From old light bulbs can make original Christmas toys with their own hands. To do this, they are sufficient to decorate with paint and tinsel supplement.
Bulbs have a recognizable convex shape. If the dream, it is very similar silhouette of a penguin. That's why you can make a penguin from the old bulbs, sticking to it, and after a string to hang on the Christmas tree in the new year.

- necessary material
- Instructions for use
- Penguin of bulbs
- Penguin of bulbs
- Christmas ball of light bulbs
necessary material
- light;
- Gouache paint;
- Knitting;
- eye with a mobile pupil - 2 pcs .;
- tinsel;
- twine;
- Glue "Moment";
- Styrofoam;
- thin cardboard.
Instructions for use
Penguin of bulbs

- First, we outline the contours of the pattern on the glass using a felt-tip pen. penguin head will be located on the upper narrow part of the bulb.
- Paint the blank gouache paint. On the face paint orange triangle - beak.
- Glue "Moment" glue the two eyes on its face a penguin.
- Do cap. Carton glue wide ring. We measure the diameter of the narrow part of the bulb. Around carton blank fastened thread. For this purpose, they cut into 20 cm, folded in half, wrap around the ring and ends in skip resulting in the addition loop. Continue until you close the entire ring.
- The interval another thread makes a loop. Glue it to the top of the penguin.
- The resulting preform for caps put on the narrow part of the bulb, is passed through a loop for hanging the workpiece. We are putting together the ends of the thread, tie a thread, forming a cap.
Penguin of bulbs

The process of its creation is almost the same as in the first embodiment. But the penguin will be a bit smaller.
- Drawing on the bulb contours PENGUIN. Thus muzzle place slightly below the narrow portion.
- PENGUIN decorate. Draw eyes with black paint. We make them small and round.
- Cap fits over the bulb, completely hiding its narrowest part.
Christmas ball of light bulbs

Drill a hole in the top of the light bulb, remove all debris.
The insides of the bulb fill shredded tinsel, sequins and small pieces of foam.
Of twine making loop. It is pasted to the sides of the workpiece.
Narrow part of the bulb grease glue. Wraps with twine.
Closing the opening in the top piece of foam. Glue is a little tinsel.