How to dispose of a mercury thermometer: how to remove the mercury, which take the old thermometers

How to dispose of thermometerDespite the fact that it has long been various types of modern thermometers, conventional mercury continue to be used. They are in almost every home or medical facility as easy to use and always accurately indicate body temperature. However, the concentration of mercury in the thermometer makes this device a health hazard in the event of damage. Where to hand over the broken thermometer and how to dispose of mercury, it is better to know in advance.


  1. The danger of mercury
  2. Disposal of mercury thermometers
  3. self-cleaning
  4. space utilization

The danger of mercury

Mercury thermometer is glass flask, Inside of which is located inside the slender cone on the scale. It is a reservoir of mercury (2 g). Inside the bulb is no air. The scale has a certain range - from 34 to 42aboutFROM. Each degree is divided into 10 divisions, so that you can learn more precise body temperature. When the thermometer is in contact with the human body, mercury starts to heat up and this expands. Deviation of the measured temperature is 0.1 degrees.

Under normal conditions the thermometer is not dangerous, but if it is broken, then the mercury is a health hazard. Chemical element mercury is a heavy metal and tends to release toxic gases. When the air temperature +18aboutSince mercury begins to evaporate into the air and water space.

Upon impact against a hard surface mercury breaks into small particles circular shape. It can fill a very small gap and immediately begins to evaporate, poisoning the air. Symptoms of poisoning usually occur within hours and are expressed in the form:

  • Utilizayiya old gradustnikovheadache;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • weakness;
  • sore throat;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • loss of appetite.

In addition to these attributes may appear bleeding gums, vomiting and nausea. Over time, a person experiences pain in his stomach, he gets diarrhea. It is a violation of the activities of the respiratory system and cardiovascular. At high concentrations of poisonous substances in the room may come fatal outcome.

This chemical element is very dangerous because it can accumulate in the body for years. He is able to spread by blood and vital organs, poisoning the entire body. For this reason, you should carefully use a mercury thermometer. If the device has been damaged, it is necessary to know how to dispose of the thermometer and where to pass a broken thermometer.

Disposal of mercury thermometers

Ordinary mercury thermometer has no expiration date. It can be used for many years if it is not damaged. However, many people are starting to buy more modern counterparts to measure body temperature. Outdated thermometers then not used, and in many the question arises, where to dispose of a mercury thermometer. If it is damaged, it is necessary to dispose of mercury - for this is a special place, where you can drop the broken thermometer without harm to health and the environment.

Mercury also contain thermometers for air temperature, fluorescent lamps, and other items. Mercury thermometers massively distributed in hospitals, so the question of disposal of long become relevant for public health.

In case of damage to a mercury thermometer should be addressed to the ministry. Employees of the service involved in the disposal of mercury thermometers and other instruments. Experts with understanding react immediately and leave in place for mercury disposal. They decide immediately a few of the problems:

  • removed heavy metal droplets;
  • produce the correct cleaning of the premises;
  • know what to do with a broken thermometer.

All of these comprehensive measures are organizing EMERCOM specialists, but not every city has such a service.


Even before the Emergency Situations Ministry will come, it is necessary to take the following precautionary measures:

  • the room should leave all the people and pets;
  • it is necessary to close the door to the room and open a window if there are higher temperatures than on the street, and there is no draft.

The reduced temperature helps to slow down the evaporation of the substance. Not all citizens are aware of such services, so often do wrong with broken thermometer. Not every village has a MOE, so you should try to remove mercury alone. To protect yourself from the poison should wear rubber gloves and shoe covers. It is also desirable to use a gauze bandage soaked in cold water to not inhale evaporation.

More large balls You can be collected with the help of:

  • How to collect mercury if breakage thermometersheets of paper;
  • brush and dustpan;
  • medical pear;
  • shaving brushes;
  • syringe without a needle.

A broom is not suitable for cleaning because it will separate balls of mercury, and then collect it will be much harder. The smallest particles can be collected using a wet cotton wool, adhesive tape, plaster or clay. It is impossible to collect the toxic substance with a vacuum cleaner, otherwise it will then have to throw away. If clothing or shoes got the mercury from it as it is necessary to get rid of.

The collected mercury is best placed in glass dish with cold water and be sure to close the lid tight. Objects that have been in contact with the mercury, it is necessary to tightly wrap film. Those places where it was toxic substance must be washed with soap and water or with a solution of potassium permanganate. After this, ventilate the room. All items containing mercury should be disposed of in the trash or burn. heavy metal remnants should be given to an organization that collects waste items containing mercury.

space utilization

Admission older thermometersIf the thermometer is in good condition, then it is much easier to recycle. This problem is solved in different ways, depending on where you live. Dispose of in large cities developed much better, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

In large cities, there are organizations, dispose of all the rules of items containing mercury, including waste or broken mercury thermometers. In Moscow, this issue is dealt with NPP "EcoProm" (LLC "Mercury Service"). It is located at; Warsaw highway, d.33. Call back, please call (499) 610 00 01 to ask the question, where to pass from mercury broken thermometer.

These services are mainly in the metropolitan areas and, in Moscow, in another 10 cities in Russia. If such a service is not in the village, you can find details of utilization of t. 064 or go to the state pharmacy. Employees are required to take the collected mercury and things after contact with a poisonous substance or explain where pass the mercury thermometer.