How to care for microwave: cleaning and removal of odors

Features of the odor from the microwaveMicrowave or, in other words, a microwave oven, appeared on the home appliances market relatively recently. But the convenience of such assistants have already evaluated many. Use of the microwave is very easy and convenient. People who loved the microwave oven, are beginning to use it constantly, which means that they need to know how to properly take care of it.

Should explore ways of ordinary cleaning the microwave furnace from burning smell, to know how to withdraw from the unpleasant odor of specific products, such as fatty wash formation on the furnace walls and the like include a device in order to clean and more pleasant and prolonged use.


  1. Shoe microwave
  2. Removing the smell of burning
  3. Care microwave

Shoe microwave

Effective means and methods for cleaning the microwave at the smellIn today's market of chemical products it represented a very wide range of products for cleaning microwave ovens. They are in the form of gels, sprays and powders. Sprays are the most easy to use: you just need to apply spray on the wall of the device, and then, after a time specified on the label, rinse with a damp cloth, it will help get rid of fat.

Unfortunately, not always possible to buy a similar tool, or simply do not have time to buy. For example, in a furnace something burnt, and it must be put in order right here and now. In this case, those means are suitable, that is at hand:

  1. You can remove the smell by using lemon: Cut the lemon into slices or pieces, cover them with 0.5-1 liters of water and put into the microwave. Pre sponge wipe stove wall soaked in warm water. Thereafter, the cut pieces of lemon, filled with water, put in a bowl (use the special dishes for microwave ovens) and put in the oven for 5-10 minutes, including the maximum capacity of the device. After disabling get a bowl and wipe with a damp sponge of the appliance. Microwave door better left slightly ajar for a few hours.
  2. Odor removal by means of vinegar - a very simple and cheap way oven cleaning the smell of burning and other contaminants, because vinegar is in the house each family. For procedures need 90-100 ml 9% vinegar diluted in a liter of water. This solution should be wiped wall of the microwave, if necessary, repeat the procedure. If the pollution is very strong, it is necessary to make a solution with vinegar and repeat the process described in the previous version. It will be easy to clean.
  3. You can eliminate the smell and pollution by means of soda. For this method is used soda solution. In 50 ml of water was dissolved 2 teaspoons baking soda. Then, this solution was applied with a sponge on a contaminated surface. Do not rinse. After one hour to make a solution and repeat the procedure. Sometimes they offer the option of removing fat by applying baking soda directly on the fat - then enough to rub the area with a cloth.
  4. Instead of soda, you can use activated carbon. Izmelchite 5-10 tablets in a bowl and leave overnight. You do not need a solution. Wash and rub well. In this beauty of this method of purification.

It is also recommended the removal of dirt and odors using a coffee or spice. Coffee has a very strong flavor, which is why it is used in perfumeries to kill the smell. Cleaning is better to use freshly coffee and soluble is also nice. The solution must be applied to all surfaces and leave for several hours.

After some time wipe with a damp cloth. More can be put in the microwave cup with grains of coffee as a preventive measure to remove odors. Spices and herbs also work for such prevention of odor removal.

There were days in the life of each family, where food can burn slightly, especially in severe cases can go smoke. The logical question becomes, how to remove the smell of burning from the microwave.

Removing the smell of burning

The use of citric acid and vinegar to remove the smell of burning from the microwavehow get rid of the smell of burning in the microwave - this question has ever asks himself every user of the microwave oven. By Gary the best help vinegar or citric acid solution with water.

More effective is the method of using the citric acid solution with the detergent. NDO pour the liquid into a bowl and put inside the device, then boil at maximum power for 10 min.

The smell of burning hard to erode, so it is necessary to leave the oven open for several hours, preferably overnight.

Microwave, as well as any equipment, requires attention and care on a regular basis. Therefore it is necessary to know how to care for the microwave. Easy to clean the oven, it will take a little patience and some knowledge of the rules.

Care microwave

Terms of care for microwave ovensWipe walls and the inside surface. Use soft tissue and cleaning supplies.

  • It is necessary to use a cover for the microwave, then the food will remain on the plate, and will not be sprayed on all the walls.
  • If particularly dirty, should be put in the oven with a bowl of water and boil the water at maximum capacity, the steam will soften the grease and dirt, will only have to wipe everything with a damp sponge.
  • Once a month it is necessary to clean the special means.

And do not forget to leave the door ajar, then the risk of bad odors will be reduced as much as possible.