Every family has a kettle. Without it no longer start breakfast, or finish dinner or meet guests or to sit with a book Alone, it is so nice to feel the aroma of fresh tea and drink a cup of this wonderful tonic drink!
But, unfortunately, any member of this family of appliances, regardless of price, functionality and whether it is electric or heated on the stove, covered with scum. flakes scale fall into the cup and spoil not only the appearance but also the taste of the tea or any drink that is poured boiling water from such a device. Moreover, in the traditional kettle scale layer delays the process of boiling water, and in the electric heating element can quickly be rendered useless by a layer of sediment.
Physical cleaning methods can not be used in any case. In this case, clean kettle layer from scum by using a very old and widespread among experienced housewives process - cleaning of the kettle descaling citric acid.
Lemon acid - long known means removing contaminants from surfaces of kitchen and bathroom. It is able to clean rust, lime, remnants of burnt food ingrained grease stains. Citric acid is very effective against scale. As it can be purchased at any grocery store, making it very affordable citric acid cleaning agent, and thus clear the kettle from scale citric acid may be any hostess.
- Purification conventional kettle
- Electrical appliance
- Tips to prevent the formation of scale
Purification conventional kettle
If a traditional instrument appeared a layer of scale, it is necessary to proceed as follows. The device Pour water so that the entire scale was lower than its level. Then pour it into a single packet of citric acid, ie, Twenty-five gramsAnd put to boil. During the boiling process citric acid corrodes salts forming scale, and that easily moves away from the wall of the kettle. When plaque descend, remove the device from the heat and the water is drained. It remains only a good wash it from the remnants of acid and plaque. For the prevention of such cleaning should be carried out at least once a month.
- If the instrument is a thick layer of sediment, then for their effective removal of acid concentration must be increased. To do this will need fifty grams of citric acid, ie, two packets per liter of water. Filling unit to the desired level, pour the acid in it and set on fire. At this stage, only water well is heated kettle remove from heat and thoroughly agitated acid solution. Return the appliance on fire, and now means there should be boiled for ten minutes. Again we remove it from the heat and leave to rest until cool. process may be repeated as necessary to achieve complete cleaning of contaminated tool.
- This method is suitable if the kettle in a very neglected state, that is covered with scum. The instrument pour water, put there tablespoon baking soda, then the solution should be boiled. After boiling pour soda solution and fill with pure water. Now add a tablespoon of citric acid and boil for about thirty minutes on low heat, and then merge it. Re-fill it fresh. Already this step will remove part of the long-standing scale. This time, add half a cup of vinegar and boil for half an hour also. After boiling, the water is drained. The device is well washed from the residues of the cleaning solution and remove fat residues.
Electrical appliance
To clean the kettle with citric acid if it is electric, using a similar method. To clean the heating element and the electrical device housing need to take one sachet of citric acid per liter of water. Then, the acidic solution pour into the pot and boil. After this procedure, the housing is completely free from plaque. Discard the solution and fill the kettle with fresh water, boil again. Then you need to clean the device from the solution and scale residues.
Tips to prevent the formation of scale
Completely protect the unit from the formation so unpleasant deposits can not be, because no filters able to purify the water before boiling absolutely all possible salts that form plaque on the walls instrument. But performance of several simple rules eliminates the lengthy purification procedures, both traditional and electric kettles.
To scale did not accumulate on the walls and bottom of the enclosure, you need every day to wash it with a sponge, thereby removing plaque formed per day.
- Before boil the water, it is better to pass it through a filter which delay significant portion of salts forming scale on boiling.
- Boiled water from the kettle to drain better, so that it does not remain in the unit for a long time.
It should be remembered that any surface easier to clean from scale where more thin layer deposition. Because often better to clean the kettle with citric acid, avoiding large deposits.