- Why is the press covered with grease?
- Two important rules for fast results
- The right way of life
- Exercises for the
press It's great when you can boast of a beautiful pumped-up, embossed tummy. But what can you do if the press with cubes was, and you started a little yourself? Of course, there are a lot of special exercises, which will have to add the right diet. How to remove fat from the press - this article will deal specifically with this.
to the contents ↑Why is the press covered with fat?
First let's see why our press is covered with a layer of fat.
- Fat on your tummy can appear if the muscles of the press begin to relax. In order to prevent this, you should always keep your muscles toned.
- Another reason for the appearance of fat is that the intestine can break its work. In this case, you should always contact the doctor.
- Muscles can also be covered with fat. Of course, the press removes fat on the stomach. Or rather not the press itself, but the process of its rocking. However, to effectively lose weight you need not only to deal with, but to eliminate the causes of fat deposits.
As a rule, all the above reasons work together. For example:
- You have weak muscles, but there is no fat layer, then - the press on the abdomen will not appear and the stomach will hang because of muscle weakness.
- Also, if you have pumped muscles, but fat appears, then the press can just disappear under it.
Important! In order to get a beautiful press, you should, first of all, remove fat from the press, lose weight, and, to make the muscles stronger, pump them.
to the table of contents ↑Two important rules for the rapid outcome of
It is very important to clean the intestines. To achieve your goal, remember the two main rules that should become part of your life:
- The first is that you should eat right. Revise your diet and make it right, we'll talk about this a little later.
- The second is, of course, physical training and the necessary exercises. Without them, you will not get a beautiful press with cubes.
Important! Only in combination, these two rules will help you achieve your goal. To get the perfect figure, you have to work, the main thing is the system, because if you work out once a month, nothing will work out - you need to do everything at least four times a week. And with respect to nutrition, the right diet is what should become your habit, whether you are engaged or not.
This will lead not only to the removal of fatty deposits, but also to the fact that your overall health will improve significantly, the body will be cleaned, all negative substances will go away and only useful ones will remain. It's also good that you can tidy your muscles and make them stronger, which is very important for life, because it will help in the future.
Important! For example, a girl who has a pumped up press will be much easier in the process of delivery. The birth of the child will pass quickly and painlessly, and the figure will recover faster.
to the contents ↑The right way of life
Of course, the exercises for the press remove fat on the stomach, but it is also necessary to eat properly, otherwise everything will be in vain. You should start by reviewing your diet. To do this, write your menu and see how many harmful products you consume:
- If your diet contains fatty, high-calorie and spicy food, then this is already a wrong food.
- Also you can not eat any ketchup and mayonnaise, flour products, sweets. Otherwise - such food will interfere with your training, it will be very difficult for you - you will feel discomfort and malaise.
Important! In the diet, you need to make more vitamin - this is any kind of vegetables and fruits. It is also better to completely abandon the spices.
- You should also forget about bad habits. During classes, they will slow down the whole process and may prevent even a minimal result. Of course, it is very difficult to immediately abandon all bad habits, but try to at least limit their number.
Exercises for the
press So, removing fat from the press is our main task. To implement it, you should correctly approach training, and therefore - to choose the right set of exercises. Exercises should not only be on the press - all muscle groups should be included.
Exercise 1
Remarkably helps run - try to run in the mornings at least three kilometers in average tempo. It will be very well combined with exercises for the press.
Important! Run better every day or at least every other day.
It is important to remember that systematic is the most important thing. Without it, nothing happens. Many people are interested in the question of how to remove fat from the press. This worries not only women, but many representatives of the stronger sex, because they also have such problems.
Exercise 2
So, let's look at exercises that will help make a beautiful press:
- Lie on the floor, stretching out your legs exactly, and hands along the body or behind the head.
- Next, we begin to lift the even feet at an angle of 45 degrees.
- Having raised your legs, you must hold them in this position for a few seconds.
- Then lift your legs to the right angle and also hold for a few seconds.
- Slowly lower your legs.
Important! So do 15 times 3 sets a day.
Exercise 3
This exercise is also very effective on the crossbar. To do this:
- Hanging on your hands, slowly lift your legs at right angles.
- Do not bend your legs. If this is difficult for you, then start with the raising of the legs, bent at the knees to the stomach.
- When this exercise becomes easy for you, you can add weight to your legs by attaching dumbbells to them.
You can get rid of fat from the press if you add running, hoop and rope to these exercises. They will help you achieve the desired result much faster. Take this as a habit, and it will all work out.