On that only women do not go to look good. Therefore become so popular different kinds of life hacking related care. However, some of them may be simply useless, but also dangerous - as, for example, 7-beauty life hacking with unfortunate consequences. Some of them can cause temporary damage to the exterior, but the others are a serious threat to health.

procedure's Skin
Ironically, women are trying to experiment on themselves even in such important things as daily care. The first five of harmful life hacking concern this sector. When viral skin care tips apply to all stages of:
- purification;
- toning;
- moisturizing.

Already at the stage of cleansing the skin offers an incredibly life hacking. For example, for washing some bloggers recommend using a mixture of men's shaving foam, soda and activated charcoal or instead of foam, even worse, the usual soap. Such purification is very dangerous, because the skin has a slightly acidic environment, such as aggressive effect violates the protective function of the skin changes its pH and deprives important bilipidnoy mantle. Because of this, the skin has to spend resources for reconstruction.
The second concerns the use of dangerous advice as domestic tonics solution of apple cider vinegar. Vinegar - this acid, Its acidity much lower than the normal pH of the skin. Therefore, regular follow this advice could lead to the fact that there will be microdamages, irritation, maybe even joining infections on the skin.

Do not sidestep life hacking and care for her eyelashes, hair and nails. For example, as the stimulation of growth of eyelashes suggest using Vaseline. This is not the best solution, because Vaseline is a product of oil refining, natural and there is nothing. Because of its properties it can contribute to pore plugging and the formation of an eruption of elements in the lash zone and around the eyes.
Fourth dangerous life hacking concerns ease hair dyeing process. Some bloggers are recommended in order to save and the convenience of drawing in color mixture add shampoo. This can not be done, as the paint itself damages the structure of the hair, and shampoo reinforces this negative impact.
Popular way of dealing with the cuticle using lemon. And this is the fifth harmful advice. The fact that citric acid is seriously overdried cuticle and spoil the appearance of the hand.
Herself a doctor
The last two dangerous life hacking touch quite egregious procedures. This home injections:
- self-administration of fillers;
- mesotherapy and biorevitalisation.

Girls who do not have is not something that a medical education, and normal conditions of aseptic and antiseptic, trying themselves to conduct such procedures. The danger here lies also in the fact that to stop a possible attack of an anaphylactic shock can not be without medical care. Besides, respecting authorized distributors never sell beauty products to people without a medical degree. That is, drugs that the girls use for home use may be counterfeit.
Of course, there are many genuinely useful life hacking, easy-care, but their choice should be treated very carefully and not to put questionable experiments on himself.