Papier-mache (from the French papier mch, letters. "Zhovanaya paper") - a very interesting and unusual form of needlework that is available to anyone interested. His technique is simple enough: impregnated with adhesive, paper in your hands takes many forms.
Probably, many with lower grades remember this paper a plate: a few layers of newspaper pieces, glued to each other with white glue on the ordinary plate of the house. But this art of papier-mâché is not limited to: using newspaper clippings, you can create any kind of forgery: Christmas decorations, jewelry, dolls, candle holders, vases, frames and more. The most important thing to include fantasy and master the technique (to be discussed below).

History of papier-mache
So where first discovered in the style of a fake papier-mache? In China, which is not surprising: it was there that invented paper. Next, an art passed in other eastern countries, Persia and Japan. Products made by this technology are durable and easily used at home, in the decoration and even in military uniform: in the same China during excavations paper armor coated for stiffness were found varnish.
Later, in the XVI century, papier-mache gained popularity in France, where the "crumpled paper" made dolls, masks, theater props and candlesticks, and then picked up the craft in the UK, Russia, this kind of needlework appeared in the times Peter I.

There are three techniques performing products in the style papier-mâché:
- Carried gluing pieces of newspaper or paper model, whose form we go to make things (plates, vases, masks, etc.);
- Paper is converted into slurry: soaked in warm water for a day, then heated, stirred and dried. Further added thereto chalk, glue or starch paste, and the output is a pasty mass, like a clay;
- There is also a very convenient and easy technique, which can overpower all: take a newspaper and crushed into a certain shape (sphere, harness etc.), turns one leaf, moistened with glue or paste, then it superimposed layers patches. Having made a few of these elements, it is possible to combine them into one figure and redecorated.