Such a fun purse can be made together with the child - the baby will definitely be delighted with the work process, and especially its results! It's so nice to show fellow kindergarten, school or adult court as an accessory, and even made his own!
necessary material
And in order to make it, you need:
- Any dense and soft tissue. Suitable denim, felt, velvet. Especially it is funny look product of pile fabrics, such as knitted toweling or "grass". Interestingly it looks purse from boucle fabric. Most importantly, the fabric must not crumble, as the product will last for long. In addition, the fabric should be easy to wash out. And, of course, need to pay attention to color - children prefer bright, vivid colors and cheerful;
- thread - conventional or floss;
- scissors;
- thick cardboard;
- button, buttons, usually used in tailoring;
- as a decoration, you can use sequins, beads, buttons, colored beads, accessories, etc ..

All in the presence of? Then we can start manufacturing purse
1. The most important point in the process of manufacture of the purse - neat and proper nesting material. It is necessary to cut a rectangle of approximately 25 cm, a width - 10-12 cm with the seam allowance. This fact should be considered necessary for the purpose of convenience of further usage of the purse.
Seam must be 7-10 mm. But if your child is planning to store in a purse detail, the workpiece, as well as the size of the joints must be a little more, otherwise fines will sleep.
2. The second item workpiece must be less than the first 7-9 cm. Cut a rectangle superimposed on the first strictly in the middle.
3. For greater strength and, accordingly, practicality, it is recommended to put cardboard between the fabric rectangles. It can sew, but you can just paste.
4. Fundamentals should sew a seam between the needle forward.
5. The edge of a long rectangle folded inwards so as to obtain pockets into which you can insert a photo, calendars, or store different fun stuff.

6. Now, to be processed seams - obmetochnym, basting or zigzag manner. And you can stitch on a typewriter. For this purpose, suitable thread floss or conventional, but bright colors - in the product tone or contrasting color.
7. We can only bend the workpiece on both sides and sew on a button on the inside of the product.

8. It is up to the most attractive part of the work for the child - for decoration: decorate a purse can be almost finished furniture that sold in stores for needlework, but you can create interesting compositions of beads, sequins, beads, pieces of fur, lace, patches. In short, everything that exists only in the house!
In fact, work is not so difficult, and many of the actions it is possible to entrust the future owner of the purse. However, the manufacture of the nuances that require accuracy and precision - the sole responsibility of an adult.