Skirt of tulle with your own hands

  • What is tatin?
  • Getting ready for sewing
  • Tulle skirt from tulle
  • Semi-sun
  • Layered skirts
  • Tutu skirt with your own hands

Do you like curvy skirts and want to quickly update your wardrobe? Then tulle is just what you need. An hour's work, and you can put on a new stylish thing. This wonderful material will help you in the event that your daughter desperately needs to become a real princess. How to make a skirt of tulle with your own hands? There are several ways, and now we'll talk about them.

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What is tulip?

A tutu skirt made of tulle with your own hands is the easiest and quickest way to make a festive outfit, but other models for girls and slender women are also possible, because the properties of the fabric allow using it in the most unexpected ways.

Important! Initially, this material was intended for wedding dresses. As the name suggests, the veil was made of it - a short, long, simple form and with all sorts of wrinkles or fringes. At first, producers produced only white tulle, but after the women of fashion started to make skirts out of it, the most incredible varieties appeared on sale. Now, curtains, covers, and many other beautiful and practical things are sewn from it.

Fatine is a kind of nylon with a mesh texture. It happens:

  • soft;
  • medium hardness;
  • hard.

Important! For a sumptuous skirt, the first two options are suitable. A ballet tutu can be made from hard tulle. But in general it is more suitable for curtains or decorative bedspreads.


Wedding fashion has undergone significant changes in recent years. White clothes are no longer binding, dress and veil can be any color. Accordingly - the material for it is painted in both pastel and bright colors.

Important! What is most pleasant - tulle beautifully preserves color, does not shed and does not burn. So to be afraid, that the new skirt from tulle by the hands will lose appeal after the first washing, it is not necessary.

If you want to get a new outfit, please note that the skirt should look good with the already existing things:

  • It can be worn with a top, and with a black T-shirt( the ballet style is still in fashion), and with a light blouse.
  • To a white or black topic suit skirt of any color.
  • If you sew a skirt-tutu for a small daughter, then as a complement the bodysuit is the most suitable for the tone or black.

Decorative elements of

Before you sew a skirt of tulle, it's worth considering, you need decorative elements on the fabric itself or not. In the early years of its existence tulip was simply a white mesh without any ornaments. It itself is good enough, you can make simple but exquisite things from it.

Now on sale you can find all sorts of varieties of this material:

  • with sparkles;
  • with rhinestones;
  • with embroidery;
  • colorful.

Important! Choosing a material with decorative elements, you will save time, because you will not have to invent jewelry yourself. However, the magnificent skirt without any decor also looks quite impressive.

Advantages of tatin

There are many advantages to this material, but there are practically no shortcomings. Undoubted advantages:

  • perfectly holds the form - does not sit down, does not stretch, does not crumple;
  • it is very easy to wash;
  • tulle does not need to be ironed;
  • can be cut in any direction.


Another advantage of this material is the width. The minimum is 150 cm, but it can be 210 cm, and even 300 cm. That is, you will not have any problems with the calculation of the fabric.

Important! The most interesting thing is that even in the most ordinary fabric store you can find a tulle, which is sold as ordinary material, that is, by cuts, and in rolls.

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Getting ready for sewing

A tulle made of tulle with your own hands is an ideal piece of clothing for a beginner seamstress. With this material it is very easy to work. But, if you have never done needlework, you will have to prepare some tools. You need:

  • sewing machine;
  • set of needles to it;
  • set of needles for manual sewing;
  • sharp scissors or cutting knife;
  • centimeter tape;
  • tailor's meter( long wooden or metal ruler);
  • pencil;
  • twine or string;
  • tailor's pins.

We choose the style

The straight skirt of the tulle does not look very good, but the magnificent one looks just fine. The main styles are several:

  • sun;
  • semi-sun;
  • packet( "tutu");The
  • is a long bundle( "shopenka").
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The tulle skirt from tulle

This model is made on a lining, so you will need material and for it - it is best to take an atlas, it is dense, spectacular and also sold in wide cuts. But first you need to take measurements. There are only two of them:

  • waist circumference;
  • product length.

Calculating the amount of fabric

The pattern of the skirt-sun is a circle with a notch in the middle. Best of all, if there are no stitches at all - at least on the outer layer. The width of tulle it allows. To make a skirt, a cut in 2 lengths of the product is sufficient. The same amount of lining material is needed.

What else is needed?

Additional materials you will need a little. They are needed:

  • for belt;
  • for bottom machining.

If the belt on the fastener, you need another button or two. It is better to think about the design of the belt in advance. It can be made:

  • of rubber bands;
  • from fabric, including from satin.

Important! A wide elastic band, which is also an elastic band, is an ideal option for a beginner. It does not need to be stitched, it is dense enough to keep the shape well. In the sewing shops an assortment of such products. The elastic band can be of all widths and practically of any color, so it will not be possible to pick it up in tone to the material of labor. The optimum width is from 3 to 5 cm.

You can make a belt from fabric. For this purpose, a strip of satin with a width of 8-10 cm is suitable. It is better to prepare the belt in advance:

  1. Cut out along an oblique strip, the length of which is equal to the waist circumference plus 5 cm per clasp, and the width - 2 times the width of the assumed belt, plus allowances of 1 cmall parties.
  2. Fold the strip in half with the wrong side outward, aligning the long sections.
  3. Short cuts stitch.
  4. Remove the strip.
  5. Press the fold.
  6. Fold the allowances on the long sides inward.
  7. Press them.
  8. Mark the place for the buttonhole and buttonhole.
  9. Prepare a corsage belt - its width is equal to the width of the belt, the length - the waist circumference, plus the clasp.
  10. Attach the tape to the belt.
  11. Cut a loop - it can be immediately and swept.

Cutting a skirt

This skirt is worn directly on the fabric, but it's preferable to draw not on the fathina - it's better to do it on the lining material, but already on the workpiece from it to cut out the outer layer.

But first you need to calculate the notch. To do this, remember the school course of mathematics - you know the length of the circle( this is the waist circumference) and you need to know the radius. It is necessary to divide this measure by 6,28.Then proceed as follows:

  1. Fold the cut in half, aligning the edges.
  2. Fold it in half again, aligning the slices - you will get one closed corner, which will be the center of the circles.
  3. Place the circular leg in the closed corner, draw the arc with the radius that you calculated.
  4. From the ends of this arc, postpone a measurement equal to the length of the product.
  5. Connect the resulting points with an arc.
  6. Cut the workpiece in both arcs.
  7. You got a ring, on which you need to cut the second - from tulle.

Important! You can, of course, cut the other way by spreading the fabric on the floor in one layer and passing the circles from one center, but this requires a big compass, and it will take much more space.


So, you already have all the necessary details:

  • outer layer of tulle;
  • lining of satin;
  • belt;
  • for bottom processing.

You can proceed to assembly:

  1. Sew the bottom of the lining and the base layer with the oblique bake.
  2. Sweep the layers along the edge of the notch, making knots at the beginning and at the end of the seam.
  3. Measure that you have got
  4. Correct the assemblies.
  5. Sew a belt.

Elastic Belt:

  • It needs to be stitched, folding the skirts with the front of the skirt.
  • During work, the workpiece belt should be slightly stretched.
  • The stitch needs to be set to a small length, but if there is an overlock - you can immediately handle it, without pre-stitching.
  • The edges of the belt are most conveniently sewn by hand.

Important! The bottom of the tartar layer can not be processed at all - the bake plays a decorative role.

It's so easy to sew a skirt of tulle with your own hands. We will also discuss other options - they will not be more complicated.

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This skirt is sewn almost in the same way as the sun. The difference is in the cut, and an additional step is added during the assembly.

Important! Fabrics need half as much, that is, if the cut is wide - enough for one length of the product.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Find the middle of the edge - you can mark it somehow so as not to get confused( you can put a dot or make a pair of stitches).
  2. Fold the fabric in half - the marked angle will be the middle of the notch.
  3. From the mark, draw an arc with a radius equal to the waist circumference divided by 6.28.
  4. From the points of intersection of the arc with the edge and with the fold of the fabric, postpone the length of the product.
  5. Connect the points to an arc.

Assembling the skirt-half-sun

The half-sun has at least one seam, and it is better if it is located behind:

  1. Fold the lining face-down inside.
  2. Stitch the seam.
  3. Press the edges of the allowance.
  4. Sweep them.
  5. Stitch the seam of the tutu layer( the allowance can be very small, and you do not need to sweep it).
  6. Align the layers, sew the edge of the notch with a suture, fold the folds and sew the belt.
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Multi-layer skirts

If you want to sew a very fluffy skirt - make it from several layers of tulle. In this case, the layers can be of the same length or different. The order of the assembly will be almost the same as when stitching the "sun" or "half-sun", only first you have to sweep all the tulle layers together.

Important! It is interesting to look skirts of tulle with their own hands from several multi-colored layers, having different lengths. In this case, there are two options for processing the lower cut:

  • by the color of each of the layers;
  • in one color.
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Tutu skirt with your own hands

You will not need a sewing machine to make such a model, which is called a bundle yet, unless you have a rubber band for your belt. But the belt can be made differently - from the usual satin ribbon, which is tied with a bow. Lining in this model, too, no.

Important! Calculation of the amount of material is simple. You need so much tulle to be enough for 70-100 stripes with a width of 10-15 cm and a length equal to the length of the product, multiplied by two. Since the structure of tulle allows you to cut it in any direction, you can do very little.

In addition to the actual fabric, you will need:

  • elastic band or band belt;
  • cutting knife;
  • long ruler or centimeter tape;
  • possible - paper for patterns;
  • 2 chairs with backrests.


If you have not figured out how to sew a magnificent skirt from the grid for a girl - the master class begins! The skirt-tutu or "tutu" is made from a set of strips that are fastened on the belt:

  1. Fold the tulle in as many layers as possible.
  2. Cut it with strips of the correct size - the strips should be even.
  3. Tape stretch between the chairs.
  4. Mark the waist girth on it - the ends should remain so long that you can tie a magnificent bow.
  5. Tie the tulle strip to the first mark on the tape so that the knot is tight enough and the ends are even( for example, the starting node macrame is suitable).
  6. Next tie a second strip, behind it - the third and the rest.
  7. Fill in this way the entire tape to the second mark, with the nodes should lie close to each other.
  8. The end strips can be sewn to the tape with inconspicuous stitches, the edges of the ribbon can be treated in any way so that they do not crumble.

Striped skirt of tulle for a girl with their own hands

  • A tutu can be two-tone, and even rainbow. It all depends on what kind of tulle you have.
  • Ribbon is better to take in the tone of one of the bands.
  • If you are making a two-tone skirt, calculate the strips so that the starting and ending colors are of different colors.

Important! This way of making a skirt is good because the number of fragments can be adjusted.

How to sew a skirt for a girl?

This model is not much different from the previous one, only the skirt turns out to be more authentic and not so magnificent. Strips for it can be made wider - 15-20 cm. Do not forget that they should be twice as long as the skirt itself. And then - act in the same way as when making a short pack, tying each fragment to the tape.

Important! In this case, the nodes should not be too close to each other. On the contrary - it is better to straighten them slightly. As a result, you will get a model that is most often seen in ballerinas dancing Chopin waltzes - it's for this skirt that got the name "Shopenka".

Variations of "Shopenki"

It seems that the technology of making skirts- "Shopenki" is extremely simple and does not allow fancy to fool. No matter how it is. And in this case, the options are possible:

  • First, like a simple bundle, the "Shopenka" can be two-color and rainbow-everything depends on the striping.
  • And you can play with the texture - for example, make half of the stripes of matte tulle, and the second - from the same shiny color.

Another option is to make stripes of different lengths, one strictly according to a measure equal to twice the length of the product, others - about a quarter shorter. Here is an example of such a tulle skirt with your own hands:

  1. Tie 10 long strips.
  2. Similarly, tie 10 short ones.
  3. Rotate the fragments to the second mark on the tape - the last ones should be short strips.

A skirt with a frill

When making a regular skirt, the halves of each strip are next to each other. But you can also make another style, when the short edge will be superimposed on the long one - you will get something like the second layer on top.

Important! Strips are better in size not in two lengths of the product, but shorter by about a third, but they must necessarily be the same.

The rest is simple:

  1. Tie the first strip so that one edge is about 15 cm shorter than the other.
  2. Straighten the strip so that the short edge lies over the long one.
  3. Similarly, tie the remaining strips.
  4. The position of the fragments can be fixed on the belt from the wrong side.
  5. The short edges of the strips can be decorated, for example, with beads or rhinestones.

Make sure that making a skirt of tulle with your own hands is easy? Then it's time to start this exciting process, creating new beautiful things for yourself and your child, because such skirts emphasize the femininity, lightness, elegance of any young lady, and therefore - very desirable in her wardrobe.