Independently make any textile product is difficult. To do this, you need to have a basic understanding of the process and have the skills of such work. Novice needle women, experts recommend to use the easiest method of making large knitted rug. The finished product will look beautiful and perform well.

Before you start knitting to complete a number of preparatory actions. The first step is to choose the right material. Experienced masters recommend to give preference to a thick yarn, which is ideal for the manufacture of plaid.
It is best to buy tops or spun yarn. Both of these materials have many advantages and have little or no defects.

Blanket is voluminous productSo it is important to correctly calculate the amount of yarn needed, otherwise there is a risk to buy extra material or not buy it in the process. To avoid this, you must perform these steps:

- Buy 1 skein.
- From it connect small fragment.
- The product is washed and dried.
- After that, measure the density of knitting. To do this, count the number of rows and loops in them.
- Detail of dissolving and measured yarn length.
- Then, the estimated area of the future plaid divided into the same parameter associated sample.
- The obtained result is multiplied by the length of the yarn to obtain the desired amount of material.
The simplest method of making a rug is to perform the work without spokes. In this case, the work is carried out on the wrists. The correct sequence of actions:

- Take the skein and it is metered by 3 m.
- On his right wrist create a loop.
- Her throw on the arm and tightened.
- The residue material is put on the left wrist.
- The same hand take a skein of yarn and pull the loop formed previously.
- Similarly, knitting is performed up until not gain the desired number of loops (the number depends on the width of the future plaid).
- In the next step of the yarn is placed on the thumb of his right hand.
- Compressed fist and removed from it extremely loop.
- The remaining part being moved to the opposite limb.
- Guided by the same principle of knitting is performed first row of product.
- The second form is similar, but all the action is carried out in a mirror image (everything was done right hand, perform the left and vice versa).
- Linking the desired number of rows are formed article edge. For the rest of this thread are threaded into the last row of loops.
- The thread is tightened and carefully trimmed residue.
- Similarly reported with the opposite edge of the rug.
- The finished product is straightened, washed, dried and used for other purposes.
Creating a large knitted rug is considered one of the most simple tasks.
Because of this, such a product can be manufactured not only experienced handy, but also a beginner.