How to remove mold on the wall in the apartment: the ways and means to get rid of the fungus

Ways and means to get rid of mold on the walls in the houseMold and fungus may appear on the wall in a completely any room, causing various diseases, allergies, odor, and so on. N. It is for this reason it is important to know why it is formed, as well as different ways of dealing with mold in the house or apartment.


  1. Types and mold damage
  2. Symptoms and causes of the formation of fungus
  3. Means against mold
  4. Antiseptic primer
  5. Bleach
  6. Vinegar
  7. Hydrogen peroxide
  8. Ammonia
  9. Soda
  10. borax
  11. Eliminating mold in the bathroom
  12. helpful hintsĀ 

Types and mold damage

Often in our apartments there is mold fungus, it is of several types:

  1. Description of the types of mold and its harmOn the food may appear green mold: the consumption of contaminated food leads to the development of serious diseases. As well as the green mold in some cases infects building materials, such as brick.
  2. White mold is usually formed in flower pots as a reaction to the use of some specific fertilizer or excessive moisture. Effect on the person may be expressed as an allergic reaction.
  3. Mold decay - is the enemy of wood. In view of certain features, the tree becomes lighter, becomes brown or gray shade, cracks occur on it, and so on. D.
  4. blue mold also often appears in an apartment on wooden surfaces: furniture, frames, parquet, etc... The surfaces become unpleasant dark blue hue, the paint layer is destroyed, and even helps paintwork.
  5. black mold - is the number one enemy. This is the most common type of mold that infects all surfaces: paint, wallpaper, concrete, wood, plaster, etc... If you do not fight it, it will in the future may cause dizziness, insomnia, headache, increase in temperature, and in the worst case, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, dermatitis, and even lung cancer.

Before mold can not stand none of the known building materials. But in addition to damage to repair, it is more and toxic to the human body, Especially children. Given the level of propagation of mold in the building may have different symptoms: first, there is an action on the respiratory system, and then the whole body.

Evidence of adverse effects of fungus is the occurrence of shortage of air, runny nose, cough,Difficult diagnosable chronic disease - all this is the reason of frequent finding in damp areas that are infected with mold.

As well as the fungus in an apartment can be a cause of vomiting, nausea, fatigue, headache. Besides the fact that it is not aesthetically pleasing looks, so it is also a destructive effect on building materials: it takes place in the structure, multiplies rapidly and begins to take new space. It is for this reason that after the detection of even a hint of mold, it must be rectified immediately.

Symptoms and causes of the formation of fungus

To completely remove the mold, you must clearly identify the cause of its formation in your home, and remove it. Just fungal spores are in any room, but the reasons for its development - it is favorable factors, which are the causes of moldy spots in different parts of your apartment:

  • Causes of the fungus on the walls of dwellingsfreezing of the walls;
  • high humidity with poor ventilation, which often happens in homes where abuse humidified, in apartments on the first floor, in the bathroom or in the kitchen, and so on. etc .;
  • flow conduit;
  • dirt dampness;
  • poorly heated apartment or house;
  • flowing roof.

Everyone, most likely, already faced with the appearance of mold and easily recognize it: this emergence spots of white, gray or blackIn also unpleasant raw odor. To get rid of mold, it is necessary to use a set of activities, and in addition to the methods described below, to combat the fungus, by all means get rid of the causes of.

All work is reduced to such a list of measures:

  • Clean mildew an infected surface.
  • Treat it by means of the fungus.
  • All things that are heavily contaminated, throw.
  • Create normal indoor conditions: Eliminate all sources of high humidity, to organize normal heating and good ventilation.

At the moment, funds from the fungus invented many, each of them has some peculiarities and specific conditions applicable.

Means against mold

The use of antiseptic primer to combat the fungus on the walls in the houseFight the fungus is possible as special preparations, which are a large assortment of shops, as well as folk remedies. The latter will be less harmful to humans directly, cheaper cost, and as effective as a professional tool.

Antiseptic primer

The most popular method that accurately can help in the fight against mold. In the construction market, these funds are presented in a large assortment: Dali, Fongiflyuid Alps, Biotol Spray, Olympus Stop mildew and others. Treatment with these contaminated surfaces helps to get rid of mold and prevents its occurrence in the future.

Work with these drugs is quite simple: they are realized or as a finished product, or need to add a certain amount of water, about that specified in the instructions. Then only need to Apply the composition to the desired surfaceAnd you're done.


Dosing of bleaching chemicals for getting rid of mildew on the walls in apartmentAs part of the bleach is sodium hypochlorite, the negative impact on the fungus and its spores. However, bleach may be applied not on all surfaces, as they can deteriorate, fade, and so on. N.

Bleach is well suited bath, tile, glass, and other non-porous materials, but is powerless to wood, drywall and so on. n. Just active substance chloro, in this case, does not pass into the material, where the pieces of the mold, and affects only the surface.

Work with these means can hardly be called safe, since bleach can corrode skin on the hands, cause poisoning toxic fumes. Because it can only be used protective rubber gloves and in a well-ventilated area.

The solution is made from water and a bleach in a ratio of 10: 1 was applied with a brush and are dried. Do not forget that pre the affected surface should be cleaned.


Describes how to use vinegar to combat the fungus on the wallsThis is a weak acid, which is toxic to most species of fungi. Its advantage lies in the fact that vinegar does not emit any hazardous fumes, because it is absolutely safe to use.

Vinegar sprayed onto the prepared surfaceAnd then it is wiped with a sponge moistened with an hour wall was washed thoroughly with water and aerate the room. On particularly affected areas this procedure should be carried out several times at weekly intervals.

Hydrogen peroxide

The use of hydrogen peroxide to get rid of mildew on the walls in the buildingThis is another poison for many types of mold. Buy 3% peroxide solution can be in every pharmacy, its smell for people is not very harmful, because working with it relatively comfortably.

Peroxide must be applied Purified on a prepared surface of the mold, but since the material has a bleaching properties, then painted on its surface should not be applied, and select another method.


Dosing of ammonia to get rid of mildew on the wallsBy the action of ammonia is similar to bleach: it is perfectly cope with the fungus on non-porous surfaces and solid, but not effective on porous materials.

Ammonia good job executes, if the mold has appeared, for example, glass or ceramic tile.

ammonia needed mix with water in a ratio of 1: 1, and sprayed onto the affected area and later washed off with water hour and carefully ventilated room.

Work with sal ammoniac you need to very carefullyBecause of its strong odor can cause headaches, dizziness and m. P. Be careful, and do not try to use it in combination with bleach, since the reaction between them results in the appearance of poisonous gases.


Describes how to use baking soda to combat mold on the walls in the apartmentThis is one of the safest and easiest option to get rid of the fungus, while it does not hurt any person or pet.

you need only prepared soda solution - Mix a teaspoon in a cup of water - and this solution was treated with an infected surface.

And you can handle things moldy sponge, dipped in this composition. An hour later, the surface rinse with waterBut it is not recommended to completely remove it with a solution: a soda can not damage the material, but is excellent in protecting against reinfection.


The use of borax to get rid of mildew on the walls of the houseIt is a natural material, so it can not harm human health. Borax is often used in sewage and disinfecting toilets, acts effective herbicide, insecticide, fungicide is an inhibitor of the appearance of the fungus.

Before starting work on cleaning is recommended at first to vacuum the surface to during processing in the air like long and enters the respiratory system less you can fly. The solution for preparing such a way: borax glass mixed with 2.5 liters of water.

this composition applied to brush a rigid wallWhile clearing the fungus directly. It is best to go over the surface with the solution several times, rinse borax is not worth it, because in the future it will be a reliable defender.

Eliminating mold in the bathroom

Describes how to get rid of mold in the bathroomIn the bathroom, the most vulnerable places are the joints between the wall and the plumbing fixtures that have been treated with sealant and tile grout. At this point, rather quickly formed black plaque, which does not wash off.

Acting in this case the old scheme: remove the contaminated portion, i.e. moldy sealant selected drug the treated surface, And re-apply the sealant. Seams on the tiles are cleaned metal scraper, and then use the grout with antiseptic effect.

If the fungus has developed on the ceiling, the area should be slightly wet with water and leave for a few hours, then remove the plaster and whitewash, shpaklyuem all misaligned.

Then we use primerWhere the convoy contains antifungal agents, and after its drying process the penetrating primer. It only remains to polish the surface, and it is ready for subsequent finishing.

Often, many people underestimate the harm that can be applied like conventional mold. But she very dangerous not only for building materials, but also to human health, because to deal with it should begin at Perov manifestation. But it is necessary to eliminate the reasons for the formation of fungus and to get rid of them, otherwise all efforts will be futile.

helpful hintsĀ 

Recommendations made to get rid of mold on the wallsEach room has a certain mold features, and therefore approaches to combat it are required to be slightly different.

During the first signs of the formation of black mold is necessary act immediatelyBecause a year later she was able to get to the masonry or concrete.

Because you want to remove contaminated finishing layer, slightly wet the wall to mold spores on the premises not scattered, and remove the layer of plaster, and then thoroughly clean the entire raid and carefully sweep the room, dry walls and process the selected tool.

If the walls are painted, the majority fungus spreads over the surface than inside, and after paint strippers, it is possible to start the decontamination process, going from the simplest to the more drugs powerful.

Plasterboard walls and ceilings are different structure: the surface of the porous, therefore it is necessary to take into account that the mold can penetrate deep into the material. In this case, fit professional products.

The rooms on the wallpaper mold spreading at lightning speed, because, as a rule, it is necessary to remove them. To prevent this can only the initial stages the emergence of the fungus. In this case, the ideal ammonia, vinegar solution, lavender oil, special formulations, peroxide or potassium permanganate solution.

But still hardly be able to avoid removal of at least part of the wallpaper, because all of these compositions can be little change their color, and the likelihood that the fungus has been firmly in the apartment sat down and grows under the wallpaper, pretty high.