2020 model rating

2020 model rating

IMPORTANT! A manual model cannot be used as a stationary one, it will not withstand the load and will burn out at the first attempt to misuse it.Best Compact Circular Saw for Home - BOSCH UniversalCirc 12 0The lightweight battery-powered tool is used for cutting wood-based materials, laminate, pl...

🎦 IP Camera with Wi-Fi for Home

🎦 IP Camera with Wi-Fi for Home

Modern cameras have become very affordable and compactCONTENT1 Appointment2 Advantages and disadvantages of IP cameras3 How to choose an IP camera with Wi-Fi for your home4 Popular IP cameras with Wi-FiAppointmentTraditionally, IP cameras are understood as a category of devices that, in their dat...

💻 How to update BIOS: why, how and what is needed for this

💻 How to update BIOS: why, how and what is needed for this

For the untrained user, looking at the old BIOS may be a little confusing.CONTENT1 When to update BIOS and why2 How to determine the motherboard model and BIOS version for flashing3 How to find a program for updating BIOS depending on a computer or laptop4 How to reinstall BIOS in different ways5...

🖥 Error 651 when connecting to the Internet: causes, remedies

🖥 Error 651 when connecting to the Internet: causes, remedies

Error 651 appears when there is no internet connectionCONTENT1 What does error 651 mean in Windows when connecting to the Internet?2 Causes of the malfunction3 What to do if a lack of physical connection is the cause4 How to fix error 651 with incorrect network connection settings5 Problems from ...

2020 model rating

2020 model rating

A person rejoices at the first snow exactly as long as he does not have to remove this snow. Cosplay Sisyphus with a shovel for four months a year is another pleasure, and a snow blower will help you save your time from it. How to choose this absolutely useful unit and which 5 snow blowers seemed...

Stihl vs Husqvarna chainsaws comparison 2020

Stihl vs Husqvarna chainsaws comparison 2020

Chainsaws under the Stihl and Husqvarna brands have deservedly been among the most popular for many years. It is sometimes difficult to choose between these brands even for an experienced craftsman. Well, let's figure out which chainsaws are better: Stihl or Husqvarna.CONTENT1 Features of Stihl c...

How to choose a snow blower: ‌ tips and best models ‌2020‌ ‌year‌ ‌

How to choose a snow blower: ‌ tips and best models ‌2020‌ ‌year‌ ‌

Removing snow is a hard and monotonous job, but in the Russian winter you can't get away from it. Unless, of course, you buy a snow blower - a convenient and useful device that will do almost everything for you. And now I will tell you how to choose a snow blower and which 4 of them can be safely...

Which compressor is better: oil or oil-free

Which compressor is better: oil or oil-free

A compressor is an indispensable device, which is indispensable neither in the garage, nor at the construction site, nor in production. It's just not so easy to choose a compressor, because there are a lot of them. We are often asked which compressor is better: oil or oil-free? Well, we'll figure...

Best electric snow blowers: ‌ tips and best models 2020‌ year‌

Best electric snow blowers: ‌ tips and best models 2020‌ year‌

Electric snow blowers are in many ways superior to their gasoline counterparts: they are cheaper, quieter, lighter, more economical and just easier to operate. For a private house or summer cottage, it is an electric snow thrower that will be the best option. How to choose it and which 4 electric...

Direct LED vs. Edge LED: Which Screen Is Better Than The Difference

Direct LED vs. Edge LED: Which Screen Is Better Than The Difference

Before buying new products from famous brands, decide which type of lighting is best for your goals and needs.CONTENT1 Features of backlighting in modern LCD-screens2 Edge LED backlight technology - compact and stylish3 Direct LED backlight technology - always shine, shine everywhere4 Which is be...