- Criteria for selecting a sink for the kitchen
- How to choose the sink size and bowl depth?
- What kind of sink in the kitchen to choose?
- What kind of kitchen sink material to choose?
- How does the washing differ by type of installation?
- How can I add a sink in the kitchen?
The kitchen of the modern hostess is the embodiment of scientific and technological progress. A kitchen sink, along with a fridge and a stove, occupy places of honor during the preparation of food. Therefore, it is not surprising that a lot of attention is paid to the choice of kitchen sink, because it should not only be convenient, practical, functional, but also fit into the interior of the kitchen. To get you to buy that dishwasher, which will ideally suit you in all respects, see the helpful information in this article.
to the table of contents ↑Criteria for choosing a sink for the kitchen
To determine which washing option will be the best choice for your kitchen, it is necessary to make a list of requirements for the sanitary element:
- Capacity. Unlike the sink in the bathroom, the sink in the kitchen is designed to wash food and remove dirt from the dishes. The kitchen sink is specially designed in such a way that it is convenient to fold the mountains of dishes or to place large objects under the tap, as well as fruits, for example watermelons, melons.
- Material of construction. The washbasin in the bathroom, as a rule, is made of sanitary ceramics or sanitary ware, because only hands and face are rinsed over it, but the kitchen sink is most often made of metal or stone, because it has to withstand high temperatures, mechanical influences and should be characterized by increased resistance to attackvarious household chemicals. Despite this, it should be easy to handle and operate, and also to maintain an excellent appearance with minimal maintenance.
- Size. The dimensions of the sanitary element largely depend on the area of the kitchen itself. Agree, in a 6-meter room strange will look sink with wings 120 cm wide.
- Number of bowls. The most popular are double and one-and-a-half variants( 1 large bowl and another small bowl), but the number of bowls can be from 1 to 5. Additional elements are designed for separate washing of dishes and processing fruits and vegetables.
Important! If the number of bowls is 3 or more, then they will be at a great distance from each other, and you will have to install a mixer with a pull-out shower head, which will cost more than the usual model.
- Washing style. Look closer to the plumbing element after you decide on the design of the room. Washing for the kitchen should harmoniously fit into the interior and be combined with all furniture, appliances and accessories. For example, a simple model of copper does not fit smooth lacquered facades with "recessed" stainless steel handles.
- Installation method. By the method of installation, the shells differ in mortise and overhead. The overhead sink "lies" on the countertop, holding its bows. Mortise shell "drowned" in the countertop. And in the first and second cases when installing a good waterproofing is necessary.
- Optional equipment. Many models are equipped with so-called wings, which are very convenient to put clean cups and put washed fruit. In addition, the kitchen sink can have baskets, boards, grills, colander, etc.
- Mixer. On the kitchen sink, unlike the sink in the bathroom, always mix a mixer with a long spout, as it is convenient for them to use and wash large and tall objects.
Important! When choosing a kitchen sink model, take into account the culinary habits of your family. That is, what foods you use, how often you prepare food, and how many dishes you need to wash daily. It is also necessary to decide whether you will put a water filter or a shredder.
Beforehand decide which items you will keep next to the sink and which mixer model you want to choose. All this is very important when choosing the ideal model of sanitary ware for your kitchen.
to the contents ↑How to choose the size of the sink and the depth of the bowl?
If you have a small kitchen, then a volumetric capacious sink with two or three bowls will not work for you. For you, the most optimal option - corner kitchen sink. Usually such a model consists of one large or two rectangular bowls of small size. The bowls can be placed on one line or at an angle to each other. The corner sink in the kitchen will take an empty "uncomfortable angle", and it will look very compact.
The depth of the bowl is also very important:
- if you choose a deep sink, then you will have to bend constantly;
- in a shallow bowl can not fit high utensils and splashes of fat, water will constantly fall on the countertop and the adjacent wall.
Important! Experts believe that the optimum depth of the bowl should be 160-180 mm. This model and the hostess is convenient, and the sink will be ample roomy.
Another factor is the radius of the fillet between the bottom and the walls. The shape close to the right angle looks more stylish, but washing it is much more difficult.
Important! When choosing a model, it is important to take into account the moment as depth - the distance between the front and rear walls. Dimensions must be smaller than the depth of the kitchen cabinet's cupboard or the depth of the floor cupboard.
to the contents ↑Which form of kitchen sink in the kitchen to choose?
Sinks in the kitchen can have a completely traditional - rectangular, round, square, and the most bizarre shape. Modern technologies and materials make it possible to realize the boldest fantasies of designers. By the degree of popularity it is possible to make such classification:
- Classical washing, as a rule, rectangular or square.
- Often you can find in the kitchen and round sinks.
- Much rarer - washing with a triangular and oval bowl.
The choice of shape depends on convenience considerations. For example, the simplest round sinks, in comparison with an equal in size shell of another form, are more spacious. When choosing the shape of the shell, consider the interior design of your kitchen, since the sanitary element should complement it in style.
Important! How many bowls for a sink to choose, depends on your desire and financial possibilities, after all the qualitative model with two or three bowls costs much more expensively usual. But in additional bowls it is very convenient to defrost meat or fish, and also to wash fruits, vegetables and greens.
Sink in a kitchen with one bowl is easy to operate, it is easier to clean, however it is less convenient for processing food and dishwashing. The most convenient and functional kitchen sink with two bowls, so this model is very popular among housewives.
to the contents ↑What kind of kitchen sink material to choose?
The choice of material depends on many things:
- Kitchen design.
- Interior styles. Desired characteristics of the shell.
- of the Budget.
Important! To make it easier for you to understand all the diversity, you can listen to the opinion of experts:
- For classical cuisine, experts and designers recommend an artificial stone based on granite or ceramics.
- For kitchen in a modern style, a stainless steel sink or a sink made of composite materials( artificial stone) is perfect.
Ceramic kitchen sinks look incredibly stylish, they have an effective design. Ceramic sink is very high quality, resistant to surface damage, resistant to high temperatures and household chemicals. It can be safely put a hot pot or put frozen food.
High-quality ceramic wash is not afraid of scratches. The surface is easy to clean, as modern shells have a special coating that facilitates the care and operation of sanitary ware.
Important! Disadvantages of the ceramic model:
- Sufficiently heavy.
- Relatively fragile.
- May be sensitive to shock.
Artificial stone
Composite washers are made from stone crumb and a special binding agent based on resins and pigments. The coloring of the model can imitate a natural stone and have the most bizarre shades.
- Environmentally friendly.
- Perfectly fits into any kitchen interior.
- Easy to clean. Due to the practically zero porosity of the composites, there are no greasy spots on the sink.
- Colorants from such products as beets, red wine and other do not penetrate inside, but are easily removed with a simple sponge.
- Not afraid of household chemicals.
- Well absorbs the sound of pouring water, thanks to the rough surface.
- Has a temperature maximum of +280 C.
The main disadvantage of an artificial stone sink is the high price.
Important! When choosing a sink, its color takes an important place. It is determined by dyes and filler. Since the surface of the composite material is not exposed to the action of a chemical and alkalis, there is no danger that the color of the sink will fade. For everyday care professionals recommend using soapy water, and hard dirt should be removed with a small amount of powder for the dishwasher.
If you want to choose a stone sink, then keep in mind that artificial stone can be of two types:
- Acrylic - based on acrylic resins. He is quite capricious. The stone easily scratches, but it can easily be ground and return the original look to the sink. In the sink made of acrylic stone, experts do not recommend pouring boiling water and putting hot dishes.
- Agglomerates. Very durable and comfortable washes made of granite composite. They are very beautiful and enjoy them with pleasure.
Stainless steel
Modern kitchen sinks in stainless steel, produced by well-known manufacturers, radically differ from their predecessors - both in quality and in characteristics, design. Quality stainless steel contains nickel and chrome. This material gives the shell a beautiful shine and protects against corrosion. Stainless steel sinks have a glossy or matte surface. In some cases, the shell is decorated with a textured pattern.
Important! To check the quality of the stainless steel washer, use a magnet. If the material of manufacture is a good steel, then the magnet will slide over the surface of the shell.
- Low price.
- Lightness.
- Durability.
- Hygiene.
- Resistance to traditional operating conditions.
Important! The drawback of the model from stainless steel is low sound absorption when it comes into contact with the water jet. To eliminate this drawback, many manufacturers offer their solution to the problem: they make washers from thicker steel with a sound absorber made of soft materials under the bowl.
to the contents ↑How different is the sink by type of installation?
There are 4 main groups of sinks by type of installation. They differ according to the price category and the operating conditions. We will get to know them closer.
Overhead washers
Overhead sinks in the kitchen simply "put on" the furniture on top, like a lid. Traditionally, this sink is mounted on a special floor cabinet, replacing the table top. These models are suitable for kitchen sets consisting of separate cabinet-modules.
Advantage of the overhead model: simplicity and availability of the installation. Installation does not require any complicated manipulations. Install the sink easily by yourself, without recourse to the help of specialists.
Important! Disadvantages of overhead sinks:
- The relatively small thickness of the sink.
- Inconvenience in use: water enters the gap between kitchen cabinets. This is unhygienic, and additional care is needed to eliminate the problem.
Mortise washers
This is the most common option. Mortise shell is installed in the hole of the kitchen countertop. It is recommended to use sinks of this type in case the kitchen has a beautiful, long countertop.
Important! Install mortise sinks for the kitchen can be over or under the countertop, and also on a level with it. The choice of installation option depends on the model and your preferences.
Mortise washers can be installed in the table top made of any material: wood, chipboard, laminate, granite, artificial stone, stainless steel.
Advantages of mortise-type sinks include hygienic and easy operation.
Integrated washers
Some manufacturers offer an integrated type of sinks. They are installed flush with the working surface of the countertop.
A feature of this type is the perfect matching of the edges with the table top. Unlike previous types, the installation of integrated shells is quite complex and requires specific skills. However, with this method of installation, washing is an organic element of the kitchen interior.
Sink stands
Sinks of this type are installed under the countertop and fastened below its level. Use under-sinks can be used for granite, wooden, as well as plastic countertops. Very often this type of installation is used in kitchen sets that have a single tabletop made of natural stone. Under-table washing, in this case, does not hide the natural beauty of the stone on the cross-section of the countertop.
The advantages of this type include: hygienic, easy to use, and no need for special care.
to the table of contents ↑How to fill the sink in the kitchen?
Modern kitchen sink is a real work center, which includes many additional accessories. Many manufacturers offer in addition to their models a number of different devices:
- convenient cutting boards that repeat the contours of the sink;
- metal baskets for washing vegetables and fruits;
- dispensers for liquid soap;
- shredders( disposers) - the electric appliance is installed under the sink and connected to the sewer.
Important! The shredder in a few minutes is able to cope with any kind of food waste, and the process of grinding is noiseless and completely safe, since it does not require either knives or blades. You just need to open the cold water tap and turn on the appliance, and put the remainder of food in the sink.
It is not recommended to process polyethylene bags, rags and threads in the grinders of garbage.
We hope that thanks to our information, you have picked up the perfect sink for your kitchen. We advise you to buy your favorite model in sanitary ware shops. The ideal option is the official store of a large firm engaged in the production and sale of sinks. This not only guarantees the quality, but also will save money, as in the markets and in small shops there are cheap washes of Asian manufacture, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. Successful purchase!