How to wash the shirts in the washing machine and manually?

How to wash the shirts in the washing machine and manually?

Contents: How to wash clothes in a washing machine? How to wash the shirt by hand to get the perfect result? How and how can I wash dirty cuffs and shirt collar? Is it possible to wash colored shirts in a washing machine and do I need to pre-soak in this case? How to w...

How to wash sneakers and whether it is possible in a washing machine: rules and nuances

How to wash sneakers and whether it is possible in a washing machine: rules and nuances

Contents: How to erase sneakers in a typewriter? Features of handling shoes by hand How quickly to wash white Converse? With the spread of fashion for wearing sports shoes, modern youth are increasingly asking themselves how to wash sneakers and, in particular, white C...

How to wash curtains in a washing machine - choose the mode depending on the type of fabric

How to wash curtains in a washing machine - choose the mode depending on the type of fabric

Content: Rules for the obligatory manual processing phase How to properly apply curtains to machine wash? Nuances of washing products from different types of fabric When answering the question of how to wash curtains, some mistresses say that manipulation must be done ...

How to wash fleece stuff at home?

How to wash fleece stuff at home?

Fleece is a unique soft fabric, which many mistakenly take for natural. For this reason, the housewives begin to erase the fleece clothes incorrectly, provoking the thinning of the fibers. The material ceases to retain heat, and the functional properties of things gradually slide down to zero. ...

How to wash pillows from a holofiber in a washing machine and can I do it at all?

How to wash pillows from a holofiber in a washing machine and can I do it at all?

Contents: Material features and regular maintenance rules How to properly wash holofayber in a washing machine? How can I restore the material if it was spoiled by improper machine wash? How to erase hollofayber correctly? How often should I perform this procedure? Is ...

How to wash jeans by hand so that they do not lose color and shape?

How to wash jeans by hand so that they do not lose color and shape?

Comfortable and attractive trousers made of denim, for all its apparent density and practicality, do not respond very well to different types of processing. Before you wash jeans in a typewriter, it is worth considering that it is the manual processing of products that is considered the most opt...

How to wash a quilt at home - machine or manual processing?

How to wash a quilt at home - machine or manual processing?

Contents: Features of using the washing machine for cleaning the product Rules for carrying out manual cleaning of the quilt How to dry the household item after washing? Numerous advantages of cotton blankets are indisputable: they do not cause allergies, they are easy...

How to whiten white things at home with soda and peroxide - rules of use

How to whiten white things at home with soda and peroxide - rules of use

Contents: Basic rules for restoring damaged white things at home Recipes for effective hydrogen peroxide-based products and how to use them How can I bleach products with baking soda? Experienced housewives have long been whitening white things at home with soda and hy...

How to wash washed-up terry towels and restore their softness?

How to wash washed-up terry towels and restore their softness?

Contents: Basic rules for care of terry towels How to choose the right detergent? Optimal washing modes Practice shows that very few mistresses know how to wash terry towels or do not adhere to technical recommendations. As a result, the products lose their original so...

What is better - a powder or a gel for washing? Advantages and disadvantages

What is better - a powder or a gel for washing? Advantages and disadvantages

Content: Powder or gel - comparative characteristic of We choose, based on the composition of household chemicals In which case to use gel, and in what - powder? If a few years ago, mistresses, starting a wash, chose between one kind of powder and laundry soap, then to...