Installing an air cleaner in the kitchen

  • Operating principle of
  • Device classification
  • Comparative characteristic
  • Technical parameters
  • What is better - air cleaner or exhaust?
  • Installation
  • Completion of air cleaners for kitchens
  • Recommendations for care

Any cooking in the kitchen is accompanied by an abundance of different smells, among which there are pleasant, and there are not very. Well, when the kitchen is equipped with a powerful hood, which is able to remove all smells from the premises in a timely manner. But what if you follow the latest trends of fashion and you have an apartment-studio, where moisture, smells, fatty inclusions and other pollution spread so fast that no hood can cope? There is a way out, and this is the installation of an air cleaner in the kitchen.

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How the device works

The kitchen air cleaner is a device that operates on the principle of recirculation. The fan of the device sucks the polluted air masses and drives them through the filtration system, and then returns to the room. For sale, there are models that are placed above the stove and after cleaning they draw air into the ventilation system, just like a normal kitchen umbrella. The filter elements of the qualitative air purifier make it possible to cope with such impurities as:

  • Gas combustion products.
  • Fat.
  • Soot.
  • Mechanical inclusion.

Important! In addition, the cleaner perfectly copes with various smells, pet hair and dust.

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Classification of

devices The choice of an air cleaner for the kitchen above the cooker follows several parameters.

According to the principle of operation this technique is divided into:

  • Cleaners with exhaust type of operation - the devices collect air impurities and send them out of the room through the ventilation barrel.
  • Recycling devices - the treatment of contaminated air is provided inside the devices. At that, the impurities remain on the filters, and the purified air is returned to the room.
  • Air purifiers of mixed action - equipped with two filtration mechanisms.

By type of installation the devices are divided into:

  • Dome - which are fixed above the plate and act by drawing air masses into the exhaust ducts.
  • Suspended - also mounted above the hob, working on the principle of recirculation.
  • Recessed - differ mixed process of work, designed for mounting in kitchen elements.
  • Mobile - operate only in the mode of air recycling.

Important! If we talk about the form of the apparatus, then they are also different: in the form of truncated pyramids, inclined, in the form of cones, T-shaped, hood-cube, cylinder or devices with a curved angle.

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Comparative characteristic of

As with any household appliance, air purifiers have the advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when installing an air purifier in the kitchen:

  1. The simplest installation in recirculation models. Their installation does not need complicated systems of air removal and in exhaust chambers. This hood can be simply fixed over the hob, turned on and used.
  2. In terms of productivity, the exhaust design is considered to be the best. Air from the room is removed from the premises irrevocably.
  3. From the point of view of saving heat, a recirculation technique is getting the palm of the first place, as warm air does not leave the room.
  4. Save money will give an opportunity to an exhaust system, which does not require frequent change of filters.
  5. The noise level is much lower in the exhaust devices. Purifiers do not need to strain, blowing air through dense carbon filters.

Important! In the process of comparison, it should be clarified that recirculation devices do not retain moisture. Its circulation through the room will be at the same level as before the installation of the hood.

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Technical parameters

Each air cleaner for the kitchen has its own technical parameters. In order to choose the right air cleaner for the kitchen above the stove, it is necessary to find out:

  • The size of the working cloth.
  • Productivity of the device.
  • The height of noise.

Size of the working surface

The size of the working surface of the stationary air cleaner should be greater than or equal to the value of the plate. There are three standard hood standards: 60, 90 and 120 cm.

Important! Sometimes the owners install cookers in the center of the kitchen or make skeleton from several surfaces. In any case, it is necessary that the air purifier be able to control all the blade of the plate.


The number of air masses, which passes through the device within 1 hour, is considered to be a manufacturer.

Important! The estimated efficiency of the air purifier should be higher than that prescribed in the technical passport.

In order to find out the calculated parameters, the room volume should be multiplied by 12( this is the index of the air exchange multiplicity for the room) and by 1.3( this is the level of air mass flow through the ventilation channels of the multi-storey building).

Important! In houses with one floor, the last indicator can be neglected.


Kitchen air cleaners can not be called low-noise devices. Their maximum noise height is equal to 65 dB, but, as a rule, kitchen air purifiers are noisy at a level of 55 dB.For comparison, the noise figure of the refrigerator is 45 dB, and the washing machine produces 68 dB.

Important! In order to choose an air cleaner for the kitchen above the stove, it is necessary to determine the pollution intensity and the necessary functionality. The main requirement in this device is high-quality air purification and its disposal from harmful substances. The device does not need additional installation of ionizers and oxygen enrichers, which only make it difficult to maintain it.

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Which is better - an air cleaner or extractor?

Answering the question: what is better - an extractor or an air cleaner in the kitchen, it is necessary to determine the main differences of the devices:

  • Household extractor for the kitchen is a universal stationary device.
  • Air purifiers are mobile, they can be used to clean air throughout the house.

Important! The main thing that differs from the extractor from the air purifier is the independence of the latter. The air cleaner does not require the formation of any escape routes and connection to the general ventilation of the house. For correct functioning of the device, only the socket is needed.

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Installation of

The installation of an air purifier in the kitchen will only be effective with regard to the size of the room and its air circuit:

  • If the kitchen is large and the stove is not used often, then the use of the device is justified. In such cases, the level of contamination is not too high, and the air purifier is able to cope well with the task.
  • In small rooms it is better to install built-in hoods for the kitchen, which differ in the circulation principle of operation.

Installation of air cleaner in the kitchen is simple, however, there are some nuances here:

  • Installation of the device should take place before the installation of kitchen utensils. This will make it possible to correctly identify the direction of its action in the area of ​​the slab of the slab and compose other components on the wall.
  • The location of the future outlet must be calculated in advance. The wire from the air cleaner should not be too tight, bend or too close to the heating unit.

Important! Optimum option is considered when the socket is placed on one level with the technical means inside the kitchen cabinet.

  • The height of the air cleaner above the hob must necessarily comply with the fire safety standards. The most suitable distance is 75 cm. Such an arrangement will make it possible to capture the entire mass of fumes, while not overheating too much.

Important! Instead of the hood above the stove, a kitchen filter can be installed, if it is necessary to organize the outflow of air, regardless of the operation of the air cleaner.

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Completion of air cleaners for kitchens

The usual kitchen hood is equipped with a multi-level cleaning system. Most of the devices are equipped with two filters:

  • Fat - this element is made in the form of a cassette, which consists of several aluminum or plastic rows. It requires systematic washing under running water.
  • Air - is intended for a more thorough purification. It is a fibrous construction that retains small mechanical impregnations. Once every 1-3 months, it needs a complete replacement( as far as contamination).

Important! Sometimes the selected air cleaner for the kitchen above the stove contains another one - a charcoal filter, which is designed to effectively combat unpleasant odors.

Most of the mobile air purifiers are characterized by a large bundle. In addition to the basic options:

  • They can be fitted with electrostatic filters, which create an electric field to attract harmful particles to the electrodes.
  • Sometimes a photocatalytic filter can be included in the device that is capable of separating organic substances into safety elements.
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Care instructions

The high quality and regular maintenance of the air purifier will greatly extend the life of the device.

Important! Clean the device only after it has been de-energized! Remove the fat from the hood with the help of purchased detergents, which must first be sprayed on the surface, allow a little to stand, and then remove with a damp cloth.

In addition, to clean the kitchen hood will help folk remedies:

  • Clean the mud will help vinegar or lemon. In order to obtain a good result, they must be treated with surfaces, left for a while, washed off with clean water.
  • Also a universal means of fighting fat is a concentrated laundry soap, which should be set on a grater and filled with water. The resulting solution is treated with a hood, and then rinsed with clean water.

To clean the filter from the hood, you can use modern detergents, but if you do not have them, you can resort to a simple method that will remove fat from any metal object. To do this:

  1. Pour the water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and dissolve in it 0.5 cups of salt.
  2. Place the filters in the boiling liquid, allow the dirt and grease to dissolve, remove the pan from the plate.
  3. To fix the result, place the filters in a solution of 3.5 liters of water and 0.5 cups of ammonia.

Important! Such methods can effectively clean the grate of the kitchen hood from the fat.

When choosing an air purifier for the kitchen above the stove, you must first of all be guided by common sense. If you are not constrained financially, it is better to get a mixed-type device that will work both as a hood and as an effective air purifier.