modern clothing is comfortable and practical, but very similar. Thanks to the art of crochet, you can create your own unique things. Before we examine the scheme of knitting needles English gum for beginners get acquainted with this type of binding. This simple pattern is available to all beginners to master the basics of knitting.

In autumn and winter cold nice dress in a cozy scarf, lovely hat or other stylish clothing samples - sweaters, jackets, vests, stoles. All these wonderful things can be done with their own hands. To do this, just need to learn the pattern "British gum". Soft and airy, this binding is suitable for any product.
- Basic information
- Rules for working with pattern
- types of equipment
- The main circuit
- The classic way
- false gum
- Dual English
- Volume two-tone
- Use in products
Basic information
This binding is two-sided cloth, fine-looking, and the front and on the reverse side. Different from the usual surface of such a binding expressed relief, because it has a highly visible scar. It looks like a braid in the center of the track, which gives things an interesting appearance. The product formed by this pattern, perfectly stretched both in width and in length.
Rules for working with pattern
Despite the sufficient simplicity of this type of knitting, some of the issues and complications can occur during operation. Therefore it is recommended to take advantage of the advice:

- Keep in mind that when using a double knitting techniques (facial with sc) yarn consumption is also increased and a half to two times the usual.
- To get the pattern straight and smooth on both sides, face always provyazyvayutsya over the front wall, and purl - for the back.
- Before applying the pattern on the product it is desirable to bind the sample. His knit the same thread from which will knit product. fabric density visually uneven. Therefore, there is a risk that the sweater will get a huge wide or highly stretched in length.
- To pattern looked finished, dial a number of loops, which will be a multiple of three.
- Knitting needles are selected slightly thicker than thread.
- This type of mating is not suitable for the finishing of the neck and the cuffs of products as highly stretched, with the exception of children's clothes.
- Knitted thing better dry, expanding to a table or other horizontal surface. Otherwise, the thing is deformed.
- Please note that, due to the relief structure, this binding emphasizes figure flaws.
- The thicker needles and yarn, the more volume and more elaborate mating.
types of equipment
Such a simple pattern, there are many varieties. The main ones are:

- Classical or 1/1.
- False.
- Complicated or 2/2.
- Faceted.
- Lush.
- Two-tone.
- Poluangliyskaya.
And that's not all. With some skill you can easily vary the amount of facial and backstitches in the pattern and have various options.
The main circuit
The most commonly used are the usual, double and false views. Before you read the instructions for beginners and knit gum spoke English, you need to understand and learn some of the terminology:

- The first bead - to withdraw, not provyazyvaya.
- Last bead - Wrong.
- Sc - at the end of the right spokes snapped up a working thread. Grabbing her need to him, that is, from right to left. This species is also called direct sc.
- Two loops together so vyvyazyvayut: needle injected into both loops in front and pulled through them working thread.
- For convenience, shorten the name of the loop. The front loop - LP, purl loop - un.
Important clarification. In the specification, all references to patterns circuits is present on the edge hinges. But if you are going to knit a scarf or any other product is seamless, it is better not to do the edges. Then the edge of things will look beautiful.
The classic way
Start knitting learn better with the classical variant of the pattern gum alone. No wonder this type of gum is essential. One has only to get involved in the work and prilovchilis pulling all the loops of the same length, and you will see how beautiful your work will look like. Here are the instructions for beginners on how to knit elastic knitting needles. Type in the spokes of the required number of loops (better to take an odd number, if you want to get a straight edge blade, and to ensure its beauty on both sides) and knit as follows:

- The first number - one LP, then snapped the thread on the spoke to her (it will be the so-called sc) following the loop is removed, fit until the end of the series.
- Second row provyazyvaetsya thus: first sc. Along with him was withdrawn un and sc from the previous row removed loop provyazyvaetsya with LP. It is necessary to alternate the sequence.
- In the third row of the last loop and sc series make LP, sc, ip next take on the right needle, not provyazyvaya. Do not forget about the start and end edge.
- Interleaving pattern performed on the second and third rows.
false gum
English for beginners scheme knitting needles that have not yet mastered the concept of "sc" can be encouraged to learn at first false (false) gum. This method is suitable in the case, if you want to save the yarn. In spite of the extreme simplicity of execution, this pattern can be attributed surprisingly elegant thing. Stylish and elegant look like jumpers for mature men and cropped blouse youth.

Try it and see for yourself how simple elementary diagram of this pattern. First you need to dial the spokes of the number of loops multiple of four, plus two more. In the first row you want to link alternately 3 LP, 1 u. The second row starts with two facial, and then one should be alternated with three facial wrong. It must be remembered about the edge. Repeat pattern with the first row.
Dual English
After mastering the false and the classic gum can move on to more complex and interesting ways of knitting. For example, try the thing pattern of a double (complex) gum.
Instructions for beginners on how to link the British gum spokes in version 2.2:

- Gaining a loop in the same amount as for the false mating.
- In the first series we perform two PL, alternating with two un. Completing two facial.
- Second row start with sc, two shoot, do not provyazyvaya, two LP. Repeat. Sc and removed the last two loops complete the series.
- In the third row sc and grab the loop of the bottom row and make the LP, remove the sc and two loops. At the end of the penultimate knit loop with sc and do the last LP.
- Fourth row - shoot, do not provyazyvaya, sc with two LP, the following loop will fit in with the sc LP, LP again.
- We continue knitting, alternating between the third and fourth rows.
Volume two-tone

This is another version of this pattern, which is worth a try to learn how to knit. Interestingly enough, she will look at the use of contrasting colors or shades of one color. In the first case, a surprising combination, particularly suitable for bright children or teens stylish product. In the second version will fine thing with delicate shimmering fabric. If a stock has the time and patience, you can try to use several shades of one color, and soon will be guaranteed a unique thing to please your eye.
Feature works with two-tone elastic band is that the same number of provyazyvaetsya like twice. Once the thread color selected as a basis, and the second time the complementary color thread. And yet, it is very important to remember when knitting this pattern: each time the canvas is turned upside down, where the thread is necessary for this series color.
It is very important Knits British gum properly close, add loops, and diminish.

- decrease. We begin provyazyvat three loops together. This method does not disturb the sequence of loops gum. And right knit as follows: first remove both for facial knitting, second and third LP knit together and threaded it through the first loop. Left everything is much easier - three LP together.
- addition. For smooth vvyazyvaniya additional rows in the basic pattern begin to add loops in every sixth row by one loop on each side.
- closing. Since when knitting this pattern on the spokes always get more loops than initially recruited due sc, end it is necessary to correct. To the upper edge of the product, vyvyazannogo British gum, looked carefully, and do not stretch, you can do this: knit the last row of the usual rezikoy, and only then close the common loop way.
Use in products
Everybody wants to manually link the thing look good and pleasing to the eye for a long time. To do this, when knitting is useful to consider some nuances:

- When knitting a scarf is better to get more loops on the spokes. In this way, it will tie a short, but wide scarf. In the process of socks he always will be extended.
- When knitting berets or caps (no difference in circular or straight needles) is better to start with ordinary gum. In this case, it would look good simple gum 1/1. This method will provide the best customized fit hat head. Also, there will be problems with the socks that thing in any windy.
- Should not be knit back vests, sweaters or jackets in this kind of mating, as even the proper care of the thing and tidy sock can not save it from warping. you can model a sweater with raglan sleeves and yarn for knitting choose rigid and made from natural fibers to prevent sprains.
- Shelves are obtained asymmetrical jackets if they fulfill this band.
- Very good English is viscous gum is suitable for performing stockings, leggings, shirt-fronts, mitts.
These tips and tricks will make the perception of patterns of light circuits and knitting itself - enjoyable and exciting.