Authors Grinin L. E., Ilyin I. V., Korotaev A. IN.;
Year 2014;
Series For students and teachers;
ISBN 978-5-7057-4028-4;
Height 235;
Width 163;
Thickness 16;
Binding Soft, gluing;
Authors Grinin Leonid, Devezas T. C.;
Year 2012;
Series For students and teachers;
ISBN 978-5-7057-3287-6;
Height 210;
Width 140;
Thickness 10;
Binding Soft, gluing;
Authors Grinin L.E., Korotayev A.V.;
Year 2016;
Series For students and teachers;
ISBN 978-5-7057-5146-4;
Height 210;
Width 140;
Thickness 14;
Binding Soft, gluing;
Package Cardboard box;
Battery type and quantity None;
Type of packaging None;
Material 80% modacrylic, 20% PVC;
Length, cm None;
Diameter, cm None;
Collection None;
Main purpose Optional accessory;
Additional purpose None;
Volume None;
Model year None;
the effect None;
The foundation None;
Water resistance None;
Vibration None;
Colour Black;
The size None;
Beauty accessory type False eyelashes;
Item type Beauty accessory;
The size 80 mm - 120 mm;
Colour Black;
Weight 12;
Material 80% modacrylic, 20% PVC;
Package Cardboard box;