Best adhesive for non-woven wallpaper by customer reviews

Not everyone knows that non-woven wallpaper has a number of features. In particular, the glue must be applied not to them, but to the walls. Do not be mistaken, otherwise you will blame the glue for failing to do its job! Also these wallpapers must be glued "butt", as they do not stretch when dried. Well and as to glue, from usual it differs first of all density. It is not difficult to guide it - the instruction is always on the packaging, it is usually simple and understandable.


  1. Adhesive for non-woven wallpaper of which company choose
  2. Best adhesive for non-woven wallpaper
  3. What adhesive for non-woven wallpaper to buy

Adhesive for non-woven wallpaper of which company to choose

Production of wallpaper glue is not as difficult as it seems. Therefore, they now employ a lot of companies around the world. The total number of manufacturers of wallpaper glue has long been beyond calculation. However, a quality product that is easy to apply, dries quickly and leaves no traces behind, is produced by a very small number of companies. Often, their products can be found even abroad, including in Russian stores. By the way, very good adhesive is produced by domestic companies.

In Russia, the most popular adhesive for non-woven wallpaper under the following brands:

1. Exclusive

2. Metylan

3. Kleo

4. "Moment"

5. Quelyd

Other brands are less popular, but farthey do not always have the worst quality. This should be remembered if the store closest to you does not have the widest assortment.

The best adhesive for non-woven wallpaper

Metylan Flizelin Premium

Initially this glue was produced only in Germany. However, later the owner of the brand decided to open the manufacturing point in some other countries. Technology while continuing to use the German, so you should not worry. The glue mass of Metylan is easily guided and applied to the wall. The creators point out that their creation is ideal for absolutely any non-woven wallpaper - they can be smooth and embossed. The adhesive is distributed in different packages. We recommend immediately to stock up a pack of 250 grams. What's important is that glue is quite inexpensive, despite its imported origin.


  • Shelf life reaches 36 months;
  • There are packages of different volume;
  • Low cost;
  • 250 grams is enough for sticking area from 25 to 32 m2;
  • There is a pink indicator, which simplifies uniform application.


  • With embossed wallpaper, the consumption of glue increases significantly.

Quelyd Special-Fleece

The best product with the sticking of non-woven wallpaper is the product under the Quelyd brand. This glue is produced in France, partly because of its high price. The created mass has no unpleasant smell, and on the wall it is applied without any serious problems. The mass is thick, which is why it does not flow down the wall. Drying occurs evenly and quickly. At the end of this process, you will not find any trace of this glue on the front of the wallpaper. In a word, it is almost ideal.


  • Does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • Easy guidance;
  • Fast and uniform drying;
  • Does not leak when plastered;
  • Suitable for both relief and smooth wallpaper.


  • Costs quite expensive.

Moment Flizelin

One of the cheapest adhesives for non-woven wallpaper. This is explained by the Russian origin of the product. This adhesive is easily diluted with water. But the mass of the homogeneous is not always obtained - it all depends on the particular party and your accuracy. If everything is in order, then the product will provide a good degree of slip, which will make the wallpaper even when glued."Moment" prevents the appearance of mold, although this can be said about the rest of its competitors. In shops, two types of glue packaging are usually sold, with a volume of 270 and 500 grams. Interestingly, the finished glue can be stored in a sealed container for a week!


  • Very low cost;
  • There are packages of different volume;
  • Wallpaper glides well on the wall;
  • Finished glue can be stored for approximately 7 days.


  • Sometimes the mass is not uniform;
  • For embossed wallpapers does not fit the best way.

Kleo Non-floss

The French brand Kleo is familiar to many builders and masters of finishing works. Glue under this brand is distributed in the usual cardboard package. It looks inexpensive, and indeed it costs very little money. At the same time, glue does its job well. It consists of modified starch, equipped with antifungal additives. When using this glue it is not difficult to straighten the joints - until the mass has dried, the wallpaper slides well enough. However, some people note that with time the glue begins to turn yellow. Apparently, the product does not suit some surface materials, because of what some chemical reaction begins.


  • Diluted without serious problems;
  • Well holds heavy wallpaper;
  • The wallpaper slides smoothly, allowing you to align the joints;
  • Leaves no traces on the wallpaper surface;
  • Adequate price tag.


  • Poorly reacts to some surface materials;
  • Only one kind of packaging.

Exclusive Non-Woven

This wallpaper glue can not be found in every store. But if you are lucky, you will get an excellent product. It comes in a box, the volume of which is 283 grams. The packaging depicts a crown that hints at the fact that it is a royal product. In fact, the product does not really have serious drawbacks. When drying, it becomes completely transparent, regardless of the nature of the surface on which it is applied. While the glue is not dry, the wallpaper slides well, allowing thereby to align them. Buyers say that Exclusive Non-Woven does an excellent job even with gluing of silkscreen and textile wallpaper!


  • Deformation on drying completely absent;
  • Full transparency on any surface;
  • Uniform application and drying;
  • Well keeps any wallpaper;
  • Ensures the glide of the wallpaper, until the glue has begun to dry out.


  • Only one type of packaging;
  • In our country is sold rarely.


Under the PUFAS brand, the most varieties of non-woven adhesives are distributed. One kind has a blue indicator, which helps to apply glue evenly. The other is reinforced, this product is suitable even for applying fiberglass wallpaper. The third type is designed for refueling lubricating machines. And that is not all! Select the glue you need depending on your needs, we can not recommend something specific. We only note that PUFAS wallpaper is often sold for relatively little money. Absolutely all modifications without any problems dry up, remaining after that completely transparent. Also, they do not require a serious preparation of the surface - it is enough to remove old wallpaper and a light primer.


  • Well holds those wallpapers for which a specific glue is intended;
  • Fast drying;
  • Wallpaper glides well on the dried glue;
  • Gradually becomes completely transparent;
  • There is a modification with a blue indicator.


  • Not all stores have a wide range.


This adhesive has improved properties. One 250-gram packet is enough for about 40 m2 of stickers. Like other products for non-woven wallpaper, this glue is applied to the wall. Special processing is not required - you just need to remove the old wallpaper and progruntovat uneven places. This product is manufactured in Russia, which is why its low price is caused. Unfortunately, one package can be very different from the other. Some people dilute the product perfectly, while others have lumps. And yet, nothing bad about the product can not be said. Often it feels good that it is made of quality German starches. This is indicated at least by the fact of rapid cooking - it takes 5-10 minutes, depending on the desired consistency.


  • Practically the minimum price tag;
  • It's being introduced very quickly;
  • After drying, it becomes transparent;
  • Safely holds almost any wallpaper;
  • The dry glue allows the wallpaper to slide.


  • Sometimes divorced is not the best way;
  • Only 250g package;
  • Dry by sensations long enough.

What adhesive for non-woven wallpaper to buy

1. If you bought a smooth non-woven wallpaper, then you definitely will be satisfied with the glue of Metylan. It is made by German technology, and its consumption is strictly consistent with that indicated on the packaging. The cost of this glue is slightly above average, strongly on your budget its purchase will not exactly affect.

2. The ideal glue for non-woven wallpaper is Quelyd. Claims to this product can be presented, but only about the size of the package and the cost. The glue itself has no drawbacks - it is easily smeared, without draining to the floor, and also dries quickly. But is it possible to wish for something more from wallpaper glue?

3. If you need to save money, then pay attention to the "Moment Flizelin".This domestic development, sold throughout the country in huge quantities. The creators understood that in Russia there are apartments with a variety of rooms. Therefore, they put on sale glue in at least two packs of different volumes.

4. Another good, but not ideal, adhesive spreads under the Kleo brand. The owners of the brand are the French. The technology of production does not cause any complaints. However, with some wall materials, the product does not interact in the best way - over time, due to a chemical reaction, a yellow tint begins to appear.

5. An ideal choice can be the purchase of Exclusive Non-Woven. This glue does not leave a trace behind itself. And it is applied without difficulty, which is facilitated by a homogeneous mass obtained after dilution with water. Good even on the wall are the heaviest wallpaper, which can not but rejoice. But to find this glue in Russian retail is quite difficult, especially in small settlements.

6. The relatively inexpensive adhesive is the PUFAS product. It should be noted that under this brand is distributed a large number of flizeline glue varieties - there are even those products that are intended for pouring into an oil and grease machine. Also, almost all types of glue are not very expensive.

7. FliziLex is a Russian product from the Lex series. Designed primarily for smooth non-woven wallpaper. But you can use it for relief, just in this case you need a slightly thicker consistency. Sold at a very low price. The negative of the product is the packaging - the manufacturer offers to buy only 250 g of its product. However, much about this no one will be sorry.