Halloween - the annual autumn festival celebrated by adults and children in many countries. various attributes is created for its celebrations, costumes and vampire masks, figurines ghosts and garlands toy bats, flashlights and boxes of these or improvised pumpkins. No less famous scenery - the web on Halloween. It is made from threads or gauze, wire or string, old nylon stockings or thin paper.
- web magic
- Weave of threads, and ropes
- Web of yarn
- Web of gauze
- Web of paper
- Web of wires
- Interesting ways of interior decoration cobweb
- conclusion
web magic
Cobweb - the finest translucent yarn produced by spiders to hunt insects. The solid enough multilayer "grid" capable of tangled small bird or bat, the spider itself does not adhere thereto. Cobwebs often seen in autumn woods - this time often almost coincides with the celebration of Halloween.

Spider as a symbol, represents the fragility of human existence, a long way to the soul, as well as the network puts the devil in the form of a spider on her way. In another embodiment, the spider - a weaver-fate, spinning their own destiny for every living being.

Weave of threads, and ropes
Gossamer of sewing or knitting thread, rope, twine easily made his own, it needs:
- a large piece of plywood or fiberboard;
- black woolen thread;
- hammer;
- stud;
- acrylic paint in black;
- brush.

Working process:
- plywood in the center of the nail is driven in, another 15-18 pieces - on the perimeter;
- fold in half thread, stretched between the middle and the edges;
- indented further from the center of 7-10 cm, depending on the size of the structure, near each "ray of" hammered another nail;
- on hammered studs tensioned double strand;
- It has done after two more of these four circumferential indented from each other by about 10 cm .;
- hats nails painted with black paint;
- when the work is finished, you can put on the web of a giant spider from the toy store.
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To make a spider web hanging freely, at any suitable location drive in six to ten nails, which pull the nylon thread or rope. To one of them tied a long string, which in turn tied around each of the warp yarns. When it formed a circle, cut the thread and do a few more laps. The finished structure is glued spiders, plastic, as if cut off fingers, skeletons and other. As an option - you can not weave each circle separately, and one thread in a spiral to the very edge.

Web of yarn
Knitted cobweb, in the presence of the minimum skills, it is easy crochet scheme - on the pages of fashion magazines on needlework occur step by step master classes, here is one of them.

At first tally of seven or eight air loops, one makes a circle that closes polustolbikom. Second row - three air loops for lifting, plus nineteen columns with sc, last - connection. From the last loop, after a series circuit, fit five air loop, a column fit through one loop of the previous row, after the two air loops alternate with columns to the end of the row. Each next row stitches becoming more and columns tally just above the bars of previous series.

The total number of rows depends on the overall size of the product, the width of one row - approximately one centimeter, if the "cell" I want to make larger vyvyazyvayut bars with not one, but two or three sc. Finished cobweb can be used as napkins, tablecloths, cushion chair, stool, or sew it from the spider thread and beads to give to friends as a souvenir.

Knitted structure sometimes make the corner - a sector with a right angle. Initially, in the first loop is knitted three columns with sc in the next - five in the third - is inserted between the columns of one air loop, after the number of air loops increases and bars - made up by adding one or two sc. Something where you can vyvyazat "peas", or sew colorful transparent beads to simulate a drop of dew.
See also:Trees from beads for beginners. Examples weaving.

Web can be and dense mat, which fit two colors. Then the space between the spider "axes" knitted yarn contrast color scheme. No less interesting will happen if in the middle of the product vyvyazat convex orange tykovku, which then sewn eyes, nose and mouth.

Web of gauze
Such decoration do, if you want to decorate a large space - a room, a variety of furniture items, some corners of the wall. To do this, cut a piece of gauze desired length, stretch it from side to side, as long until you get something like a cobweb. Once it is fixed in a suitable location.

If you want to do the old, dusty cobwebs in warm water diluted with a little black ink or gouache in product which is soaked and dried, hang, decorate Glitter, spiders, plastic bones.
Interestingly looks spider lamp - the old framework of mnogorozhkovoy, multi-tiered chandelier stretched gauze, decorated with sequins, spiders. To avoid fire, fabric must not touch the bulb.

Web of paper
Such a little thing can make even a child who knows how to hold the scissors in his hand. Needed square sheet of white or black fine paper, which is folded in half. Then planned mid resulting rectangle to which an angle of 45 degrees bent first one way, then another. Excess parts are cut to a triangle, which is folded in half. The edge is cut off in waves from two sides and are cut rectangles are drawn, the central angle is also cut off. Ready gossamer unfolds, decorated, attached with glue to the cardboard, wall, window glass.
Plausible spider can be made from newspaper tubules colorize dark nail polish.

Web of wires
This product is generated from the angular flexible wire thicknesses. Take the wire from which is cut five to seven pieces slightly larger than the radius of the desired structure. The last part located at right angles to each other, the other - between them. All items are woven at one point, after the rays are intertwined with additional pieces of wire. The tips of the rays spiraling retained or straight.
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Spider also easily be made from eight pieces of wire, wrapped in black thread tied in the middle.

Interesting ways of interior decoration cobweb
To register using the web the various rooms can be not only on Halloween, but just like that, the interior at the same time you can use any - from the loft and minimalism to the Empire and Baroque. The luxurious bedrooms have built in the gothic or classic styles, from the textile web is created and valance canopy bed, a dressing table. Cobweb tulle ideal for a romantic interior, while on holiday there "settle" beaded spiders. The spacious living room loft style web created from the rusty chains, will be an excellent zoned element.

In suburban garden is wickerwork were hung on the branches spreading trees. According to the construction of wire or textile, but attached to the sticks stuck in the ground, easy to climb up vines or other climbing plant. Pautinovidnaya forged grill for the fireplace - the original solution for the industrial style. Iron cobweb, with inserted in her stained glass, decorated by interior doors, a window in the bathroom. For a minimalist, you can create a corresponding pattern directly on a wall, in a corner or middle of the wall, if it is a temporary venture, the gouache paint or crayons. Frame, left over from the old chairs, also by means of braid cord, creating arachnoid pattern for the throne hellouinovskoy witches.

Web of gauze, thread, any other material - original festive decoration of the interior, which is easily done by hand. All new step by step instructions of varying degrees of complexity appear in the Internet on the eve of All Saints Day. The man's face for Halloween also often decorated with a mask-cobweb drawn with the help of cosmetics.