- Why use curtain tape?
- Types of braid for curtains
- How to sew a curtain tape correctly?
- Definition of length
Even the most simple and budgetary interior can get an unusual charm and attractiveness due to correctly selected beautiful curtains. The most original and practical solution for interior design will be an independent sewing of curtains, which harmoniously fit into the design of your room. In this article we will tell you how to sew a curtain tape, what kinds of accessories exist and what are they used for in general.
to the contents ↑Why use curtain tape?
Curtain accessories are used when sewing curtains for quick and easy creation of drape elements. In appearance, this accessory is a strip of special decorative braid, which contains a string that has been passed in a certain rhythm.
When tightening the laces on the surface of the curtains, even assemblies and wrinkles are formed. Depending on the intensity of the tension with which you decide to sew the curtain tape, you can adjust the size of the assemblies from barely noticeable to the most significant. After creasing the desired depth, you should fix the previously tightened laces. Only in this way will you ensure the stability of the material and the preservation of its shape even after washing.
To date, you can find on sale a wide selection of various curtain ribbons, each of which allows you to give your unique and unique shape to decorative textiles for windows. It is the use of such accessories that significantly simplifies the professional work of seamstresses, as well as give many opportunities for interior designers.
Important! Given the combination of several varieties of curtain tape, you can get an additional opportunity to influence the design of the fabric and give it even the most bizarre appearance.
to the table of contents ↑Varieties of braid for curtains
Having decided to sew a curtain tape, you can create decorative elements of the following types on the fabric surface:
- uniform assemblies of "pencil" type;
- wide bow folds;
- French and Flemish assemblies;
- buffalo folds;
- vertical grouped assemblies.
There are also types of decorative braid for curtains without folds, which is presented by modern manufacturers in the following assortment:
- tapes to hold lifting cords in systems of French, Roman, English and Austrian curtains;
- for creating the kuliska for installing the eaves rod;
- lavender ribbon for fastening curtains to the cornice with concealing of metal rings from an unauthorized sight.
Important! All varieties of braid for curtains can be purchased in a transparent and opaque execution. For dense fabrics, it is preferable to use a stronger nontransparent curtain tape, but transparent versions are best suited for creasing on products made from thin fabrics and curtains.
to the contents ↑How to sew the curtain tape correctly?
Regardless of the type of curtain tape you have chosen, it is sewn to the product according to the following algorithm:
- Align the upper and side sections of the fabric web.
Important! It is easy to do this by pulling 1 thread from the longitudinal and transverse sides. Formed a thin strip and will become a guide for the implementation of the cut.
- Twist the fabric edge twice and iron the side cuts. In this way, you will ensure that the fabric is prepared for further sewing.
- Stitch the tucked edges with a sewing machine.
- Unscrew the upper untreated edge by 3 centimeters and iron.
- Pivot the lateral edges of the braid 1-1.5 cm.
- Fasten the prepared curtain tape on a fabric backing with a distance of 0.5 cm from the top tucked edge. In relation to the lateral surfaces, the braid is attached without an indentation, bent by the edge inwards.
- Sew the tape along the entire length, but during the stitching, make sure that the area of the adjusting lace is not affected.
- Form the folds of the required width on the surface of the curtain and fix the assembly on the sides using strong knots.
Your curtain is ready to be placed on the ledge using special hooks.
Important! Curtain tape should be sewn in case of creases with French or classical drapery. If you want to design curtains in Roman or Japanese style, then there will be no need for such a braid.
to the contents ↑Definition of length
After learning how to sew a ribbon to the curtain, most needlewomen have a logical question: what is the length of the accessory needed for work? To determine the required parameters of the braid, you should determine the folds of what density you are going to create.
Important! The most common creation of a 1: 2 assembly, that is, with a 3 m wide cornice, you need 6 meters of fabric material.
If you want to make curvy curtains of French style, then you should use a fold assembly in the proportion 1: 3.It is compliance with these simple recommendations will help create a truly magnificent and spectacular interior design.
In this article, we shared with you the secrets and subtleties of the use of curtain tape, which will allow any mistress to create with her own hands unique and beautiful curtains for interior design in her own apartment.