- What is mold?
- How to prevent the appearance of mold?
- How do I clean the washing machine of mold?
After a long period of operation of household appliances it happens that brings a lot of inconvenience to the mold in the washing machine - how to get rid of it knows not everyone. You can not ignore such a nuisance, because in this case it will spread quickly, damaging consistently all the elements of the system. Therefore, we must look for an effective way how to get rid of mold in the washing machine at the first signs of its appearance.
to the contents ↑What is mold?
Mold is a spore of fungi that multiply in a moist environment. Fungus is very dangerous for human health, as it can cause serious diseases. If the human immune system works well, that in the conditions of our ecology today is a rarity, then the body itself copes with it. But if there is any failure, the fungus spores become very dangerous, accumulating in the body and causing unfavorable changes in the cells of all organs.
Mold contaminated washing machine, infects mushroom spores with clothes, linens, towels that are erased in it, thus, can cause allergies, asthma attacks, getting into the lungs - bronchitis, the brain - inflammation in it, and many other diseases. Also, things washed in a machine contaminated with mold, unpleasant smell. That's why, if mold is got in the washing machine - how to get rid of it must be solved immediately.
to the contents ↑How to prevent the appearance of mold?
We all know that any problem is easier to prevent than to solve it later.
To prevent the fungus from appearing in the washing machine, adhere to the following rules:
- Leave the drum door ajar, after each wash, until the tank is completely dry. Humidity is the most favorable environment for the formation of mold. Also, this method of prevention applies to the tray, in which powder is poured.
- Use only high-quality powders for washing.
- Clean the filter and hose in the machine in a timely manner, as organic residues often accumulate in them, which leads to multiplication of fungal spores.
- Wipe dry with a clean rag inside the rubber in the drum of the machine after each wash.
- Use funds on a gel basis as rarely as possible, do not overdo it with its doses. Viscous gel is able to settle on the walls of machine parts, which can cause the appearance of fungus. Also, do not abuse balsams, conditioners and rinses for clothes.
- Do not leave washed laundry inside the tank. Forgotten for a few hours things quickly increase the level of humidity inside the system.
- Do not use the drum to store dirty things.
- At least periodically use the program with a maximum washing temperature of 95 degrees. This is the prevention of the appearance of fungus, since high temperature is capable of killing its spores.
How to clean the washing machine of mold?
There are quite a lot of proven folk ways how to get rid of mold in the washing machine. The most popular with them are the following.
Method 1
If the smell of dampness in the washing machine is found, remove it as follows:
- Dilute 1 liter of vinegar with 1 liter of whiteness.
- Pour the resulting solution into the detergent compartment.
- Set the program with the maximum duration and temperature mode of washing.
- Turn on the washing machine and wait for the cycle to finish.
Method 2
Remove black stains and mold odor from the washing machine as follows:
- Take the copper sulphate.
- Dissolve its small amount in water.
- Treat the resulting solution with rubber near the door.
- Leave it for a day for interaction.
- Wash the treated part with washing powder with water.
Method 3
Citric acid is not only an effective remedy for mold in the washing machine, but also prevents the formation of scale on its parts. Apply it as follows:
- Take 400 g of citric acid.
- Add it to the powder compartment.
- Set the program with a temperature mode of at least 60 degrees.
- Run it and wait until it finishes.
Important! If during the operation of the unit you heard a noise, most likely it fell off large pieces of plaque from internal parts. Put the system on pause, unscrew the drain hose and remove all dirt and scale from there. Reconnect the washing machine and wait until the treatment with citric acid is complete.
Method 4
If an unpleasant odor is coming from your washing machine and black spots appear on the rubber parts, remove them by applying the following method.
To use it you will need:
- "Domestos" - liquid detergent.
- Sponge.
- Citric acid.
- Protective gloves.
Then do the following:
- Wear household rubber gloves.
- Take the "Domestos".
- Apply it to contaminated parts, pay special attention to the inside of the rubber drum.
- Thoroughly rub the surface of the applied product with a sponge.
- Leave everything in the treated state for 4 hours.
- Set the rinse mode and turn on the machine.
- Take 2 tbsp.l.citric acid and pour it into the powder compartment, after the machine has stopped.
- Set the maximum temperature mode to 95 degrees for the maximum wash time and turn on the system.
We hope that our article was useful to you and you now know what causes mold in the washing machine and how to get rid of it. And your washed laundry will please you with its cleanliness and pleasant aroma.