Many residents of private homes or apartments are experiencing a real shock when they discover traces of mold on the walls. Accumulating on surfaces, microscopic fungi can form colonies in the whole form of spots or separate points. There are many species of microorganisms.
Not every umeei eliminate black mold from the walls. It is almost always indicative of violations of the use of facilities. This may be insufficient or incorrect ventilation technology of construction work.
- Damage to the mold in a residential area
- Causes of the fungus on the walls
- Prepare the room for cleansing
- The use of special funds
- Terms and processing features
- Traditional methods
- The solution furatsilina
- Hydrogen peroxide
- preventive measures
Damage to the mold in a residential area
But the important fact is that sooner or later the mold fungus begins to destroy the building material, trigger corrosion processes. In addition, the dark spots on the walls of the house obviously will not add appeal.
Mold formation on the walls found in a variety of color shades - from white to dark black. Most often, it affects the walls black mold. The phenomenon appears suddenly, usually in the form of black dots or small spots.
First of all disease causing irreparable harm to the wooden parts, at least - other materials. It is important that molds can cause substantial in large quantities harm the health of residents and pets.
Fungal spores are constantly circulating in the house and get into the respiratory system. Poeomu fight the fungus should be mandatory. To overcome once and for all the mold, you must know what antiseptics and folk remedies used for this purpose.
Causes of the fungus on the walls
The first signs of mold in the house - a dark point on the surface of the walls, crumbling plaster, wallpaper peelable, strange smell in the room.
The main culprit of all this - excessive humidityWhich creates favorable conditions for the growth of harmful microorganisms.
Mold usually settles in a room with humidity indicator, greater than 65% and at ambient temperature just above 10 degrees. To the favorite places of fungus include angled walls, bathrooms, basements and attics.
Excessive amounts of moisture in the room is stored for the following reasons:
- Faults ventilation systems restrict circulation of air masses, and this results in a condensable a couple on the walls and other structures, creating space on their ideal conditions for fungal reproduction dispute.
- Damp, penetrating from the basement, mold can start the process of development. In such cases, the fungus on the walls of buildings can speak not only about the defeat of the walls, but also a soil contamination.
- Damp soil diagnose streaks that are visible at the junction of the first wall to the floor or basement. Often the fungus appears here due to poor insulation of the foundation. In such circumstances, it requires an expert opinion on the condition of the foundation, and repair if necessary.
- Mold penetrates into the apartment or house due to a malfunction of sewer pipes. At the same time it marks visible on the wall next to the bathroom.
- Smudges on the plaster - signs of leaking drainpipe. High humidity distributes them to the center of the ceiling, causing mold.
- Promorzshie wall in cold weather cause their otmokanie during thawing. In this case, there is a dark plaque in the corners, indicating the presence of the fungus.
Prepare the room for cleansing
You have to be prepared for the fact that the need for repairs, is not cosmetic. We'll have to do a complete overhaul.
The walls and floor exempt from all finishing materials. If you stay at the local transformations, invisible to the naked eye that disputes will continue to multiply, and the problem remains unresolved.
must be hide all my clothes, bedding. For everyday underwear and clothing required washing in hot water with the use of antifungal agents. Other items also need to be thoroughly cleaned.
Mold can penetrate into the furniture. It is therefore necessary disassemble all wood cabinets and other furnishings. Then carried out the processing of all parts. On the walls and the floor should be no carpets, paintings and other items. They too sanitized.
The use of special funds
In specialty stores always in stock all kinds of antiseptics. With fungicide (antifungal) and antibacterial action, they allow you to destroy and completely destroy fungal spores.
Antiseptic agents are divided into three types:
- Water-soluble. The safest and low-toxic group of antiseptics. They do not have a strong smell and are able to quickly eroding.
- Antiseptics, which need to be dissolved in turpentine. This substance has a specific flavor, so use it in everyday life can bring discomfort for owners and neighbors.
- Funds for dissolution that use white spirit. The most toxic and harmful.
The form of release of such drugs mostly liquid. There are also tools that are added to the paint, varnish, putty or primer, which is definitely convenient. In addition, the release-specific primer antiseptics to cover the walls directly in front of the finishing work.
Among the well-known domestic and foreign brands antiseptics are the following:
- Biostop;
- Pinotex;
- Tikkurila;
- Teflex Antilesen;
- Tamak;
- Profilux;
- Vernichter;
- Anlas Mykos.
Starting the fight against mold by means of chemical substances need take care of the security measures. the walls of the treatment should be carried out with the use of personal protective equipment such as dust mask, safety goggles, rubber gloves, suit.
Terms and processing features
Remove the mold from the affected surface finishing materials: wallpaper, plaster, paint.
- Remove fungal spores. If the area is small lesions, it is sufficient to hold a damp cloth or sponge on the mold. If molds were microorganisms into the pores of the material, it is necessary to take a spatula to remove the layer of bonding agents. You may need to hammer drill to remove a portion of bricks or concrete.
- Dry the prepared surface construction hairdryer.
- Read the instructions on the label of an antifungal solution, apply it to the mold area, and it is best to treat the entire perimeter.
- Six hours later, repeat the operation.
- After about a day, drying again and proceed to finish the walls. To get a hundred percent guarantee, require antiseptic primer. And you can also add an antiseptic into the putty and paint.
- After completion of the work should not forget about prevention rules.
Traditional methods
Vinegar. A very effective tool that allows you to successfully deal with mold in the apartment. Vinegar can destroy up to 90% of the species of mold microorganisms.
To remove black spots, you can use white distilled vinegarWhich is sold in every grocery department. Undiluted substance deposited on the wall and waiting for about an hour. After removing blackheads surface is washed and dried.
Potassium permanganate. With normal potassium permanganate can also stop the growth of fungus. Affected walls treated with a low-concentration solution of the substance. In a liter of water add one teaspoon of potassium permanganate. The resulting composition is sprayed onto the affected area. The solution can be left not washed away, it will be more efficient is some time.
Lemon acid. Struggling with black mold acid or lemon juice. The principle of the organic acid is the same with the vinegar - it negatively affects the fungal spores. The beaker with water was added a small amount of acid and the resulting mixture is rubbed problem areas. The method is effective for the treatment of tiles.
Tea tree oil. Good results in the fight against the fungus shows the tea tree oil. For antifungal treatments need to spray. A little oil is added to the tank with hot water and the solution was applied on the wall. Treated surfaces must be dry, then the procedure is repeated.
bleach. Excellent efficiency demonstrates the use of bleach components. The bleaching or cleaning agent is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 3, then applied to the mold stains rigid brush. When you are finished, thoroughly wash the surface, and in an apartment arrange cross-ventilation to remove the pungent odor.
The solution furatsilina
In medicine, a substance used as an antiseptic. Its wide range of applications will help to kill fungal spores, stopping their continued reproduction.
To achieve the desired effect furatsilin should be diluted in specially prepared solution increases its concentration.
Walking through the infected walls a sponge soaked with the solutionWait until the surface is completely dry. Furatsilin to penetrate into the deep layer of the wall, the procedure is repeated several times. This method ensures freedom from mold than a year.
Hydrogen peroxide
Killer poison for most species of fungi, including those for black mold. Requires three percent solution of the substance. Its pungent smell is absolutely harmless to the human bodySo with it you can safely carry out anti-fungal treatment.
The peroxide is applied to the areas cleared of mold stains, but the drug may whiten the surface on the painted walls it is better not to use, and choose another way.
borax. The substance is odorless and harmless to humans. In 200 liter of water poured grams sodium tetraborate, Stir well. After treatment, the walls of this mixture is formed on them a protective layer preventing the further spread of the mold.
Baking soda. Another way to combat the fungus in the house. Tablespoon soda diluted in water and applied to a glass surface moldy. After treating a soda can not wash off.
preventive measures
Preventive measures that demonstrate the most effective in combating molds:
Insulation of floor space. Creating a normal temperature mode. Most experts agree that the optimum temperature in the house all year round must be maintained. It is invalid unsystematic strong heating and air cooling. This leads to increased levels of humidity, which, as has been said, is a direct route to the fungus on the walls.
- It should be immediately after the detection to eliminate any leaks in the tubes, to repair the defective plumbing. Any, even the meager accumulation of fluid - a perfect area of mold.
- If the roof starts to flow, it is necessary to immediately point to patch water passage.
- If there is a lot of wooden structures, each from time to time need to process an antiseptic solution.
- Every morning, every home should be thoroughly ventilated. Thanks to the fresh air is limited to the speed of propagation of spores on the house.
- Do not recommend to dry things in the room. In the room, they should not be in a wet state.
It is important to keep them in good working ventilation system. If there is a chimney, check its operation annually. In the case where the air ducts can not cope with its functions, it is necessary to come up with an alternative ventilation in each room. At the slightest suspicion of the mold, it is necessary to clean the affected surfaces with a cloth moistened with a special antiseptic.