- Moisture rates and factors affecting the change in the
- performance How should I measure the indoor humidity level?
- How to increase the humidity in the apartment?
- What folk remedies can increase air humidity?
- What are the consequences of a violation of the norm of humidity?
Air humidity is something that directly affects our health, our well-being, the quality of sleep, rest, work. Therefore, it is so important to know what humidity in the apartment is the norm and how to get it. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.
to content ↑Humidity standards and factors influencing the change in the parameters of
For comfortable living, it is necessary to maintain a humidity level of at least 40-60% indoors. But here there are such nuances:
- In the summer it is not so difficult to do it - you just need to regularly ventilate the rooms.
- In winter, during running batteries, to saturate the air with moisture is somewhat more difficult. The percentage of moisture content falls to about 15-20%.
- In autumn and spring, the optimum humidity level can be about 30-35%.
With this possible difference, it is necessary to know what humidity of the room is the norm, periodically monitor the indicators and do everything necessary to correct the value correctly.
The humidity in the apartment, its quality and temperature are extremely important not only for the person himself:
- for indoor plants, the optimum humidity percentage is approximately 40-70%;
- for electronics, as well as household appliances - about 45-60%;
- for books, antiques, furniture, approximately 40-60%.
How to measure the humidity level indoors?
Hygrometer is a device that is designed to measure humidity levels. It's incredibly easy to use. It shows the percentage of moisture in the room as a percentage.
In the absence of a hygrometer, you can use popular methods to determine if the humidity in the apartment is normal. These funds are based on the evaporation of a certain amount of moisture for a particular time.
Important! Naturally, the accuracy of these results will not be as high as that of a special device, but at the right time they will come to your rescue.
Using the asymmetric Assman table and the thermometer:
- On the thermometer that is installed inside the apartment, fix the temperature. After that, wrap a damp rag with its end, in which mercury lives.
- After 5 minutes, check the results. If it turns out to be slightly higher than the previous one, it means that you did not very thoroughly wet the rag. Then repeat the process.
- Record the result.
Important! After that, look at Assman's table. In the column of the table, which is on the left - the dry thermometer values, and at the top - the temperature difference in degrees between wet and dry thermometers. The point of intersection of temperatures will show approximate humidity.
Measuring the humidity of a glass of water
To understand whether the humidity in the apartment is normal or not, a normal glass of water will help, if there is nothing more suitable at hand. To obtain the required data:
- In the glass, draw cold water from the tap.
- Put it in the refrigerator for about 3 hours, so that the water temperature drops to about 3-5 ° C.
- Then put the glass inside the room, preferably away from the batteries. Watch closely the surface of the glass for 5 minutes.
Important! The results are evaluated as follows:
- if moisture begins to appear on the walls of the glass, that is, they fog up, and after the passage of 5 minutes have already dried up, this means the air inside the room is dry enough;
- in the case when the glass is still fogged after 5 minutes, means that the humidity in your room is average;
- on the relatively high humidity is indicated by the brooks of water on the walls of the glass.
Using the spruce branch
To use this method, you first need to find a branch of spruce, about 20-30 cm long. Then proceed in such a way as to understand whether the room humidity is normal or not:
- Fasten the branch cut on the plywood or the board.
- Next, mark the position of the loose end of the branch with a pencil.
- Track the weather forecast every day and fix the humidity on this board.
- Also note daily changes in the position of the loose end of the branch.
- After a few days on the board, there will be good results that would compete with the hygrometer.
Important! The spruce branch changes its curvature, that is, it dips when moistened. This is based on the principle of clarifying humidity in the apartments e.
Further you can cope without the help of any weather forecasters.
Indications of humidity according to the behavior of the spruce cone
Take the spruce cone, put it away from the heating devices and observe:
- With high humidity all the cone scales will begin to cling to each other.
- If the air is dry - on the contrary, the flakes will begin to open.
Of course, these methods do not give a 100% result, which will be expressed in figures. But these methods will definitely show whether you need air that is in your apartment in moisturizing or vice versa - in drying. And maybe it does not require any action on your part, since the humidity in the room is the norm.
to the contents ↑How to increase the humidity in the apartment?
The most optimal modern way to increase the humidity in the apartment is to purchase an air humidifier. This device is designed, as a rule, on premises, the area of which does not exceed 150 m2.
The method of application is extremely simple - pour water into the humidifier's capacity, which will evaporate during the operation of the device.
Possible options for humidifiers:
- traditional;
- steam;
- ultrasound.
Traditional humidifier
Traditional, they are mechanical, with the help of a fan built into them, they blow air through a container with water. In it, it is moistened and cleared of dust.
Important! The disadvantages of a mechanical humidifier are its limited moisture level - it's not more than 60%, as well as high noise.
Steam humidifier
The steam humidifier operates on the principle of a kettle. It boils water and comes out in the form of steam.
Important! The disadvantage of such a humidifier is very hot steam, up to 60 ° C, very high noise, and also a large enough power consumption of the .
The steam humidifier can be used even if it is filled with very dirty or hard water. In special models there are nozzles that allow using the device as an inhaler.
Important! The air humidity can be increased by the steam humidifier above the 60 level.
Ultrasonic humidifier
An ultrasonic humidifier with a special membrane turns the flooded water into steam. It is not as noisy as, for example, mechanical or steam models. The option of heating water helps fight against germs in the air. With the help of this device, you will very easily achieve that the humidity in the apartment will be normal, and constantly.
Important! Negative quality of the ultrasonic humidifier can be called that it requires only distilled water or special cartridges that serve for cleaning, as well as water softening, and they must be regularly changed.
to the contents ↑What folk remedies can I increase the humidity?
Popular means of humidifying dry air will be an excellent help for those who have not purchased a special device for regulating indoor moisture. If you decide to stay on such options that in your home the humidity of the air in the room was always the norm, choose one of the following:
- The most common way is to put a wet towel or a sheet on the battery. The cloth from the battery warms up, causing the water to evaporate. At the moment when the towel is dry, wet it again.
- If you do not want to go to the bathroom every time the fabric dries, you can put a container of water on the battery. In this case, it will be necessary to add water once every few days.
- Tanks with water, placed on furniture, for example, on cabinets, too, will help to make sure that the humidity in the apartment is normal. Evaporation occurs somewhat more slowly, but at the same humidity will still increase.
- You can put the bowl with water near the battery. In it, lower the end of the bandage, which is folded into several rows. And place the other end on the battery. Water will constantly go up through the bandage and evaporate from the heat that radiates the battery.
Important! Humidify the air and help household trivia and objects of decor, among which:
- room drying clothes;
- breeding of any indoor plants that are capable of giving moisture by themselves, and also require daily spraying;
- installation of the aquarium;
- bathroom, after taking a shower should be open - this helps to release a lot of moisture in your room;
- purchase of a small decorative fountain;
- insulation of apartments, in particular walls, window frames.
What are the consequences of a violation of the humidity norm?
From the humidity level directly depends on our state of health:
- Extremely dry air drains almost all of our mucous membranes, namely the eye, nasopharynx, respiratory tract. It can cause a decrease in immunity, deterioration of the skin, and fatigue. Yes, and simply lead to constant discomfort.
- Excessive humidity is quite capable of causing such very unpleasant diseases as rhinitis, asthma, allergy.
Important! Especially sensitive to moisture drops are small children. That is why the level of humidity in children's rooms must be carefully regulated and controlled.
And the room itself, its filling, suffers from a lack or too much air humidity:
- Because of the dry air very quickly its attractive appearance loses parquet, furniture and other wooden surfaces.
- Cracks may also appear, objects may begin to dry up.
- Excessive humidity is also harmful, because it can be the cause of the appearance of mold, fungus on the surface of walls, especially in corners, where air movement is minimal.
- Under the influence of moisture quickly deteriorate and food.
Air humidity is an incredibly important component of comfortable living in an apartment, so do not let it drop or increase. Keep in mind that there is always a norm and you will understand in your own state how much it affects your health, energy and health in general.