- General recommendations
- Under pressure
- Iron
- Professional methods
- Other methods
- Useful advices:
Paper is often creased. Well, if it's a sheet with records, you can rewrite it. And if it is an important document or money, then you can not do without advice how to align a sheet of paper. We will consider all methods, but first we will study general recommendations and the necessary tools and materials.
to the contents ↑General recommendations
When you need to remember how to straighten the paper, the mind most often comes in two versions: under the press or iron. But this is not all the ways.
Depending on the method selected, you may need:
- iron;
- cloth or towel;
- ironing board;
- atomizer;
- pure water;
- ironing board.
First, let's look at the press method in more detail.
to contents ↑Under the press
The essence of the method is that the sheet of paper is smoothed under the weight of the load.
The cargo can be:
- books;
- heavy equipment;
- pieces of furniture;
- sports equipment;
- other heavy items.
How to use:
- To begin with, the paper should be moistened with a little water. Water will help smooth out the damaged areas and soften the paper. It is convenient to do this by spraying water on it from a small spray gun, at a distance of about 40 cm. Another option is to carefully avoid tearing, traversing the sheet with a moistened and wrung soft sponge. To moisten the sheet, you can put on it for a while wet, but not a wet towel.
Important! The quality of water plays a decisive role here. Ordinary tap water contains a lot of impurities that can spoil the paper. But distilled - perfect for this purpose.
- You need to act very carefully, because water can wash out the paint applied to the paper. It is better to spray the water from the back of the paint side of the paper.
- After the sheet is wet, it is straightened by hand and put between two parts of a good absorbent material. This can be blotting, paper napkin without embossing, felt and other options.
- After this procedure, the paper in the absorbent material can be put under the press.
- Next, you need to be patient. Leave the paper for 12 hours, then check its condition. If it is still wet - replace the absorbent with a dry one. For three or four days, even a copiously moistened sheet must dry.
Important! You can not wet the crumpled paper, and put it under the press in dry form. Ideal evenness is not achieved, but the paper just straightens.
to the table of contents ↑Iron
There is another popular method, how to iron the paper - using an iron.
This is a more risky option than drying under the press. Even if you iron the wrinkled sheet under the cloth, the folding places will still remain visible.
When wet paper is treated, folds are removed from the paper before it is ironed, but the ink may fade, or the sheet can not tear after treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to act as carefully as possible.
Important! If the crumpled sheet is a document that is difficult to repair - it's better not to risk it, and first try the method on a small part of it.
The way of using the iron involves several simple steps.
- The crumpled paper should be carefully leveled and covered with a cloth or a towel.
- The iron turns on the minimum temperature for us. Exposure to high temperatures can lead to yellowing or brittle sheets.
- After the appliance has been heated, iron the sheet for one minute with the cloth or towel lying on it.
- Lift the towel, check the result. If the paper is not leveled - it is necessary to slightly increase the temperature and repeat all the actions from the beginning. If the sheet is leveled, but very hot - sprinkle it with clean water from the sprayer and iron it again.
Important! Gently apply water to the dyed paper, as the paint can flow.
The risk of using this option is very great - you can ruin the document forever. Therefore, if you are not sure of the correctness of the actions, it is better to try another method of recovery.
to the contents ↑Professional methods
With high document value it is better not to risk and give it to specialists.
To align a sheet of paper that is of particular value, you can use the services of archivists and restorers. They will help restore even old paper or pictures.
Important! You can find such specialists at museums, in restoration workshops or in a library.
Professional hydration
Water, of course, helps to smooth and restore the paper structure, but professionals know that it can also spoil the document forever. Therefore, before using the methods, how to straighten a sheet of paper with water, it is better to test them on a draft.
Important! A simple but dangerous method is Horton's humidifier. For him, the document is twisted into a tube and placed in a glass or other suitable container, after which the container with paper is put in a closing flask with water poured into it, and cover it with a lid.
The method is very dangerous at home - you can accidentally throw water on paper, or it can get mold. Specialists sometimes impregnate the sheet with special substances against fungi. But if you use them at home, then there is a risk of spoiling not only the document, but also the health.
Professional drying
Drying paper also needs to be tidy, as it can shrink or go in waves. In the case of leveling it under the press, experts recommend that the document be clamped between two absorbent pads in the vice.
Important! Also, professionals use special adhesives during drying, which lose their properties when dried.
to the contents ↑Other methods
Do not forget about emergency measures, how to smooth a piece of paper. If time does not allow you to study, use methods with iron, press or run to specialists, that is, ways to quickly fix the situation:
- You can try to straighten a piece of paper on the edge of the table. With important documents, it is better not to use the method, since they can tear with a strong pressure, but for perfecting crumpled money it will perfectly suit.
- If the original document is not needed so often, then you will get a photocopy. But here it is better to go to a large copy service. The professional equipment will press the document more strongly home, and besides a qualitative copy without traces of creases, it is possible to help a little to level a paper.
Important! If the format allows, there is another interesting way to align the sheet of paper: pass it through the printer without printing on it. This method is possible, if on paper there are no strong creases.
to the contents ↑Useful tips:
- Processing printed text with hot temperatures can cause it to start to melt, and eventually - will stick to the fabric on which it lies. Therefore, heating should be carried out gradually, starting with the lowest temperature.
- Do not forget about the accuracy - before working with the iron, read the recommendations for its use.
- To situations where you have to restore the document as little as possible, simply purchase a convenient plastic folder for papers.
- Remember that the paper is afraid of damp areas and direct sunlight.
Important! Do not use a hairdryer or hair iron to warm the sheet of paper. Such methods are doomed to failure.
Work neatly, and be sure to test the methods before using them on drafts, then the paper does not break exactly and will get a smooth smooth surface.