Eggplant tasteful mushrooms and other culinary life hacking: a recipe for an unusual appetizers and tips

Sometimes you want to after a hard day to come home and cook up something unusual and appetizing, without spending a lot of time. Famous chefs are invited to consult with the cooking process interesting eggplants with the taste of mushrooms and other culinary life hacking. Unusual dish surprise and delight households, and valuable recommendations make life easier for housewives in the kitchen.

Eggplant tasteful mushrooms

easy recipe

Cooks are advised to prepare a delicious and hearty salad. Having tried it, did not immediately guess that this is not the mushrooms, and eggplant. Necessary ingredients:

culinary life hacking
  • One large eggplant;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs .;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • onions - 2 pcs .;
  • green beam.

Preparation of lettuce with mushrooms taste is not difficult.

To get a tasty dish, do the following:

How to cook eggplant
  1. The eggplant should be washed, cleaned and cut into small cubes.
  2. Onions cut into half rings.
  3. It should extinguish chopped vegetables in a vegetable oil for 10-15 minutes, then add salt.
  4. When the eggplant will be rather soft, it should pour the previously beaten eggs.
  5. Mass of mix well and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  6. At the end you need to add the sour cream and chopped herbs.

Snack ready to be cool, and then you can bring to the table. Recipe simple in its preparation, with him cope even young and inexperienced hostess.

Life hacking Kitchen

To learn how to cook, no need to attend cooking classes. Top chefs are advised to take advantage of life hacking, which can be used in the kitchen. These tricks will make life easier housewives:

Life hacking for housewives
Tricks for housewives in the kitchen
  1. Salted soup can be saved if the gauze immersed with rice and boil it. Krupa eliminate excess salt.
  2. To marinate the meat skewers with original taste, should add the soy sauce and light beer.
  3. If you want to cook an apple pie, then you need to roll the pieces of chopped fruit in flour. This will help Apple does not sink to the bottom of the pan.
  4. To salt the liver should be at the end of cooking, so she turned softer.
  5. When you need to cook crumbly snow-white rice while cooking you need to add a tablespoon of vinegar.
  6. To make the taste of coffee grounds unusual, should pour into it a pinch of salt.
  7. No need to close the lid of the pan when cooking beans. Due to this it does not darken.
  8. To boiled egg does not crumble during cutting wet a knife blade with ice water.
  9. At the end of cooking the soup to add to it the juice of vegetables. It will increase the taste of the first course and enrich it with vitamins and minerals.
  10. The cheese from drying out, it is necessary lubricate it cut side with butter.
  11. Salad from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes with salt must first, and only then to fill.

Culinary life hacking significantly increase the level of capacity in the kitchen. These little secrets that gathered over the years, help prepare your favorite dishes taste better and faster.