Cleaning suede shoes: the main stages and tips on home cleaning shoes made of suede

Suede shoes ReebokShoes made of suede always looks expensive and elegant. But it requires special careTo please his master as long as possible. By purchasing suede shoes, you need to remember that they can not tolerate moisture and are prone to the appearance of scratches and abrasions. It is important to clean suede shoes that they have long maintained their appearance. For the care of suede sneakers can be used not only expensive special equipment, but also products available that are constantly at hand.


  1. Selection of brushes for cleaning suede
  2. The main stages of purification
  3. means available
  4. basic tips

Selection of brushes for cleaning suede

Before you clean suede shoes, you should choose the right brush. It should be tight and at the same time soft bristles. This brush is perfect for a basic cleaning shoes.

Brush for cleaning suedeTo remove grease stains from suede shoes, you should use rubber brush. It should be noted that there are universal brushes, which simultaneously have as rubber and nylon. Clean the shoes they are very convenient.

For daily use is better to give preference to its crepe brushes. They have wavy and soft pile, so are ideal for removing small dirt.

The main stages of purification

In total, there are three stages of cleaning.

The first stage - is directly shoe cleaning. However, it is very important to see to it that the shoes do not absorb too much liquid. First, dry cleaning should be carried out, and then proceed to the wet. Shoes should be cleaned in this way, otherwise, you may damage the suede.

Deep wet cleaning It can be done using a soap solution. To cook it, you should mix the soapy water and a few drops of ammonia. But we should remember the main rule during cleaning - do not rub the suede. It should make a circular motion with a brush.

The second stage - protection application on shoes. The main advice is that the primary protective treatment should be done at least three times. Each of the layers has to dry thoroughly. This stage is one of the most important, because it is better to prevent pollution than long and hard to wash sneakers.

Processing suede shoe from moistureThe third stage - proper daily care. To care for suede sneakers every day, it is necessary to use special sprays. Such tools are very convenient as they help refresh suede and have a water-repellent properties. It is very important to take care of a regular shoe.

You can clean suede shoes by steam cleaning. To clean the shoes so it is not necessary to have a special device. For purification can use an ordinary kettle or pan of hot water or steam iron. And also need a damp cloth and a special brush high rigidity.

means available

It is not necessary to buy expensive cleaning products, you can do with improvised means, that there are in the house of every housewife.

  1. The mixture of milk and soda. To prepare such a solution should take 1 hour. l. baking soda and a glass of milk. With a cloth dampened in a solution, you should clean the place where there is dirt or stains. For these purposes, it is best to a small piece of burlap.
  2. There are many domestic counterparts professiolnalnym meansA solution of water and ammonia. To cook it, you should take a quarter of a cup of alcohol and combine with a glass of water and wipe the surface.
  3. Washing powder can also be a means for removing stains and dust from suede shoes.
  4. Gasoline may be a great alternative to expensive aerosol. So, with the help of this component and talc can remove stains from the shoes.
  5. Coffee grounds help to cope with even the most difficult dirt.
  6. The combination of ammonia with starch helps easy to clean suede at home.

basic tips

Knowing the effective ways to clean suede sneakers, you can forget about unkempt and untidy shoes.

First, the shoes made of suede should always handle repellent. This tip is especially important if the street rain or sleet.

You can only clean, dry suedeSecond, can be used for everyday cleaning absorbent wipes.

Third, you should try as much as possible uniformly applied spray. Only under this condition suede will long retain its former appearance.

Fourthly, it is necessary to pay special attention shoe storage of a material. They should be stored away from sunlight and moisture, otherwise the shoes may deteriorate.

Fifth, between the application of different methods of cleaning suede should withstand some period.

It is important to remember a few things:

  1. Sprays that are used for cleaning, can be easily ignited.
  2. Creased paper - it's not the best option in order to give the shoe shape. This is due to the fact that the paper absorbs moisture very well, and so can leave unsightly fingerprints.

To clean suede Cross, you should not use an ordinary shoe polishThe main advice is that such shoes are prohibited to wear in rain or slush. For the care of suede in any case you can not use an ordinary shoe polish.

You need to follow simple rules and suede will always be fresh and beautiful.