Extremely unpleasant circumstance of life is the smell of urine in the apartment. It arises from a number of reasons, for example, when a family has a pet, there was a small child, or when the patient is lying in a family person. Have to look for ways to get rid of the smell of urine on the carpet or carpeting. Often domestic inhabitants give rise to, to know the emergency aid rules when unpleasant incident.
- Why not help the water
- Folk remedies
- The smell of cat urine
- Removing stains from carpet
- Household chemicals
- enzyme preparations
- carpet Treatment
Why not help the water
The chemical composition of any urine (human and animal) included Urinova and uric acidWhich practically does not dissolve with water. For decontaminating need alkaline environment. In addition to these substances, urine contains various salts, urea, urobilin, and cats - urochrome imparting color urine.
Even when a kitten or a child made a puddle on the floor, a simple water wash can leave a second odor when wet this place it will be felt. What if children's urine hit the carpet in the nursery, and the cat has left its mark on the carpet in the room, you need extra measures, among which are the people's money and industry.
Folk remedies
By means of an assistant that is always there in a good housewife and can easily cope with the smell of urine, include:
potassium permanganate;
- vinegar;
- soda;
- salt;
- laundry soap;
- lemon acid;
- iodine;
- hydrogen peroxide.
Suitable and ordinary white, but it can damage the surface.
The smell of cat urine
If in the house there was a kitten, you need to be prepared for the fact that in the process of toilet training will have to clean up after him products of its life. Sometimes adults pets delivering such troubles, as the wet stain on the carpet, couch, The floor. If drying of urine remains fairly persistent smell. It is necessary to treat the surface of spoiled.
Using vinegar
For processing of fresh wet cat urine stains, we need:
- dry cloth or paper napkins, better to use a paper towel;
- Vinegar 9%;
- sprayer with spray;
- water.
First you have to dry the stain on the carpet with paper towels.
Then vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and fill the container with a spray. Spray the solution on the dried up spot and allow to dry. The cat will no longer be here to shit.
cleaning with salt
Get rid of the smell of cat urine on the carpet is very good salt. If you pour it sufficiently thick layer to the stain on the carpet and leave for a few hours, the smell disappears. After the need to remove the salt with a vacuum cleaner. Instead of salt you can use baking soda. Only it is necessary to moisten divorced with hydrogen peroxide, then the effect will be. Here, caution is needed - there is the likelihood of stains on the carpet. This method is good to remove the odor from the solid surface. Floor disinfection, you can use an ordinary white, just wiping the marked place.
A solution of potassium permanganate
A weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for removing urine odor from the color of the carpet, as if the carpet is dark, it can be iodine solution: 1 liter of water taking 20 drops of iodine. This means processed dried stain and then wash off any foam detergent. Carpet was dried with a hair dryer or a vacuum cleaner.
Chlorinated compounds and ammonia also help to get rid of the smell of urine on the carpet. " It is a substance with a pungent odor scare animals, and the cat will no longer urinate on this place. Carefully use a white background on the mat, because you can spoil the picture. Ammonia moisten the stain, leave for 20 minutes. A disadvantage of the method - the carpet requires subsequent aeration.
Soap and hydrogen peroxide
If urinary spot already old then, to remove the smell of urine with carpet, you first need to soak this place, and then a piece of good soap soap. Wash off the soap residue can be an alcohol solution or vodka.
The second way to eliminate odors on the carpet, if the old stain - hydrogen peroxide mixed with any dishwashing detergent in a ratio of 200 mg per 2 tbsp. spoon. Stiff brush to apply the cleanser on the spot, after the drying process with a vacuum cleaner.
Removing stains from carpet
If the baby began to crawl, then a carpet or other soft surface, such as carpet, you just need to develop his skills. "Trouble" may happen quite often, because not all parents want to put on baby diapers at home. baby skin needs to breathe, so often my mother is not immune from the puddles on the carpet. To quickly deal with the problem, do the following.
- Remove wet spot with any dry cloth or tissue.
- Spray this place vinegar diluted with water (1: 3). Leave to dry completely.
- Spot sprinkle soda and sprinkle it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide to water in proportions of 1: 1. Sprinkle abundantly necessary to give soda bubbles. This oxidation reaction and removes odor resistant. Leave it for 2 hours.
- Dried remains of soda to clean with a vacuum cleaner.
This method is suitable for all floor coverings, most importantly, do not overdo it with peroxide, so as not to spoil the surface of the carpet.
For carpet cleaning from children's urine and apply all the recipes that are used to remove the smell of cat urine. We need only remember that aggressive strong-smelling substances are not suitable for a child's room, because they can adversely affect the health of the child. In addition to the popular recipes, you can always make use of industrial means.
Household chemicals
In the shops of household chemicals can now be found an arsenal of tools to facilitate the care of rugs, with a professional chemistry, specifically designed to remove the smell of urine.
enzyme preparations
The most popular means of a smell animal urine considered known import manufacturers producing products in the form of sprays, granules. These include substances:
Nature'S Miracle;
- Odorgone;
- Urinr Off;
- Complete Pet Stain & Odor Remover;
- Just for cats Stain & Odor Remover.
Of Russian popular means should be highlighted:
- Zoosan;
- Zoovorsin;
- DezoSan;
- Bio-G;
- Cleancan.
Acquiring the means to remove the odor from the urine of an animal, you need to know that the smell kill enzymes and enzymes, so when you purchase should carefully read the attached instructions to the drug. Part of the funds in this market are simply "flavors", neutralizing, and does not eliminate the stench. Yet should be consideredThat there are universal tools that are used on almost any surface, and there is a special example for carpets only. For cleaning carpeting and carpets are Zoovorsin and Cleancan, and Zoosan - generic drug. By means of a known universal relates drug "smell the odor blocker vlock" which readily eliminates bad cat smell.
For the treatment of carpet in the nursery from the urine of the child, too, there are a number of chemicals that are actively used.
carpet Treatment
For the safety of the baby carpet cleaning better perform improvised means, since any chemical component can provoke allergic reactions not strong in the body of the child. Parents should be ready after the older child to leave with a carpet or put him in the hands of professionals for chemical cleaning.
chemically permissible drugs cleaning of carpet in the nursery can be recommended only Vanish carpet and conventional detergents (best for children), in addition to the popular recipes. After treatment, the carpet must properly ventilate the room.
Regular cleaning of housing using modern means Home Care compensate unpleasant moments and misunderstandings arising from the content of pets.