawdust, but their cost is several times lower. This furniture is durable and resistant.

Efficient use of space allows the built desk MDF sandwiched between two cabinets in the corners of the room
Unlike wood, some types of particleboard waterproof. MDF and chipboard top covered with a protective film or laminate which is easily cleaned from impurities and has a thermal stability.
combination options with other furniture
Very often, tables are combined with mounted shelves, racks and cabinets. The size and shape countertops, placed along the window may vary depending on the type of windows and the room size. Long and straight worktops stylish looks with fitted wardrobes and complete with furnishings. Additional pieces of furniture will make the right touches to the interior of a child, save space and help maintain cleanliness and order in the room.

Corner table, which stretches from the window sill, comes on a nearby wall and ends lockers. On a long table top can easily accommodate two children at once
Table and cabinet at the window
Very impressive look long countertop, placed along the window with built-in drawers, supplemented on corners original cabinets for books, school supplies and other items. This option is especially useful if two children live in a room. The design is quite spacious, involves a lot of natural light, and also allows you to create a separate zone for each child.

If you combine the countertop with cupboard, you get a comfortable work space with good lighting
Table with shelves near the window
Pros of this idea lies in the fact that this design is suitable for both the student and for the teenager, in perfect harmony with the interior. Option with a long countertop, equipped with comfortable spacious drawers and shelves, can then be used to place the computer monitor.
Table by the window in the nursery Photo:

Place near a window is ideal for the organization of the working area for two children in one room

Spacious countertop can be divided into two halves and equip shelves for individual use
table functionality for baby
The table in the children's room can be used quite differently. For the very young is selected a small table, placing it educational games or favorite toys. As children get older the interior is complemented by shelves, racks, corner cabinets and other furniture elements.

Long angular model can combine the educational and play areas
When selecting a model writing table should be borne in mind that a child grows up very quickly and change its growth, so it is best to consider options for adjustable tables, desks and chairs. They will help save the budget and will last more than one year.

The design of the desk-transformer allows lifting the worktop as the child grows, the addition will be adjustable chair
Writing area should be spacious and not hamper the movement of the child clutter of textbooks, notebooks or other objects. To solve this problem, consider the availability of convenient shelves and drawers that can help relieve the countertop and organize storage space for school supplies. For the correct table is necessary and proper chair-transformer, which will help to choose the right position of the baby at work at his desk.

When choosing a desk should immediately take care of the additional drawers and shelves for storage of school supplies
The designers have taken care of the smallest clever and clever. For them, we have developed special model of desks-transformers with a special coating for worktops. For example, they can be magnetic, which is very convenient for board games: images or figures do not fall off the table. Another special embodiment of the coating countertop allows young artists create unique masterpieces using markers or crayons. Such designs are height adjustable, it is possible to change the angle of the tabletop. The kit includes a special adjustable chair.
Computer desk
For teenagers rational solution would be a computer desk by the window, where one can easily accommodate an extra technique, for example, a printer, and thus remains sufficiently free working surface, so necessary for student's activity. Supplemented by a table sliding panel for the keyboard, which saves space on work surface. If necessary, you can make a little stand for the monitor, which also will not clutter the countertop. Modern monitors, if necessary fastened even on the wall.

A good choice is the angular model computer table, which fit all the additional equipment and will be a place for employment
With the maturation of the child's changing priorities and new items are added. So, for example, very fashionable desktops perform in the gaming style. Manufacturers pay attention not only appearance, but also the ergonomics of the workplace. Computer Desks Series E-Sport equipped with additional elements such as a universal holder for headphone or a handy cupholder. Worktop made of MDF and has two mounting holes for the wires coated with a protective layer in a style of "Carbon". Durability and stability of the construction provide the metallic elements. Each model has a built-in LED light. Also included is a stylish mouse pad and keyboard, designed in the same style with the table design and, of course, very comfortable designer chair gamer.

For teenagers rational solution would be a modern computer desk with a comfortable chair
For those who have a small area of the room does not allow to buy a large and comfortable table, there are very comfortable tables transformers. It is a versatile option - a compact and comfortable. Perfect for student rooms, and students, and even for a room in a student dormitory.

Transforming tables with adjustable inclination countertops and convenient drawers - fit for school-age child
Understand all the intricacies of selection of the right table at the window, you can allow the child to participate in the process of decorating. Indeed, in this room, he spends most of the day. Must be allowed to roam the children's fantasy and imagination. Subsequently, the space of the room will help to develop children's imagination and instill a sense of taste in children.
Video: Best table in front of the window in the nursery
design children's pictures with a table by the window
We bring to your attention the photos and ideas of furniture design around the windows in the rooms for children and adolescents: