There are days that don't make us happy. The mood is bad, and everything around seems dull and gray. It is urgent to correct the situation.
I propose to independently create a mood for yourself, to make the day bright and cheerful.
To do this, we will make an adornment with our own hands, assemble a necklace of beads of delicious caramel shades.
The beads are suitable for any clothing, as they consist of seven basic colors. View Instagram posts, stories, followers anonymously
Regular cut necklace made of rainbow beads is a noticeable and memorable accessory that creates a positive attitude and uplifting mood.

Required material
We need:
- beads of seven colors: yellow, pink, light blue, blue, orange, dark red, light green; length 12 mm, diameter 8 mm;
- lavsan threads;
- bead needle;
- transparent colorless beads with a silvery sheen;
- scissors;
- two small steel-colored caps;
- two double connecting rings;
- steel-colored twist lock;
- thin-nose pliers.

Manufacturing technique
- We take lavsan threads, a bead needle and a double connecting ring.

We measure the length of the thread equal to the estimated length of our necklace, multiplied by two, plus 15-20 cm.
We fix the thread on the ring.

- Take a hat and a thread with a ring. It is better to take soft hats, so that later it will be possible to squeeze it in order to fit it more tightly on the bead.

Let's put a hat on a thread.

- Let's get the beads, beads and our thread.

Put on beads and beads 1: 1 on the thread, alternate the beads as follows: yellow, pink, dark red, orange, light green, light blue, blue.
Let's start with beads.
Colorless beads will dilute the bright colors and separate them from one another.

Repeat this sequence so many times to get a necklace of the desired length.
Let's finish assembling the necklace with beads.
- Take a string with beads, a cap and a connecting ring.

Put the cap on the thread and fasten it on the ring.
- Take pliers, a beaded thread, and a clasp.

Using thin-nose pliers, bend the rings of the lock to the side so that hooks are obtained.

Put the connecting rings of the necklace on the hooks of the clasp. We close the hooks into loops.

The necklace is ready.

And now we can make sure that our beads really look like small caramel candies gathered on a string.
The decoration is delicious and juicy. It will appeal to everyone who wants to diversify the gray everyday life and let the rainbow into their lives.
Almost any person can do it, it's simple and fast. And most importantly, the mood will rise already at the beginning of production. And the kind of multi-colored beads will create the necessary mood.