In life, often get into trouble. Many times could find a spot on their clothes from the handle. In this case, you must know how to wash off. Do not panic and do not rush to throw away soiled thing - it is still possible to help. Read the tips and you will find a way to get spots on the handle.

- First aid for contaminated clothing
- The display spots from ball-point pen (video)
- The use of pharmaceutical agents
- Cleansing the tissues of different composition
- The pen display (video)
- Removal of the gel paste clothes
- Purification of upholstered furniture from the traces of pens
- Cleaning of leather goods
First aid for contaminated clothing
If you are filthy rags, then you need to act quickly: the sooner you will begin to get rid of the stain, the more likely that will be able to completely withdraw ink ballpoint pen from the clothes.
If the stain is fresh, it is necessary to start to deal with it immediately. First of all, you need to slow down the process, the paste of the handle is not ingrained in the fabric. As the absorbent, which will slow down the penetration of a ballpoint pen ink of fiber cloth can be used usual talc or baby powder. Furthermore, it is possible to use chips of white chalk or starch. Coat the soiled place one of these powders, and 2 minutes later blot paper handkerchief or a thin towel.

If you have at hand a good stain remover, immediately use them, apply it on pollution and leave for a specified time in the instructions, usually 10-15 minutes. Then, soak the item in water, carefully in cold, as a hot, on the contrary, allow spot vestsya long. After washing in hot water stains from wash out handle practically. After 20 minutes, the thing you need to be washed off using a conventional powder for washing.
The display spots from ball-point pen (video)
The use of pharmaceutical agents
If no special tools, and you do not know how to get the spot, it is possible to resort to pharmaceutical drugs: ammonia or rubbing alcohol. They will help to bring a pen and help save your favorite thing. Take a cotton swab, apply to it a sufficient quantity of alcohol and apply to stain your place. Do not rub the stain! Hold the swab with the alcohol thus obtained 2 minutes, then take a clean cotton ball and then repeat.
After this procedure, properly clean handle much easier.
If your home has a milk or lemon, they will also help you to wash a pen. To get rid of traces of ballpoint or gel paste, apply to the problem area milk or lemon juice. These products contain special substances that help to wash the paste away from the handle. After 15 minutes wash the clothes.

Cleansing the tissues of different composition
Before you can use some means to remove stains from clothes, you should study the composition of the product fabric, to know how to wash paste the most effective way. Remember, stain removers contain harsh ingredients, which you risk to spoil a thing. Therefore, we must choose a more sparing in their composition means. Do not wash items in hot water and subjected to prolonged tissue acidic substances.
For otstiryvaniya stains from cotton articles can use the following solution: ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, dissolved in a glass of warm water. For the small size of the spot is enough to take 1 tbsp. l. Each of these substances. Treat a mixture of the contaminated area, a few minutes wash item using soap foam.
The discharge is difficult to wash out of fabrics are wool and silk. When fading stains from delicate fabrics powerful means to remove the paste is not recommended so as not to damage the material. Come to the rescue of ordinary yogurt or sour milk. This drink is necessary to warm up a bit, and then the clothes to soak it in and leave for 2-3 hours. After such a procedure possible to start washing.

One generic means for otstiryvaniya handles with delicate and other tissues is the usual baking soda. Make a paste of baking soda and warm water and apply it on the affected spot clothing section. After 20 minutes, rinse soda under cool running water. To achieve the best effect for the remaining contamination dot apply turpentine.
After such manipulations wash thing, the ink will disappear.
Show ink with denim, especially bright colors, it is difficult enough, but such stains wash out. To start, try to make a paste with a cotton swab and alcohol. After that you need laundry soap. Whisk rich foam, using a brush, and thoroughly rub the stain.
If you do not know how to wash the ink from a ballpoint pen on wool products, try turpentine. Clean the thing with this indispensable in daily life means, and a cotton swab.
To display a ballpoint pen paste with colored fabrics, prepare a solution of 2 parts of glycerol and 5 parts of a mixture of ammonia and turpentine. Dot apply the solution on the ink spot and wait 2 hours then wash item.
The pen display (video)
Removal of the gel paste clothes
Has its own characteristics otstiryvaniya paste of gel pen. Since the gel has the ability to spread the paste, before displaying it, circle blot using paraffin or petrolatum. This will prevent the spot from spreading. Gel toothpaste you can try to wash with detergent for dishes. Drop tools, apply the stain, rub well, you can use non-rigid brush. If the stain succumbed removal, wash the item and rinse well.
The gel can wash off the paste with a solution of baking soda and ammonia. Apply the mixture to a place contaminated after 2 minutes and rinse with warm water. The spots of the gel to wash the handle, if the pre-soak them for 1 hour in a glycerol solution, and then rinsed in salted water.
Another way to get a spot on the gel pens - sprinkle with table salt and drizzle with lemon juice.

Withdraw stains from clothes will help the solution of ethyl alcohol and glycerin, heated in a water bath. After application and disappearance item must be washed in soapy water stains.
With garments of silk gel pen, you can wash off using mustard. Apply the mixture on the cloth and let it dry, then gently scrape and wash under running water.
Purification of upholstered furniture from the traces of pens
To wash out the handle from the sofa upholstery, you can use paste of milk and corn starch. It should be applied a thin layer on the damaged portion of the furniture paste, allow to dry, then remove with a vacuum cleaner and wipe the spot with a damp cloth. If this method does not completely remove the stain, try using hairspray. Spray hairspray on the stain, wipe it with a soft cloth dipped in soapy water. Spoiled ink spot can be wiped clean with a piece of fresh tomatoes until the stain disappears. Then wipe with a damp cloth furniture.
Pasta washed off with sofa upholstery, if wipe the area with cotton pad soaked in abundant medical alcohol. To help in the fight against the hosts also come spots turpentine or methyl alcohol: they soak a paper towel and carefully rub and then a damp sponge to remove dirt residues.

Cleaning of leather goods
If your furniture is made of natural or artificial skin damaged by ink, and you do not know what to wash your favorite piece of furniture, try to use salt. Soapy sponge, wipe leather upholstery and sprinkle with salt and leave for a few hours. Then remove the salt and dry furniture. Another means for cleaning leather is citric acid. Put it on a moistened cotton pad or damp cloth, wipe the stain, then wash it off with soap and water. If the first attempt failed to get rid of the stain completely, do it again.
When cleaning sofas from ink stains can be used sodium carbonate solution. Suffice it to dissolve 1 h. l. 0.5 soda glass of warm water, to moisten the cloth therein and wipe the stain.
If the spot is so much eaten into the skin, using these methods failed to get rid of dirt, it is necessary to resort to the use of more stringent washes funds. Just before use use this tool on an inconspicuous area to make sure that it will not harm your furniture. You can use hair spray, as well as for cleaning upholstered furniture, or use a different alcohol-containing agents, including vodka. Apply a sufficient amount on a cotton pad or cloth and clean the soiled spot.
You can try to gently rub the place soiled with ink, dental or any other soft brush, smeared her soap. Then rinse and wiped with a dry cloth.
Another effective method clean furniture clothes or leather: moisten spot warm water, rub his match head, and then wash with a soap solution.