Everyone knows the harm caused body cigarettes, but many still are poisoning themselves by smoking. However, when health problems become too much, people are looking for a healthy way of life hacking life. Getting rid of smoking - the first step towards healthy lifestyles. Make it quite difficult, but very real.

nonmedicinal methods
The hardest thing - to decide to quit.
If a person has taken a decision, half way, he has already passed.
In addition, you can:

- To read. Do not neglect the motivational literature. The most popular purchased the book Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking."
- share experiences. Any business is best done with someone. Quit smoking is also better for the company. Psychologists say that communication with peers helps to relieve stress and give strength.
- Workout. Sport will not only distract from the obsessive thoughts about cigarettes, but also improve the body.
- control food. It is important not to overeat, because many after getting rid of this habit of gaining weight. Accordingly, in order to throw off the weight, they return to the addiction again.
- Afford little pleasures. If we calculate how much money is spent on cigarettes in the past month, the amount nabezhit impressive. For the money, you can do something nice for yourself, for example, to buy a new dress.
pharmacological agents
If the motivation is not so great, that deal with tobacco addiction help drugs.
There are several ways of medication:

- Nicotine replacement therapy. To quit smoking, do not immediately give up the nicotine that provokes dependence on smoking. This material can be prepared not only from cigarettes, it is contained also in chewing gums, sprays, tablets. Their use helps relieve withdrawal symptoms.
- Nicotinic receptor agonists. There are special drugs that affect the body in such a way that the person is no longer enjoy the pleasure of smoking, in fact, the process begins to seem them repulsive.

Smoking - the worst enemy that attacks the human body from the inside. Defeating this enemy may just need to find the strength to fight and to pick the right weapon. Everything!