Washing machines, unfortunately, can break. And, as a rule, the owners are not ready for such a failure. Everything was done right: laundry in the machine, the program is set, the powder poured and the door is closed, but for some reason the water is typed too slowly or not dialed at all. And what to do in such a situation? Consider the main reason why the washing machine is not taking on water, and how to fight it.
Note that in the machine water is not reached, you must immediately stop the washing machine and disconnect from the power supply (pull out the plug).
- Weak water set
- Lack of water set
- Fixing faults with their own hands
- valve replacement
- Faulty heating element
Weak water set
If the water in the washing machine is typed very slowly, that there are many reasons:
- Insufficient water pressure. It is worth checking the pressure and the inlet valve for the water supply, it may not fully open. If and to the pressure, and the crane's all right, perhaps, the reason lies in the other breakdowns.
The filter the inlet valve. The filter is located before the inlet valve and appears as a fine mesh. It is necessary for the delay of large particles. As a result of operation washing machine filter can score, and then the liquid is bad enters into the machine. To exclude this option breakage should clean the filter. If the reason for failure is the case, then the filter should be cleaned immediately, as otherwise it is completely clogged, and water in the car generally will not do.
- Clogged additional filter. it is usually established before hose filling.
Lack of water set
If the washing machine is not taking on water, it also can be attributed to many factors.
the valve is closed the water supply into the machine. Crane liquid supply must be checked first. Usually it is where the rubber hose from the machine is connected to the pipeline. If the valve is open, the lever is in accordance with the movement of fluid, i.e. along the hose.
No water or too weak her head. Unfortunately, this happens quite often, is simply to open any tap to eliminate this cause. If the reason that the machine is not taking on water, lies in this, that in any case will have to wait for it to appear.
access door to load the laundry is not closed completely. As a rule, modern washing machines have a variety of degrees of protection, one of them is that when open or ajar door hatch machine will not collect water and, accordingly, do not wash will begin.
That is, in order to avoid this problem, you need to try to close the door tightly. If the lock of the door arm does not happen, then most likely, is broken latch or locking tab that are located in the lock housing. It is possible that the tab is simply distorted, what happens when the stock falls, which serves as a mount. Over time, the hinges on the door are weakened, and the door is skewed. That is, if the reason lies in the door, it must be removed to put in place the rod. If the lock is broken out yourself, you will need to be replaced.
Another reason may be the idle door lock. Every modern car is equipped with a special lock function that is activated just before the washing for user safety. If this feature is not included, the washing process is not started, and therefore, the water is not reached in the car.
inlet valve the water supply is broken. Inlet valve - it is the part that is responsible for the timely supply of water. Incoming signal opens the valve, and the water flows freely into the machine. When a signal notifying of a sufficient amount of water, the valve closes and the water flow is blocked. That is, if the valve is broken, it does not open, which means that the water will not be able to gain. Most often in such valves will burn out the coil. To determine this, you need to ring the valve. It is located at the rear of the washing machine, connected thereto the inlet hose. If the failure is in the above-described valve replacement is required.
Faulty pump. To solve this problem will have to turn to the master, as the replacement pump is quite complicated.
Software module is broken. The software module - a kind of computer center of the washing machine, is responsible for all intellectual tasks. That it contains information about the program, the washing time and the work of all sensors.
Faulty programming - is a serious problem, and it can not be solved without having to call a specialist. If this important detail can not be repaired, you will need to be replaced. But before you call the wizard should still check all of the above details, because ninety-nine percent of the damage is associated with a filter or a door.
Fixing faults with their own hands
Keep in mind that all activities associated with the repair of the washing machine must be carried out when disconnected from the power source car and overlaps the tap water supply.
If the water is not reached in the car and heard the buzz, you must first:
To see if the tap is opened, carries the flow of water.
- If the valve is open, to block it and disconnect hose supplying water, lowering it in any container, as a result of such manipulation pour liquid therefrom.
- Inspect the hose for kinks and, if necessary, to align it.
- Check the filling hose filter - it can be beaten. This will require unscrew the hose and found the mesh filter. In the filter has a special indentation of which with a pair of pliers is necessary to grasp and pull out the mesh. Clean the filter can be a needle under high water pressure, and then insert the valve in its place.
- Check for a rigid filter cleaning, it also represents a fishnet. If the counter is set, then, usually after a filter tap. In order to get to this filter, two keys required: one for fixing the junction with the crane, and the other to unscrew the bolt. After con container and open the valve. Due to the flow, the filter clean, and it can be spun, as fixing the key at the junction with the crane.
Quite common causes, as already mentioned, a valve breakage and malfunction of PETN. It is necessary to read the instructions for repairing these parts.
valve replacement
Turning off the machine from the mains and closes the water. Disconnect the hoses from the back of the machine (where flaps are located) by preparing in advance a water drain tank.
- Unscrew all fasteners on the top cover of the machine.
- Remember the location of the wires on the coil and disconnect them.
- With the help of pliers to remove the attachment of all four tubes, after having remembered their arrangement.
- Unscrew the fastening screw for the valve (located in the back) and extract the inlet valve.
- In installation of a new valve, a screw securing it to the bracket with a screwdriver.
- Return to their original location hoses and fix their clips. Consistently connect all the wires of the coil.
- Return to the original cover cars and fasten it with screws. Connect hoses.
- Check the serviceability of the washing machine, after connecting and turning on the water in the appliance.
Faulty heating element
Back cover machine open, remove the wire with pliers and pull out the connectors. By means of a socket wrench untwist the nut that holds the heater, pull heater with rubber gasket and insert a new furrow, respectively, for the best entry details.
A rubber seal on the new heating element lubricates dishwashing liquid for easier entry and set to the right place. Insert the temperature sensor, is screwed into the retaining nut, connect wire. Close and fasten the rear wall of the machine. Repairs completed.
With timely detection and elimination of problems can be avoided damage, can not be repaired, so care should be taken at the first signs of malfunction.