Since ancient times, people wanted to decorate your life. It is not known who first got the idea to cut a first pattern on the tree. Carving today are not as popular as computer technology, but still appreciated by lovers of beauty. Learn the ancient craft can be, putting efforts and to become better acquainted with him.

- The classification of types of thread
- Main directions
- Workplace equipment
- practical advice
The classification of types of thread
On a par with ceramic wood has always been one of the main sources of reliable material for domestic human needs. Wooden utensils and tools are still needed in everyday life. Experienced housewives are trying to surround myself with not only comfortable, but also beautiful tableware. Intricate designs and decorations still do not lose popularity.

Buy such dishes today it is easy, but everyone is different, so many people want to personality was all over. Such a tendency leads to take up cutting wood with his hands. Beginners in the arts and crafts are big challenges, but surmountable hard work and diligence.
Main directions
It is better to start with the basics. ATof the main types of wood carved art:

- Sculpture. Figurines of wood found in most museums of art and crafts. This is a different little animals, toys, everyday scenes, and more. Very popular masks carved out of solid rock in Africa and on other continents.
- Turning thread. Shaped wood objects have become an integral part of the culture of many peoples. Matryoshka is often associated with Russia as a black voodoo mask with Africa. Dishes, cups, candlesticks, furniture parts - this is not a complete list of applications of turning articles.
- Relief. One of the most common types of this art. Carvers like this technique because of its large capacity and a large variation application.
- Geometric. The simplest type of wooden art. It was with him often begin carving training on wood. Novice masters attract this kind of simplicity and repetition of elements that allows to train specific skills and patience.
- Openwork. A simple jigsaw in the hands of a master becomes a magic wand. With the help of these craftsmen do amazing work. In great demand this kind of art was in the architecture of the past two centuries. Until now, the old villages can be found carved cornices and window shutters.

These are the basic types, but not all. For example, the wooden toy - it is quite an independent type of art works on wood. There are also more complex forms of this art: inlay, intarsia, and many others.
Workplace equipment
Reshivshiesya for the development of a new business usually start with preparations in all that is needed for the work. Newbie must know that without thorough preparation doomed learning process to fail. Learn wood carving can put a lot of effort. Here is what you will need for a comfortable work:

- Crafting table. Main workplace. This can be a sturdy table, but a special workbench is much better. On it has everything you need, which can greatly facilitate the learning process.
- Lighting. cutter work is very meticulous, so you need good lighting. Best of all - the sunshine, in the evening - light bulbs of sufficient power.
- Ventilation. Working with wood is associated with the presence of the chip, and when grinding - a fine dust. Not to breathe polluted air, we need good ventilation.
- Instruments. Wood cut special cutters made of stainless steel. instrument choice given special attention. From it depends not only on the quality of work, but also the health of the carver. Hurt poor-quality tool is much easier than reliable and proven.

Many artists make blades for work on their own or order them from reliable manufacturers. Today in the retail trade there are different sets for wood carving. However, the quality of such tools are often far from ideal, so it is important to consider the choice of the instrument with the utmost seriousness.
When choosing counted as a kind of creativity, which decided to learn. To burn will need a special device. For relief and sculptural cuts need large incisors. Many of them must have a different configuration and length of the blade. For geometrical patterns normally use small cutters of different thickness and shape of the fore-end.
No matter what aspect it was decided to begin to develop, it is necessary to get acquainted with the basic forms of cutters:
- Straight chisels. To cut straight lines and sample background.
- Slanting incisors. For recess corner ornament.
- Semicircular chisels. To work with oval elements.
- Trihedral. For cutting grooves trihedral.
- Klyukorezy. For sample oval grooves of different depths and configurations.
Any kind of tool for carving may have a different thickness, the width and shape of the handle. By choosing a suitable good masters are very serious. From this choice depends on the quality of work and productivity.
practical advice
When everything is ready to go, can not wait to take the cutter and make the first cut on the polished board. But do not hurry. It is worth remembering that the carving - it's insecure kind of art. Novice masters should remember safety precautions. Here are the main ones:

- It is impossible to work with blunt and defective cutters.
- The workplace should be well lit and ventilated.
- Each tool should be his place on the desktop. You can not leave the cutters on the table, not sticking them in a special stand.
- You can not leave children unattended in the workplace.
- You can not direct the movement of the sharp blade in the direction of the support arms or other body parts.
- When performing background recess product must be securely fastened to the work surface.
- If cuts need to immediately treat the wound with antiseptic and bandage.
By following the basic rules, newcomers to protect yourself and loved ones from unnecessary distress and problems. It is important to remember that any art does not tolerate haste and bustle, so thoroughness will quickly become a true master.
Having learned safety rules, proceed to the choice of composition, ornament or pattern. To do this, use different tutorials and other sources. The selected pattern is transferred to the board. Pre-grind it well. After the application pattern pencil preferably all lines push awl. During operation, the pencil marks are erased.

Then proceed to the cutting of the ornament. At this stage it is important to train yourself to perform all at once monotonous operations. For example, many of the patterns are composed of the same elements, thus cutting through them all at once, it is possible to achieve a more rapid assimilation of proper technique thread. With this approach, the hand quickly gets used to the desired slope and pressing the cutter. From this performance becomes higher.
All work is done only good Edged incisors, so constantly need to refill blades. To this end, suitable special grinding bars or fine grit sandpaper. To learn how to fill the instruments are not less important than the right to use them. On this depends the efficiency of the training.
After closure of the thread work is subjected to further processing. Someone uses the core for tapping the selected background. Someone adds a encrustation beads or other materials. Sometimes sanded and treated with a tinting formula. This may be a nitrocellulose lacquer, tinting or a simple linen, hemp or other vegetable oil. Ultimately, the work becomes attractive.
With a considerable effort and patience, novice master will be able to enjoy the contemplation of his first works. Someone decides that it does not suit him, and someone will find his calling. In any case, the new development enriches personal experience and makes life more interesting.

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