What is fenugreek and how to make a decoration: the necessary materials and instructions on making

In the summer of the fair half of mankind especially wish to create a vivid and compelling image. Many in this help decorate fenugreek. What is it and how to make such a bracelet, it is worth to know a lot. Through experience, you can significantly save the budget and buy something more worthwhile and useful for yourself and loved ones, friends and family.

How to make a decoration of Shambhala

Shamballa bracelet

Such decoration - mascot for many people. Bracelet appeared in Tibet. It is believed that wearing it all the monks of the region. Through this mascot can find complete harmony with the world and with himself. In addition, the decoration protects from evil influences. It is suitable as the representatives of the male and female gender.

Shamballa bracelet

It looks just a bracelet. This cord that woven in a special way. It strung beads and other stones. They can be artificial or natural.

Create your own hands

Special skills to weave Shamballa bracelet is not necessary. One has only to stock up on essential supplies and accessories. These include:

Tools for Braided Bracelet Shambhala
  1. Scissors.
  2. Super glue.
  3. Cardboard - 1 sheet.
  4. Paper clips - 1 pc.
  5. Small beads for the lock - 2 pcs.
  6. Large stones - 7 pcs. They are needed for the bracelet.
  7. Cord tight - 2 meters.

The number of beads for bracelet may vary depending on the ideas of the creator.

manufacturing move:

The process of weaving band
  1. Prepare three cord. At first strung beads. Its length must be equal to the circumference of the wrist, plus 10 cm on each side for a padlock. But on the second line there is 1 meter. It is because of him and will trail the product. the last cord length is 40 centimeters. Because it makes the clasp.
  2. Freeze using a first cord clamp to a sheet of cardboard. Second to make two nodes based on. This is necessary to secure the beginning. After one end make a knot. It is necessary to remember that this end will always provyazyvatsya under the warp and weave of her second tip.
  3. That will have a node. These have to do four. You must then strung beads onto the substrate.
  4. Leave one, and the remaining move down. Make a first nodes that trailed from the start.
  5. The distance between the stones is selected independently. It can be a single node or multiple.
  6. The number of tangles in the beginning should be final. Cut off the excess from the rope.

After that, you must go to the Locks products. To do this, the third segment to tie the ends of the craft. With this purpose nodes that were used previously. Next, you need to try and bracelet to string two beads of small diameter. Tie knots, and cut off the excess cord. Secure with glue to the ends do not loosened.