For creatively thinking person to become a raw material for original craft capable of nearly any materials at hand, even old magazines. Creative approach to the bright glossy pages transforms seemingly unnecessary trash in wonderful decorative things. The material is suitable for a variety of products - from small beads to the capacious baskets and boxes. All depends only on the imagination and skill.

- Flowers and mini-trees
- Vase from a magazine tubes
- Making flowerpot
Flowers and mini-trees
Flowers - universal decoration for any celebration. Cost-effective option - make them yourself from old magazines. Also the glossy sheets need for scissors, wire, tape or green decorative corrugated paper. The manufacturing process will be as follows:
- cut sheets along 2-4 parts (depending on the desired size of the buds);
- fold strips in half lengthwise;
- cut the paper from the fold to the small fringe, short of 0.5-1 cm to the other end;
- collect from the buds of the resulting blanks, fix the wire from it to form the stems (if needed);
- wrap the stems with green tape or paper.
Using a different page, you can get a variety of options buds - bright or delicate sheets of a color photo, retrostile of pages of printed text.
Such as buds can make a mini-tree, which will be a nice interior decoration or original souvenir gifts. To use journal require sheets, scissors, wire, wood trunk to stick (e.g., manicure) and a small container - a pot, suitable banchka paint gouache.
To create a tree you need to:
- make buds;
- connect them to each other to form a globular "crown";
- attach the "crown" to "trunk" with wire;
- install resulting tree in a pot, to which container can be filled with soil, sand, small stones or plasticine.
Pot mini-tree can be decorated, plastered with the same paper.
Vase from a magazine tubes

Magazines - very suitable material to create beautiful woven items - baskets, boxes, vases and even bags. For their production requires a certain skill. If there is no, you should start with a simple, but no less than nice options.
Having at hand magazines, PVA glue and a thin stick (eg, needle) can easily make a comfortable stand under hot or under a bowl of candy. To do this:
- Cut sheets into strips 8 cm wide;
- wind the strip on the needle, fixing adhesive;
- let dry, remove the needle;
- the resulting tube and become material for a simple weaving, they can leave the bulky or slightly pressed to become flat;
- first twist tube, forming a circle, for fixation can immediately promazyvat edge adhesive;
- continue to twist the tube in one circle, joining the ends with glue or by inserting one into the other.
Thus it can be woven flat or volumetric vase stand. In the second case it is necessary to form ledges immediately. The resulting product can be painted with paint or varnish. This will not only beautify, but also make the object of stronger and more durable.

Of the same magazine tubes can create different decorative vase. For this it is necessary to prepare them, laid vertically close to each other and to bond the adhesive (width of the resulting web is equal to the diameter of the future product). Further, for greater strength from the inside of the vase should paste basis (this could be a sheet of paper or paperboard). After that, the top blade should be cut at a slight incline from the left edge.
Then you need to design wrap around the bottles or cans and glue extreme tubing. Next, we can only make the bedplate. What should range from 2 to cut cardboard outer and inner diameter of the vase and sticking them respectively. When you are ready, you can decorate the vase: paint colors, varnish or decorate any decorative elements (beads, beads, ribbons, and so on).
Making flowerpot

A stack of old magazines readily converted to the original design of the flowerpot. You will need a stack of magazines height slightly greater than the height of the pot, and a sharp knife. Top magazine should be to postpone the rest penetrate into the center so that the resulting hole is easily placed floral container.
In the upper magazine must cut a hole whose diameter is slightly smaller than the diameter of the pot. In this case, the hole should be easy to place the plant itself (for this reason is better to make a design for the young, nerazrosshegosya flower).
When all is ready, the lower logs need to add a stack for strength they can be glued together. Inside place the pot with a flower. Top carefully thread the upper magazine. As a result, should get a convincing imitation of what a flower growing out of magazines.
Glossy magazines - the material for extensive creative ideas. With their help, you can make unique design items, each of which is unique, because each will use their pages with different pictures and text.