To coffee or coffee served for a long time, her need careful and regular maintenance, t. To. The bad tap water and its impurities can quickly bring these devices fail. If the equipment has been used for more than two months, then it is time to apply the agent for descaling, to the device for the preparation of flavored drink, and continue to serve, as if new.
- Causes of Scale
- Goals remove calcareous accretions
- Frequency of decalcification and signs of contamination
- Preparations for removing plaque in coffee machines
- grouts
- tableted cleaners
- "Antinakip" with his own hands
- All funds compared
Causes of Scale
thorough care is required not only a professional instrument, but also domestic. The fact that some of the equipment at all times in contact with moisture:
The water tank;
- pallets;
- a water supply system.
Access to these elements, as a rule, difficult to reach, but because ordinary mechanical descaling methods are not effective. For cleaning of these partscoffee machines It requires the use of special chemicals that remove lime deposits and sediment.
The water used has a rather complicated structure with various contents of calcium and magnesium mineral salts, which when heated are deposited in the form of dense insoluble flocs. Each heatingWith each portion of water flakes getting bigger. Accumulate, they turn into a thick crust stubborn. And the higher the hardness of the water, the more it contains mineral salts, and the faster the accumulated limescale. It is called lime because of its high calcium content, and the process of its removal - decalcification.
Goals remove calcareous accretions
Scale appearance adversely affect the operation of the device. If you do not get rid of it, it will soon be some problems:
Deteriorate palatability finished beverage due to being hit by flying along with the water;
- The coffee machine will begin to work lessTo slow the flow of water and foam whipping;
- If part of the crust of plaque breaks off, The fragment may completely withdraw the coffee machine of the system;
- Plaque can block heat transfer, Acting as a thermal insulator, leading to overheating and subsequent damage to the machine.
According to statistics, the most common cause of breakdowns - that limescale formation. Prevent the formation of scale and damage that are associated with it, regular cleaning will help the coffee machine - decalcification.
Frequency of decalcification and signs of contamination
The newest models of coffee machines with a programming function independently reported the need for cleaning. The scoreboard shows the message: "Perform decalcification", and if cleaning is not carried out, the machine will not make coffee.
In such machines, the water hardness is set by default, cleaning is required after cooking 100-120 cups of coffee. If your water hardness level is low, then the settings are changed manually. When using soft water decalcification required after cooking hundred cups of beverage.
If the coffee machine is not provided in the notification feature, the benchmark for cleaning may be a period of the previous cleaning:
- When hard water decalcification recommend once a month or six weeks;
- When using soft water the time between cleanings may be six months.
There are signs indicating the need for cleaning the coffee machine:
During operation, the machine makes a noise louder than usual;
- Coffee trickle of very thin;
- Water is leaking at the tray;
- Milk foam whipped much more slowly, it is not as lush and watery.
To check the state of the system can carry out the test: you need to get rid of water without coffee through the system, while if at the bottom of the cup is determined by a whitish deposit, coffee machine needs immediate cleaning.
Preparations for removing plaque in coffee machines
Special funds, which are designed to clean the coffee machine, very much. But not all the same, some of them purchased in each case.
All cleaners for coffee machines can be divided into several groups:
- tablets;
- Liquids;
- Funds made with their own hands.
Universal solutions-cleaners can be purchased at any hardware store. The operating instructions for coffee machines strongly recommended the use of the cleaning liquid of the same brand as the coffee machine.
Special brand cleaning liquids (Saeco, and the like) are produced by many large members: Saeco, Melitta, De Longhi. The basis of such solutions - a chemically active agents (usually acid). The price of these assets varies from 250 to 1000 rubles. The most expensive of them - descaling company Saeco (Philips-Saeko). Its price per 250 ml of about 1000 rubles.
No means for branded liquid descaling versatile and have a lower cost (for example, a means for cleaning coffee machines is HG 150 rubles per 250 ml). If we talk about the means of scaling to any appliances (for cleaning irons, kettles, and so on), there is more democratic price (40 rubles).
Any liquid descaler is ready for use, it remains only to fill the tank with water. When a single cleaning used from 75 to 125 ml.
tableted cleaners
Composition of tablets hardly differs from the composition of liquid media. Their effect is also based on active acids. Before use, the drug is dissolved in water (quantity specified in its instructions). During one cleaning tablet is used alone.
Tablet means as well as cleaning liquids may be branded (Bosh) and branded.
Often, along with the pills from scale companies producing pills that eliminate the essential coffee oils.
"Antinakip" with his own hands
You can not purchase any means, just cook them yourself. For example, many people helped this recipe:
- The machine was purified from the remaining coffee removable portion is washed with water;
- Prepare the cleansing solution: 10 g of citric acid were dissolved in 1 liter of water and vinegar were mixed with water in proportions of one to two;
- The resulting solution is poured into the tank and left for a couple of hours;
- They include cooking program for the necessary volume of the solution;
- Is poured into the tank and clean water is forced through the coffee machine;
- When a white precipitate is detected in a cup procedure is repeated again.
All funds compared
To the store did not stand a loss on the value of the range, you can only remember the advantages and benefits of the available funds in their comparison with each other. For instance:
- Specialized descaling (Saeco, etc.) is much more effective home remedies;
- Cleaning tablets and liquids have a similar composition, except that the release form;
The liquid immediately after purchase ready to use, the tablet is pre-dissolved in water;
- Software expensive coffee machine preferably cleaned branded means, since the low-quality drug can affect the operation of the equipment;
- Semi-automatic drip coffee makers or may be purified by universal means;
- Universal tools are usually cheaper brand;
- The greater the hardness of the water, the more often the process is necessary decalcification;
- Decalcification expensive sophisticated coffee machines is carried out strictly according to instructions;
Purification of the coffee machine from scale - the key to long-term operation of the device. This means that to the choice of means of plaque should be approached responsibly.