Usually, going on a trip or a long trip, you must all be carefully considered. And if the voyage is expected with a small child, it is important to any detail. It does not matter what type of transport will have to travel - by air, rail or road. The site of each major tour operator publishes articles about travel without hassle or 10 life hacking for a comfortable stay with the child.

helpful hints
Unexpected situations can occur at any time.
To leave was not marred, tourist must adopt a few secrets:

- In the event of loss of the baby in schools with large crowds come in handy Bracelet with these parents (phone number). Such a desired attribute can be purchased at the store or make your own.
- Suitcase-cot - an indispensable tool for long voyages. This multi-functional item with a lot of compartments inside: for the storage of food, toys, clothes.
- Carrying for baby, worn on the shoulders, will relieve the hands and quietly walk around the city without fear that the toddler may fall suddenly.
- Bottle of silicone with a spoon - very handy device. Suitable for children who use mashed potatoes and porridge, but do not eat "grown-up".
- Textile cape "Tots". Need for safe "landing" of the child on the chairs in any area of catering. This mobile landing device is compact, easy to fold and fits easily into a handbag or pocket.
- A wet sponge, pre-frozen in the freezer, will help maintain the freshness of food. It is only necessary to put a few pieces in the package.
- Prefer road trip will not prevent cover-organizer on the seat. He would keep seats clean and the little urchin will be busy on the road. These covers come in the form of interactive rugs, with pockets for toys and baby supplies, and so on. D.
- This indispensable thing as a holder for the drinking spout and the bottle will be very helpful. After all, it is possible to put not only a bottle of water for the child, but also cups of coffee for the parents.
- Seat convertible - a reliable fixation of the baby at any table. It is staffed by safety belts.
- Children's hammock for air travelIt equipped with two inflatable cushions attached to the back of the front seat standing. Thanks to this gadget, your child can comfortably sleep during the flight.
And of course, it is useful to bring along a few toys - small, but multifunctional.
It may be books with bright inserts, magnets, stickers, small figures.