Today, there are several types of domestic appliances, which are designed for smoothing of textile products: conventional irons and steam, steam generators, steamers and others. Depending on the development of the model can perform one or more tasks. Vertical steam iron is a universal device because tissue processing in different planes.
- Principle of operation
- Advantages and disadvantages
- types of devices
- Main characteristics
- iron power
- boiler capacity
- mode
- Other useful features
- configuration options
- Review of popular models
Principle of operation
Normal iron smooths the surface of tissue contact by means of a glow-sole. Vertical steam iron ironing works differently.
The device design includes built-in or a separate container with a heating element. Bathed in it water under the influence of electricity boils and becomes steam. AT soleplate has openings through which the steam escapes and gets into textile fibers, aligning them.
Classic pattern may not work for weight. To use it, you need a horizontal surface. Not least important is the severity of the device and the efforts of the mistress, that she is working to qualitatively to iron clothes.
Ironing steam iron with a vertical support allows you to not use: the product can just hang on a hanger and process stages. To smooth out the creases, it is not necessary to shift the thing several times, both during the ironing conventional iron, on the one hand sufficient processing.
Advantages and disadvantages
Steam iron for vertical ironing (clothes steamer) has the following advantages.
- It can handle any fabric - from silk and cotton to suede, cashmere and denim. For quality of ironing is enough to select the desired mode of vaporization.
- No risk of damaging the product, since the main difference from the conventional vertical iron It is a non-contact processing method that avoids cauterizing tissue leaving her traces.
- Ease of smoothing garments with decorative elements: buttons, snake, beads, sequins and so on.
No need to buy an ironing board.
- The possibility of stripping large canvases in the air, such as curtains, bedding.
- Disinfection textile by means of hot steam. Thus it is possible to fight the mites and germs.
- Cleaning not only things, but also furniture, removal of unpleasant odors.
The disadvantages of the device include:
- The high cost. Price vertical steam iron is in the range of 2500-25000 rubles, which is more expensive than the classic design.
- Some multifunction models have large dimensions, and this creates difficulties in their storage.
types of devices
Developed three main types of vertical steam irons:
For horizontal ironing with the function of vertical steaming. In case there is a water tank. Liquid is supplied to heater, which converts it into steam, and then it exits from the holes very quickly.
- With the steam generator. The design of the steam plant consists of three basic elements: a large capacity reservoir for moisture, iron, resembling ordinary, and the hose serving to transfer vapor.
- steamers. These devices are supplied with a floor steam generator, steam hose and nozzle-utyuzhok. May be sold with different brushes. The device is used for smoothing and cleaning of clothing textiles. These models have no horizontal ironing function.
Normal vertical steam iron has a compact size and has a relatively low cost. A device with a steam generator quickly smoothes out a large number of clothes, and can be operated for a long time. Steamer, due to its convenience, is often used to delicates, Curtains, textiles.
It is worth noting that there are more miniature hand-held patterns of vertical steam irons.
Main characteristics
Further design features, steam irons for ironing vertical differ by technical characteristics that affect the quality of their work.
iron power
This parameter influences the speed of PETN, the volume and rate of vaporization of electricity consumption. At home, the best use of 1800-2000 watts. Such a device will be able to work with thin and thick fabrics. Less powerful apparatus can not cope with dense materials, so dense and thick products such as down jackets will be difficult to smooth out.
boiler capacity
The larger tank capacity, the longer irons for ironing vertical will operate in a continuous mode. Conventional irons, in which there is a function of vertical stripping, have the smallest filler water - only 200-250 ml. If it starts to supply steam, it will be enough work for 15-20 minutes.
Devices with a steam generator provided with a large water tank that accommodates 1-2.5 liters. Such can function without interruption from 1.5 to 2 hours.
One of the useful features in the iron for vertical ironing is the ability to adjust the force of the steam supply. It can be changed depending on the structure of the tissue. However, the presence of such a function considerably increases the cost of a steam iron. For domestic use often enough and one mode.
Some models can be applied to a so-called steam. Action is that in a short period of steam comes under strong pressure. On average, one minute of steam released approximately 10-80 g, with the same thermal shock, this figure rises to 140-300 g This feature helps to iron strong creases formed on the dense tissues.
Other useful features
Some models of irons, running in a vertical plane, are other possibilities. Such devices can be equipped with:
- drip system, blocking the formation of condensation, which often makes clothes wet;
- automatic shutdown if the hostess does not work with the iron for more than 15 minutes;
indicative of the amount of water in the tank;
- built-in filters, which make it possible to fill water into the boiler from the tap;
- descaling system;
- program for adding liquid to the appliance operation;
- other features.
configuration options
Most Vertical Garment Steamer, installed on the floor, are equipped with the following accessories:
- Brush for cleaning clothes in stripping mode. It gathers from the surface of the villi tissue, skin, helps to cope with the pollution. Brush is convenient to use for the care of the outerwear having a long nap.
- clip. It helps to create the arrow and fold.
Clip-brush. This item can be used instead of the previous two.
- Coat rack. Necessary things for the convenience of processing. Double rack have a higher strength and is suitable for fixing heavy products.
- Protective glove made of teflon or dense tissue to protect hands during vertical ironing.
- heat-resistant plaque small size. It is convenient to underlay under the cuffs, collar, pockets and other parts of clothing made from multiple layers of fabric.
It is recommended to ask the shop assistant about the possibility of purchasing additional accessories separately from the main shopping. It should also ascertain whether spare parts and after-sales service if there is available.
Review of popular models
Choose steamer needed based on the requirements. Therefore, it is desirable to find the most popular models. According to customers, they are:
Almost perfect value for money - the device Phillips Elance 3030. It is reliable and works for a long time, because he has power equal to 1960 watts and a strong enough steam - 85 grams per minute.
These figures mean that the vertical steam iron to iron may any tissue.
- Compared with the previous sample steamer Philips GC 4310 more costly because of its higher capacity. Characteristics Model: PETN power - 2400 W, the power stroke in the steam mode, the maximum is 100 grams per minute.
- Model Philips GC670 / 05Connecting the iron and steam cleaner, is located on the floor. The device is sold with a vertical rack and hangers for easy placement of things. The steam iron is connected to the housing by means of a hose. Steam escapes through the nozzles, which are located in soleplate. Its performance is characterized by the following values: the power of the heating element is equal to 1800 W, a liquid reservoir is 2.1 liters, steam at maximum capacity - 40 g per minute.
Thus, the vertical steam iron - a device which by means of hot steam flow enables effective smooth textile products. Such devices are sold Pobol higher price than conventional irons, but significantly save time and facilitate housework. When choosing an iron, you must check the appropriate sample in the store at the same time pay attention to the force of the steam and its ease of use.