Wooden bath with own hands

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  • Can wood contact water?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the accessory
  • Manufacturing
  • Proper care for the product

The bathroom bowl is the main piece of the interior in the bathroom. Probably, we all used to see cast-iron or acrylic baths, but sometimes there are products entirely from another material. Recently, more and more consumers are returning to antiques, using wooden baths. Then immediately the question arises: is wood compatible with water compatible? In this article, we will not only solve this riddle, but also tell you what a wooden bath can be like with your own hands.

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Can wood contact water?

Recently it has become fashionable to use environmentally friendly materials. As for wood, it has a noble, expensive look, can be actively used in human life. Many believe that materials such as water and wood are incompatible.

However, there are several paradoxes:

  • Barrels are made only of wood.
  • The trees make baths and saunas, which serve a man for dozens of years.
  • Since ancient times the ships were made exclusively of wood.
  • Often logs are processed using the flood method. After this procedure, the material becomes several times stronger.

Important! Destructive for such a whimsical material is only increased humidity. Therefore, before you make a bath of wood, you need to make sure of the quality of ventilation in the bathroom.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the accessory

It should be noted a number of positive features inherent in this type of sanitary ware:

  • The wood bath with its own hands is very environmentally friendly.
  • Durability. If the product is made qualitatively, it will last you for many years.
  • The bath has soothing properties. The wood itself gives off a pleasant fragrance that calms the nerves and helps fight insomnia.
  • Aesthetic component.

It should be noted and a small number of negative features:

  • High price. The price is overestimated due to two factors: the first - such baths are made exclusively to order, the second - the high price of wood as a resource.
  • The bowl is not resistant to mechanical damage and scratches.
  • You need to take care of the cup frequently and carefully. In addition, it should be noted that to care for this surface you need to buy special funds that are not cheap. It is also necessary to frequently impregnate the bath with antiseptics.
  • Bath is designed for a rare and short-lived bathing in her person. Washing animals and washing clothes will have a negative effect on the "living" cover.

Important! In addition to the bath of wood with their own hands, it is recommended to install a shower for frequent use.

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So, you still decided to make such an accessory manually. In this section, we'll show you how to do this, and give you some useful tips for making.

Used tools

For productive work with such material you will need the following items:

  • Boards made of moisture-resistant trees - larch, oak, walnut, but without bark and any knots.
  • Bars of wood of the same breed.
  • Thin lath. One should be the same length as the future bath.
  • Nails.
  • Pencil.
  • Silicone.
  • Angle.
  • Special adhesive for wood.
  • A simple pencil.

Important! The boards will have to be cut to size, so do not forget about the saw and the grinder, because the treated boards should be perfectly smooth.

Instructions for use

In order to start making a bowl, first of all, you need to draw a wooden bath drawing.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to install the accessory close to the wall( the tree should be breathed from all sides).Therefore, the size of the bowl is 20-30 cm less than the width of the room. The ideal option would be if the plumbing takes center stage in the room.

Consider the procedure for manufacturing a rectangular bath:

  1. Cut the boards according to the drawing and gently sand their ends.
  2. Begin assembling the lower part of the bath. The boards must be brought down using cross bars( their step should be no more than 50 cm).It is recommended to make a hole for drainage immediately.
  3. If you can not make a bowl without sides, then they are connected from separate boards. The ends are usually cut at small but identical angles, after which the boards are joined together using a special glue. Next, for greater reliability, close the outside of the bowl with a thin bar.
  4. Attach the sides to the bottom of the bowl and to each other.
  5. Spread the joints between the boards using a sealant and remove excess.
  6. Coat the bath with 2-4 layers of varnish. It is necessary to cover, waiting for a certain time, thus allowing the varnish to completely absorb into the surface.
  7. Install the faucet itself and discharge sewerage.

After some days after applying the varnish, you can make a test set of water in the bowl. The bath is filled with cold water and left for about an hour, watching for possible drips. If suddenly a marriage is discovered, it will be necessary to open the joint, re-apply the sealant, remove its excess quantity and again cover the treated surface with varnish.

Important! In order to complement the interior and make it richer, you can make a sink from a tree with your own hands in a similar way.

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Proper care of the manufactured product

In order for this accessory to serve you for many years to come, we recommend that you take care of it properly. Here are some tips for proper care:

  • After the bath has been used for its intended purpose, it is necessary to remove all water from the bottom and wipe it dry.
  • For cleaning the bath use only special tools for wooden furniture, since the means for cast iron or acrylic sanitary ware are very aggressive and can damage the delicate surface.
  • It is forbidden to bathe animals. Their claws can greatly damage the lacquer coating.

A bath made of natural wood is a product that essentially decorates any bathroom. Moreover, bathing in it greatly improves your health. In this article, you learned how to make a bath of wood and how to properly care for it in the future, prolonging the life of sanitary ware.